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tagged: louis91t

Liked by eleanorcalder, lottietomlinson and 2, 290 488 others

niallhoran I know, that a lot of people started to worry about our friendship recently, but I can assure you, that we're as strong as ever. It's been 5 years now, that I met this lovely fella and I've been stuck by his side since then. Although you seemed to dislike me at the beginning (and you still do sometimes) you were always there for me and handled my hyperactive Irish annoying fangirling arse. Thank you for everything! Happy birthday to you, old man! I love you 💛

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nialler Niall looks so handsome 😏

sxngleforthesummer my OTP 😍 oh shit, I forgot that I've canceled my fanpage 😅

nialler @sxngleforthesummer I'm glad you canceled your fanpage 😏

louibear You were so cute 😍 happy birthday to our king

heartbreakweather @nialler what's going on there with @sxngleforthesummer??? 😏😏

nialler @heartbreakweather Stop seeing things that aren't there. I'm glad, that she changed her page because Larry is the OTP

louis91t @nialler first it's funny, because you're the one who's seeing things that aren't there! Second, stop lying to yourself! I know you like this girl!
comment liked by captainniall and 892, 289 others

niallhoran @louis91t thank you, for exposing me and ignoring my post for your birthday....

captainniall that's friendship goals right there 😍😍

larrystylinson it's our baby's birthday 😍😍 Niall are you proud of your son?
comment liked by heartbreakweather and 387, 190 others

lottietomlinson you were so little! I can't believe it's been 5 years already!

niallhoran @lottietomlinson I can't believe it's been only 5 years! It feels like I've known you all for longer

louis91t Niall, I'm sorry! Thank you from the bottom of my heart 💙 I love you and I'm really glad that you're my best friend! I can't believe it either, that it's been only 5 years, but at the same time I can't believe that it's been already 5 years! Can't wait to see you tonight! xx

niallhoran @louis91t love you x

watermelonsugar ^ that's what you call a friendship, guys 😍😍

harrystyles oh god, my friends are really handsome...
comment liked by louis91t and 989, 289 others

nialler @harrystyles no shit, Sherlock 😏😅

louis91t @harrystyles that's because you're handsome as well 😏

lewiscapaldi Niall, why are we friends? All your friends look like models and then there's me...

capaldisgurl @lewiscapaldi oh no, you're handsome as well 🥺

niallhoran @lewiscapaldi you're the prettiest 💛 and Larry, stop flirting in my comments

harryandlou I love this 😍😅

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24. Dezember 2020


I'm really really sorry, that my updating recently sucks, but I'm really busy with work and moving atm... It's official guys, I'm moving to Berlin and I'm so excited!!!

Where are you guys from?

Thank you for reading and commenting my story. Your comments are the best!
I promise, that I'll update more often soon!

Stay safe and lots of love xx


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