Pulling up to her house, cars were parked alongside the road and music could be heard thumping inside. Milly's house was a lot bigger than I had expected, even though I'd only been here for a short amount of time I knew the area was known for beach views and the private playing field resting behind the row of white houses. It was beautiful.Leighton turned the music down in the car and pulled into the driveway to park the jeep outside the garage before we got inside. Looking at the lit up door way you can see Milly and Gracie waiting outside as other party-goers rush inside. A beaming smile appears on Gracie's face as we hopped out of the car and made our way over to them. "Hey!" They both greeted pulling me into a hug, Gracie was wearing her hair down with a stunning burgundy dress wrapped around her and Milly was wearing a yellow and lavender top and a skinny fitting skirt.
The girls turned on their feet and turned into the door to see a bright wooden staircase and a bright chandelier dropped in the middle of the welcoming room. Bustling around the relaxing room, people I roughly recognised from my classes were all laughing and dancing with each other as the night begins. Being dragged by the arm wrapped around me by Leighton we entered the kitchen, the busiest area so far and pushed our way to the table lined with bottles and a barrel of beer.
Chanting of boys could be heard from the other side of the room and you could see a chugging contest had already started. Milly opened a draw a pulled out a plastic champagne glass and filled it with some type of liquid at the table and passed it to Leighton whilst she handed the rest of us the classic red tumbler cups. Looking at her confused she answered, "I stay classy when partying Beth." I nodded, drinking from my cup and identifying the liquid as some sort of diluted gin.
Placing the empty cup back in the table, I turn to look at the girls who looked like they'd just seen a ghost. Feeling smug when I realised they were looking at me I smiled sheepishly and began to pour myself another drink before we moved anywhere else. "I'm from Britain. We sesh in year 7 nowadays."
I grabbed my cup and turned to face them in order to see the confused faces at the foreign language I was seemingly speaking. "Oh Bethan you're going to run this place dry aren't you?" Gracie said lifting her pinky up from her cup.
Lifting my cup towards her, I winked. "I'll try my hardest." They laughed and walked me through the crowd into the living room where the main of the party was set up. Mitchell could be seen wearing a tight fitting top and his new captain band around his arm. He was there next to one of the big speakers with a couple of other players I recognised off the field, all patting him congratulations and taking sips of their drinks.
"What do you think Bethan?" Milly asked looking at me, breaking my thoughts.
"Sorry?" I said. She laughed and ruffled her hair before looking at me again.
"Leighton recons it'll be an hour before you're demanding a song change!" She shouts over the music that's playing, it was a remix of some slower song that I'd never heard of.
"She's probably not wrong. This is rubbish." I teased, the girls laughed and all demanded that I had to dance to Atleast one of their songs played tonight. "Let me go say congratulations to Mitchell then I'll meet you back in the kitchen for another drink." They all nodded and turned around to make their way back into the kitchen as I made my way towards the lacrosse captain.
He looked up at me and his face immediately softens as he recognised me . I go to introduce myself, "I'm B-"
"Bethan." He cuts me off. "You're Milly's British friend of course I know you." His tan skin lets out a glow as his smile seems to get wider as he talks. "You've been quite the hit on the field." He lowered his voice and chuckled, the band on his arm expanding as his arm tenses at the laughter.
"Well what can I say, it's the accent." I find myself pulling the cup to my lips and taking a sip before he says anything else. You can see the resemblance between him and Milly all over, the bone structure and hair colour are all so similar. "Well I just came to congratulate you on getting captain and for letting me come here tonight."
Mitchell sighed and raised his cup to me. "Thank you." He looked around, "and it's no problem. Milly's friends are around here all the time. Plus it wouldn't just have been her to kill me if I said no." I felt my brows furrow as the words left his mouth. But before I could question it I heard a voice coming from behind me.
"Mitchell! You said announcement was at 8 right?" The voice was smooth and as the room seemed to heat up the voice seemed to get closer. I didn't turn around but the look on Mitchell's face said it all, he smirked shyly as the figure got pushed into me, causing me to trip slightly in my heels.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry-" Our eyes finally met and the subtle blue seemed familiar as I stood up straighter next to Mitchell looking at the boy in front of me.
"Noah this is Bethan, Milly's new friend." Mitchell introduced, slightly hovering his cup in my direction as he does so, with a wicked smile on his face.
Noah nods and not so subtly eyes me up and down. "And Bethan this is Noah Jackson, my best friend." I gulp on a drink I didn't even know I had left in my mouth and told myself to stop panicking and act normal.
"Nice to meet you." I said watching the hair on his head move under his fingers. He offers out a hand for me to shake and I take the opportunity, his skin warm in mine and a grip light enough to still show off his biceps.
"Are you crashing here tonight?" Mitchell asks, making me drop Noah's hand and look back up at him.
"Not sure really depends how smashed I get." I could feel Noah laugh with me as his gaze lay resting on me. I took another drink from the cup for affect but realised that I was out so would have to fill up again soon.
"Well after I announce co-captain that's when the fun will really start. You'll have to come and play a game of beer pong with us." I nodded in agreement before he spoke up again. "I'm sure Noah would like to take you on."
I chocked at his words and could tell that a blush rose on my face. Noah managed to play it off cool and nudged his friend before he said anything. "Well we all know I'm up for a challenge. Especially one including beer." As his eyes moved to meet mine again I couldn't help but smile as an eruption of butterflies moved throughout my body.
Before making some stupid mistake in front of the most attractive guy I had ever met, I had to leave and find Leighton to tell her everything. "I'm going to get a refill and find the girls." I lift up my empty cup for emphasise and begin to back away.
"We'll see you later though, right?" Noah's voice shocked me, it was shyer and more gently than before but got his point across quickly.
I nodded, glancing briefly at Mitchell who was also drinking from his cup. "I'm sure you'll see me around." And with a last look at Noah's sculpted face, I turned around and shuffled my way through the growing number of people to find my way to the kitchen.

Not Very Stereotypical.
Fiksi Remaja"Can't you keep up, Jackson?" I smirk lifting up yet another red cup to my lips. The boy wearing a tight fitting polo shirt glanced at me, shrugging away the close air from the intensity of the people outside. He raises his cup towards me, winking a...