Stepping off the plane and the heat heats me, the exposed skin on my arm shivers at the breeze but appreciates the warmth. Tightening the grip on my duffel bag and tabbing onto the hand rail, I begin to descend the steps towards the airport."What time is it!" The little boy behind me dramatically sighed and dragged his ride on- suitcase behind him. I turned around after adjusting my slim strip belonging to my backpack on my shoulder.
"Timmy it's 10.22pm" I announce after looking at the clock upon entering into the baggage claim. As dramatic as ever as we reach the suitcase conveyer belt the six year old slumps onto the fire engine he had dragged himself from the airplane. I ruffled his hair and then looked up at my dad. His brown eyes crusty from the naps we managed on the flight over.
"If these suitcases get out quick enough we could've beaten our record and made it here in 18 hours!" He jokes tiredly and treks away on the hunt for our bags. After the 4 hour travel time to the airport back home and then the almost 15 hour flight here, I'm not surprised everyone is feeling the same way.
"Bethan, have you got any chocolate raisins left?" Timmy looks cautiously from behind his hands and looks at me. I roll my eyes and swing my mini backpack in front of me and unzip it to find all the goodies. I throw him one of the smaller packets which was resting at the bottom of the bag. "Thank you!" He lights up ecstatically and immediately rips the packet open.
"Come get these two, Bethan." I turn around to see the smaller two of our hardback suitcases being pushed towards my dad fights his way back to the carousel. I hauled the suitcases over to our resting place and continued to watch the pile grow.
After all of our suitcases were collected we piled everything back up once again and began the hunt for the taxi to take us to our new home. I had visited the house a few months ago with Dad before any of our stuff was moved in whilst Timmy was staying with our Nan and Grandad. So with the thought of seeing the look on Timmy's face made me skip faster in anticipation.
As we located a big enough van for all of our things we read the address off the back of a boarding pass and sat down for the short journey back.
"11.32pm" I said as dad began to open the door of the taxi as we pulled up at the beautiful white house. So classy. I squealed a little bit and threw a few items into the ground. I watched as the driver assisted Dad with the luggage and I rustled around in my new purse for some money as the boot of the van or - as I was informed earlier- SUV, slammed shut I gave the man the kindest smile I could conjure with the fatigue resting in my face and handed the man the money.
"Keys, keys, keys" dad hummed as he patted his pockets in search. I yet again scrambled in my bag and pulled out a metal key on a long chain. I gave them to Timmy as he had a sudden burst of excitement due to the arrival.
"Doctor Evans, your organisation skills seem to be lacking in the US, maybe we should fly back tomorrow." I joke as I lift as many bags as I could into my arms, a scoff leaves his mouth as he pats me on the back, throwing my balance slightly.
"Come on kiddo, let's get to bed." I dragged myself up the path and hobbled up the new steps with the weight of someone pushing against my hip causing me to groan uncomfortably. We entered the living room and the furniture around us made the feeling a little more like home.
We dropped the bags off in the areas in which they belonged and gave the exhausted Timmy a small tour as we showed him up towards his bed room. But he didn't make it very far because by the time we were half way up the stairs his grip got tighter on my hand and his eyes were shutting. I picked the little boy up and carried him up the rest of the steps. I plugged his night light in as Dad covered him over with the duvet cover. "Night night Timmy." I planted a small kiss on his forehead and slowly scuttled out of the room.
After I was far enough away from Timmy's room I turned my scuttle in to a sort of skip which I surprised myself with considering my head it was actually 7.00 am. The stair case was beautiful and I found myself so lucky in that moment, I grabbed onto the black handle and descended the stairway.
I went to my backpack that I had thrown onto the floor and grabbed the tiny bottle of water from inside. I gulped it down quickly and felt the refreshment through her body. Whislt in my bag I searched for my adapter to plug my phone into charge since I hadn't yet purchased an American charger.
The whole moving across the world thing was planned so that I could sit my exams in the UK before starting my Junior Year in the US. But that meant I had to drop a subject so that I could get out for the beginning of the school year. So whilst all of my friends were out partying and having the best summers of their lives'. I was starting school next week.
"Have you locked the door Bethan?" A voice echoed from the landing above as dad points to the door behind me. I turn on my feet and grab the chain that's hanging from the lock. "Right now that that's all done, I'm off to bed." He says relieved pointing exaggeratedly towards the door at the end of the corridor.
I turn on my feet , switching the lights off, it was a weird switch, and lightly jogged to meet him at the top of the stairs. "Goodnight Dad," I hugged him tight and listened ti the rhythm of his gear beat before we parted into our rooms.
"Goodnight Bethan, I love you." He saluted at me and I returned the gesture and turned the handle to go into my room.
The sweet white was complimented beautifully with the light pink of my new bed and cupboards, it didn't take me long to strip out of my joggers and t shirt and to dive into the freshly made bed. I took one last deep breathe of the sheets and closed my eyes.
Home sweet home. This is going to take some getting used to.

Not Very Stereotypical.
Teen Fiction"Can't you keep up, Jackson?" I smirk lifting up yet another red cup to my lips. The boy wearing a tight fitting polo shirt glanced at me, shrugging away the close air from the intensity of the people outside. He raises his cup towards me, winking a...