My back clicked as I rolled over on the floor. My head throbbed but I thanked the lack of hangovers I've always had and screwed my eyes shut tighter, away from the sun creeping threw the window. Wrapping my arms around me tightly, I tangled the soft blanket in between my feet and begged sleep to take me again but with my time difference kicking in my eyes shot open and I sighed in defeat.Clearly feeling a little lost I rubbed my eyes and surveyed the room. Milly's room was painted a peach colour with aesthetic Romanian photos stuck around her mirror and plastic vines draped around her white door. It screamed Italian princess and it was gorgeous. Leighton was laying on the floor next to me, looking peacefully asleep under her hoodie. The gold head board on the queen sized bed held an unslept in bed with the sheets only ruffled due to the absent party dresses sprawled upon them.
I sat up and inspected further, I patted around the back of my waistband to try and find my phone. Locating it I clicked the button to show the time. It was 7 o'clock, which was 3 in the afternoon back home so there was no way I could go back to sleep. Leighton shuffled slightly in her sleep so I stood up and decided to go downstairs and get her water for when she woke up.
Tiptoeing around the heels dropped on the floor, I headed to the door. I turned the gold handle and crept out of the room quietly and tried not to wake her as I left, thankfully their wasn't a squeak so I escaped without making a noise. I lost my footing slightly and almost fell, however I caught myself before falling, I regained my posture and began walking down the stairs with the handrail to assist the awkward dizziness I was experiencing.
Reaching the bottom of the stairs I jumped on the tiled flooring and surprisingly the floors weren't as littered as I thought they'd be with bottles and cups but I headed towards the kitchen, where the smell of left over alcohol was the strongest. The kitchen was still scattered with tumblers and the empty keg was laying on the floor by the bin. I walked around the island in the centre and headed to the huge fridge, opening both doors to assess the situation I scanned the fridge and pulled out a few bottles of water and laid them on the table. I cracked one open and took a sip, flinching slightly not anticipating how cold it was.
"Morning." I jumped as Milly walked in the room, wiping her eyes and slightly stumbling as she came through the door way.
I rolled her a water across the table, "Morning to you too." I leant down on the table and took another sip, popping my hip up to a more comfortable position as I drank. Milly's hair was screwed up in a tight messy bun that looked although she spent an hour in hair and makeup in Hollywood, a true natural beauty. She stood opposite me in a similar position, pulling her hands into her jumper and holding her bottle her eyes suddenly widened.
"That's not my jumper." She looked up at me, squinting slightly. I looked down at what I was wearing and noticed the green hoodie for the first time today. My mind blurred at the memory of where it came from. "That's a boys' jumper." My immediate thought of hearing that was to sniff it, despite not being able to identify the smell I shrugged feeling the warmth the hoodie gave to me I decided to not to complain about it.
Milly pulled her phone out and started swiping through her photos. "Where did Gracie go? I haven't seen her this morning." I shook my head trying to clear it and focus on the night. Milly looked up at me confused trying to figure out the answer herself.
"Oh she will be in the games room upstairs on the beanbag, that's where we find her most of the time." As she says that Leighton walks into the room, with a little bit more life in her than I had originally anticipated. She still hadn't gotten dressed but was holding an disregarded cup and took a sip from it.
"Who do we find where?" She asks pulling a grimacing face at the drink. "Milly your tap water is disgusting." She throws the cup in the direction towards the bin and comes towards me to swipe away one of my water bottles. She jumped up to sit on the counter next to us and began drinking herself.

Not Very Stereotypical.
Teen Fiction"Can't you keep up, Jackson?" I smirk lifting up yet another red cup to my lips. The boy wearing a tight fitting polo shirt glanced at me, shrugging away the close air from the intensity of the people outside. He raises his cup towards me, winking a...