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tagged: harrystyles

Liked by larrystylinson, harryandlou and 893, 299 others

celebnews Harry Styles has been spotted as a Barkeeper in LA last night! People say he started the evening with a bunch of friends on the dance floor, laughing and dancing to oldies. He was dressed up in a banana costume, which he later threw in a corner of the room. He then went behind the bar and served drinks to his friends and other people. Ed Sheeran posted this picture of Harry in his Instagram Story and a video of him making a cocktail. Seems like Styles had a nice evening and celebrated Halloween in his own way.

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nialler rumors say that he was out with Niall and Louis
comment liked by captainniall and 908, 288 others

nouis @nialler as always the first one to comment and as always spilling the hottest tea on earth

louis91t @nialler I'm gonna kill you someday, I swear!
comment liked by nialler and 27, 199 others

larrystylinson @louis91t so is it true then? 😉

celebnews @larrystylinson apparently Harry was out with Niall, Louis, Ed, Liam, Lewis, Shawn and some other people
comment liked by liampayne and 389, 199 others


niallxshawn @mendesarmy I don't think they're particularly friends, but Shawn is friends with Niall, so I guess Niall dragged him with them

limabean @celebnews ohh, they were out with Liam? I miss them being together! They're such a great friendgroup! I mean Niall and Liam used to be so close...

louis91t @limabean to bad Niall has me now

harryimagines Just imagine: you go out on Halloween to celebrate with your friends. You walk through the streets, slightly drunk, to look for a good place to party. You arrive at one of your favorite clubs and immediately go to the bar to order some drinks. The guy behind the bar giggles and slurrs a bit but he looks very cute and familiar. The next morning you wake up to find out the guy who was making your drinks has been Harry Styles. You start to panic and [read more]
comment liked by harrysbae and 389, 189 others

harrysrainbow I've seen pictures of Louis dressed up in a banana costume yesterday! Seems like Harry's costume didn't land in the corner but on Louis body.
comment liked by captainniall and 299, 189 others

louibear @harrysrainbow he must have looked so smol in Harry's big costume 🥺🥺

captainniall I hope Niall was a captain for Halloween!
comment liked by nialler and 389, 198 others

niallhoran @captainniall actually I was a pirate captain

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01. November 2020

we started with a rumor (instagram L. S.)Where stories live. Discover now