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tagged: teddysphotos

Liked by louis91t, taylorswift and 1, 839, 277 others

harrystyles found this old picture today. We were so cute 💚

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gemmastyles oh look at those babies! You were so young back then!

harrysheeran they're so cute 😍

edxharry all time favorite couple 😍❤️

louis91t I'm getting jealous over here
Comment liked by harrystyles and 39, 199 others

larrystylinson first of all, let's talk about how cute Harry looked back then and secondly LOUIS' GETTING JEALOUS 😍❤️
Comment louis91t and 18, 192 others

watermelonsugar @larrystylinson they're so obvious now 😍😍

harrystyles @louis91t no need to get jealous! You're still one of the best friends I've ever had

louibear I love how open Harry and Louis can show their friendship now!
Comment liked by 12, 190 others

teddysharry all those Larries have to back up! Ed and Harry is the otp here!

harrysrainbow Larry is rising!

harryshot the bandana Harry times 😍😍

nouis Larry is rising but our captain is missing... Where's niall?

heartbreakweather #wheresniall

niallsourcaptain #wheresniall

captainniall #wheresniall

nialler I bet Niall is crying somewhere because he's jealous of Louis and Ed
comment liked by captainniall and 32, 191 others

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26. October 2020

we started with a rumor (instagram L. S.)Where stories live. Discover now