Chapter Four

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Piercing through my ears and into my calm dream, my alarm blared from on its new designated charging spot on top of my chest of drawers. I sat straight up and looked out the as the sun slowly finished rising. I peeled the cover off me and slumped my way over to my phone to turn off the horrible noise.

It wasn't until I was in the shower that I truly realised that I was starting school. Jheez. Avoiding my hair, I turned my body around and gave myself a final rinse before stepping out of the shower to dry. I tip toed across the hallway and slid back into my room in hope that I could let Timmy sleep longer.

I creeped back into my room and sat in front of my mirror to brush and straighten my brown hair. I almost burnt myself a few times because of how jet lagged I was, causing me to be clumsy. I picked out ripped jeans and a cropped t shirt because apparently it's going to be hot today. I haven't, however got many summer clothes so this will be a staple outfit until I get the chance to go shopping.

After assessing my self in the mirror I decided I was definitely going to be the palest one there, making me look like a vampire with piercing blue eyes. I smiled and gave myself the nod of approval, shoving my phone in my back pocket and tip toeing down the stairs. The kitchen seemed vacant so I headed towards the breakfast cupboard to try one of the new cereal flavours.

"Morning Mrs First Day of School!" Dad trotted down the stairs and flicked the switch on the his new machine to make a coffee. They don't have kettles in America. The bags under his eyes seemed to have faded away with the sleep and have been over shadowed by his new work suit.

"Good morning Mr First Day of Cutting Up People!" I retorted, he laughed turning to the fridge for milk.

"If we're getting things totally correct then I have to inform you that I have already done a surgery on the introduction a month back, Beth." I rolled my eyes and applauded, taking the last mouthful of the pure sugar. "Timmy will be down in 5 and after he's had breakfast we can leave." I decided to check through my school bag for the essentials, we pretty much bought all of the stuff from home, I definitely hadn't got it all but I couldn't be bothered to think about that.

I sent out a text to my friends back home and told them to wish me luck as I was soon about to leave. In response I got lazy thumbs up from an extremely tired Emma and a big paragraph filled with "luck and hugs" from Abi. Smiling subconsciously, I went to the fridge and put my drink in my bag. Let me go already. I hated waiting so when I heard Timmy come down the stairs, a sigh of relieve left me.

"Have you seen your bed head, Squirt?" I teased him as he walked past me, making sure to ruffle his hair further. Turning on his heels, he glared at me before stomping away to struggle to reach his chair by the island.

It seemed to take hours for Timmy to finish his breakfast, but by the time the bowl was in the sink I grabbed my bag and headed for the car. 7:14am. Opening the door on the left, I planned on sitting down by was interrupted by a steering wheel. Godsake America. Rolling my eyes I walked back round the car and sunk into the front seat of the car and waited for the others to join me. It felt wrong on the right side, ironically.

It didn't take long for us to get to school, considering the traffic being some of the heaviest I've ever seen. We pulled up at the drop off section and I looked over at Dad, he nodded. "You're not letting me go in there alone are you?" He sighed, putting on the strongest smile he could and raising his hand to rest it on my shoulder.

"Look Beth, you know I would but I've got Timmy and I don't want to leave him in here alone, you know what he's like." Turning our heads to look at the boy grinning widely, waving like a clown. "And it's illegal B. You'll be fine, go find the office and be a grown up."

"Yes Bee, go and be a big girl now." Timmy chuckled but swiftly proceeded to close his mouth and look out of the window when I glared at him from the front seat. I tried giving Dad one last look to persuade him, failing in my effort to do so. Giving up, I opened the door and dragged my bag to follow me.

"You got this, have fun, love you." He waves me away as I storm towards the door, the car park isn't too busy considering but I shook my hand towards the car and didn't wait to watch the car reverse away.

I brushed off the nerves and put my exterior on and closed my eyes briefly before ascending the steps to enter the school. The big yellow stoned building seemed to cover acres of land and the statues of various animals outside screamed American culture.

Reaching the top of the steps I pushed through the grey doors and saw the bustle inside, teens all over, raiding freshly packed lockers and comparing the tan shade they achieved over Summer. I looked to the right and saw another grey door with a sign hung above it reading "The Office". Here goes nothing.

A middle aged women sat behind the desk tapping away at the computer with others in a room built even further behind her. She looked up at the opening of the door and I was greeted with a smile, it shocked me because I was expecting some rude and irritated old lady, so I relaxed a bit.

"Hey, umm I'm Bethan Evans, it's my first day." She smiled again, dropping the glasses down on her make up caked face.

"Hi Bethan, I'm Mrs Peters. Did you receive our pack in the mail?" I nodded reminiscing the talk through the mornings with Dad. "And do you have it with you today?" I shrugged and shook my head.

"No sorry, I didn't think I needed it." She nods and brushes the air with her hand. She turns to her computer and begins typing.

"That's okay I'll print you off a map and your schedule now, do you know which your grade your in Miss Evans?" I sighed and flicked the loose piece of string with my thumb.

"Junior is it? I think that's it, yes, Junior." Starting off weary she nods her head and continues typing.

"That's sounds about right, dont you worry I found you on the system. 11th grade coming from Britain, Bethan Evans a junior. Let me get these printed out then I'll take you to your home room." I let out a sigh of relief as she twirls in her chair and slides towards the giant printer to get my papers.

As she stands up and makes her way over to me a piercing bell rings through my ears causing me to shudder slightly, the deep groan of the rattling metal hummed as we walked out of the office into an emptying corridor.

"Let's go and by the way welcome to West Shore High School, I'm sure you'll fit in just fine."

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