Waking up that very Friday morning I was far too excited for the day ahead of me. I swung my legs out of my bed and headed to the bathroom to wash my face. The fresh breeze blowing through the windows, airing upstairs, my freshly washed and straightened hair flew with the cool air.
After sitting in front of my wardrobe for hours trying to decide what to wear and spending many calls on FaceTime with Leighton and Emma from back home, I was told two things. That I was not prepared in anyway for the heat of California and that my outfits were pretty but that I needed to treat myself for the occasion. This being said, Timmy, Nia, Leighton and I all went to the nearest 'mall' after school one day to find something for the first game night of the season.
However during this shopping trip I was informed that because it was the first game of the season it had no theme. Yes, they have themed game days. This meant that the only real reason I had to dress up was for the 'hangout' Noah had asked me on after the game. So deciding simply that another pair of blue denim shorts and a nice white crop top was satisfactory enough for the outfit.
So when I pulled this out of the wardrobe the morning of the game I wasn't as stressed as I would be if I hadn't have decided in advanced. Although the game didn't start until four later that day, that was the part of the day I was looking forward too. Growing up watching American high school sports games on tv I was finally about to be a part of one.
Applying my lipgloss, mascara and jewellery I was ready for breakfast. I trotted down the stairs in my shoes and made my way to the kitchen island where dad had made fried eggs and toast. "Hey Dad." I said sitting down across the table from
Timmy. He smiled at me sweetly as he turned off the hob and sat down it's his coffee mug at the table."Good morning Bethan. I hope you slept well." Timmy said practicing his manners, whilst struggling to keep the crumbs of the crust in his mouth.
"Remember that the game is tonight and Nia doesn't have to pick me up." I say cutting into my toast. Dad nods and continues to drink his coffee.
"What time are you expecting to be back? I don't know how long a lacrosse game lasts." He finally speaks as Timmy starts to gulp his water loudly.
"Neither do I but I doubt it's no longer than a rugby match. Plus I'm going out with some friends after the game anyway. But I'll have a lift so it's cool." I smiled hoping he'd ignore the awkward conversation.
"Okay well I'll be back home by five as usual so I will text Nia to remind her." He smiled, getting up put his plate in the dishwasher - which he'd cleared in record timing.
The morning was slow and peaceful, the drive to school was calming from the rush of excitement I'd been feeling all morning. Driving past the rows of symmetrical houses for blocks we pulled up to the bustling car park just as the full sun had risen completely. Kissing Timmy on the forehead goodbye and waving off Dad I made my way to the entrance to start another day.
The school had a different energy around it today, banners seemed to be brighter and the energy was more upbeat. I wouldn't have guessed the atmosphere change was due to a simple lacrosse game but it was, and it was shocking. The cheerleaders were wearing their warm ups and the members of the team that I'd past were all wearing green shirts with their jersey numbers on the back. It was really a scene plucked out of Hollywood.
After turning the final corner to the set of lockers I was becoming familiar of, I was surprised when I didn't see everyone there but only Gracie and Mitchell. "Morning both." I said coming to stand by the smiley pair.
"Hey Bethan, you excited for the game?" Gracie asked, turning to lean on a locker to look at me. I smiled lightly, shrugging to not sound too keen.
"I am actually yeah, I'm sure it's going to be fun." Mitchell smirked slightly, but Gracie sent him a short glare but that didn't stop him from speaking his mind.
"Speaking of fun, what are you and my boy Noah Getty f up to tonight?" Punching him in the arm quickly, Gracie sent me an apologetic look. I laughed it off, trying to hide the blush that was trying to peep onto my cheeks.
I shuffled my feet awkwardly which was always a bad habit when I needed to answer something important. "I'm not quite sure where we're going or what we're doing he just said we're going somewhere after." I shrugged, really not knowing the answer to his question.
"Well I'm sure it's going to be great. And considering he's missing the teams' meal after, I can't see why it wouldn't be amazing." He exposed. I felt a pang of guilt inside me as he mentions the plans Noah must've changed for me. But in a selfish way, I liked it, it gave me a sort of assurance that he wasn't about to mess around with my time and I felt important.
It was just when Leighton appeared from round the corner with Milly that the bell rang and students started scuttling away for their mornings to begin. Only taking a brief note of the awkward longing look Mitchell and Gracie were engaged in, I walked towards the others and then we began making our way to home room.
"Okay so after math we will all meet by Milly's Jeep to get coffee and whatever before the game, everyone aware of the plan?" Leighton instructs as we sit together in the classroom. I nod and smile, the excitement of the new experience setting in. The feeling was indescribable, but whatever it was, the butterflies in my stomach were partying and my nerve cells were tingling, the nerves and anticipation were killing me. But it was going to be worth it.

Not Very Stereotypical.
Teen Fiction"Can't you keep up, Jackson?" I smirk lifting up yet another red cup to my lips. The boy wearing a tight fitting polo shirt glanced at me, shrugging away the close air from the intensity of the people outside. He raises his cup towards me, winking a...