After being alone with Noah for a few hours I was actually glad to get into a group to finish our night together. (Basically, I wanted to update the girls.) The rain was still spitting on the windshield as Noah pulled around into the car park of the diner. It was bustling with students and lacrosse players
Just as I reached for the door, Noah squeezed my hand and stopped me in my tracks. Turning to face his concerned face he asked, "Are you sure you're okay chilling with them? We can go round the drive thru if you're not up for it." I smiled at him and let his face rest with my reassurance.
"No its fine, I can't be the one to keep tou away from your friends after your big win." I laughed pushing his shoulder with mine. Watching his eyes as they travelled towards our hands again. His bright smile lighting up the car as the headlights switched off along with the ignition.
I watched as his opened the car door and assessed the rain with his hands, pulling a grimacing face he looked back in the warm car at me. "It's not cold but there is still a bit of rain coming down. Do you want my warm up jacket or are you okay?" He offered, his hands in front of him waiting in the silence as my mind raced for an answer.
I'd worn one of his hoodies before but walking into a busy diner with his lacrosse team and half of the junior class was a very forward way of announcing something that wasn't official. Of course during these painful seconds my mind was overthinking every scenario possible I matter which I chose and with time ticking I got frustrated at my own decision making.
"I can just run the 100 metres." I said, pointing towards the door of the neon lit diner.
Laughing almost hysterically, Noah questioned me again "are you sure about that?" With his quirked eyebrow and smirk settling on his face I knew I had to prove him wrong. He was the one I compete with. Whether it be drinking, running or just at life in general, Noah got under my skin in a way that made me have to prove him wrong.
"Yes I'm sure about that." I said mocking him as I opened the large door and started to jog towards the door whilst the little drops of rain hit my cheeks. Hearing the car door slam and the lights flash from the lock, I stopped as I reached the glass door to turn and see Noah who squeaked a stop with his wet trainers. Reaching for the door handle, Noah stood inches away from me looking down at me. Confused my eyebrow furrowed as Noah's hand rested on my cheek to wipe away a rain drop. My heart was beating a mile a minute and Noah screwed up his nose sweetly and opened the door for me.
Trying to settle my stomach after the close call seconds earlier I took in my surroundings. Plucked straight out of an early 2000s teen film, the diner was active with energy from the high school match. Booths were full of locals, eating out of plastic trays lined with paper filling and the red counter was labelled with lights brighter than I had ever seen. It was although my vision had upgraded to HD. Seeing along the window tables, the large group of green were eating and being loud in general. Spotting Leighton's bright blonde hair from a mile away I saw he typing frantically across the table to Gracie who was also now looking in my direction. Milly was however slurping from a large disposable cup, waving right at me as the bell on the door rang as we entered.
Noah walked closer to me as we made our way to the counter. "Noah Jackson, heard you played great earlier." The blonde lady with a bob complimented as we reached the counter. Her southern accent and bright pink lipstick complimented her pale skin tone and slowly wrinkling fingertips.
"Hell yeah we did Sandie!" He shouted, giving her a high five over the counter. She smiled, clearly loving her job on nights like these. Her smile didn't fade as she pulled out her notepad from the front of her black apron.
"Okay so what can I get you and this young lady tonight? The usual?" She questioned, raising her thin eyebrow towards him. Noah nodded and laughed looking at me before bending on the counter, levelling our heights slightly.
"Yes please Sandie. This is Bethan by the way she's new around here." She stopped tapping Noah's food order through the old cash register and looked up at me.
"Ah yes. The one from England, heard some of the players chatting about your little date earlier." She extended her hand for me to shake as she raised her brow towards the group of school boys who she had her information from earlier.
"Aha yes that's me." I said not bothering to correct her about where I was actually from. But I took the kind lady's offer and shook her hand as I spotted Noah still looking up at me from his resting spot on the counter.
Sandie finished tapping in Noah's order and asked me for mine. "I'll just have a fries and a water please." I smiled gratefully, listening to my rumbling stomach. In the corner of my eyes I saw Noah's eyes pull together in confusion and then he stood up straight again and looked back at the blonde lady.
"Umm no make that a chicken nugget meal and a cheeseburger with cheesy fries and a large chocolate milkshake." He interrupted, changing my order as he began to pull out his wallet from his higher pocket.
"Why?" I asked giving him a small smile. Handing over a green note to Sandie as the register popped open, he licked his lips quickly then looked back at me.
"Because I know damn well you need to eat more than that." He said looking me up and down with a wide grin on my face. I rolled my eyes at his classic smooth ways but decided on pouting and looking at him first.
"But why wouldn't you let me pay for it all?" I asked as he took the change from Sandie with an eyebrow lift to say thank you.
"Because I'm nice." He said dropping the coins he had just had in change in the giant glass jar labelled 'tip$'.
"More like stubborn." I retorted, looking back at Sandie who gave me the paper receipt. Noah mocked me and began stepping away from the counter towards the big table of people.
"I'll get one of the guys to bring it round." Sandie said throwing me a wink as I waved at her before following in suit to sit next to Leighton and Milly.

Not Very Stereotypical.
Teen Fiction"Can't you keep up, Jackson?" I smirk lifting up yet another red cup to my lips. The boy wearing a tight fitting polo shirt glanced at me, shrugging away the close air from the intensity of the people outside. He raises his cup towards me, winking a...