Chapter Eighteen

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The party ended earlier than expected and the night's air warmed as the majority of the people headed home and left only a few people remaining. After the beer pong game ended, which we won by the way- Milly is actually an incredible shot, the girls all decided that due to the limited amount of people left at the party, that they would change into their pyjamas and remove any makeup that had survived through the many songs they had screamed during the night.

I didn't think that far ahead so whilst the others dressed into comfortably t-shirts and joggers I remained in my dress and took of my eye make up- making me look much like a raccoon with the dark circles of mascara rimmed around my eyes. This did make the colour of my eyes pop nice though. "Are you sure you don't want to borrow something to chill in until later?" Milly asked just before she opened the bedroom door.

Dismissing her by shaking my head I reassured her, "Don't worry about me I'll be boiling in this heat anyway." She sighed beginning to stumble along back down the stairs.

They decided to sit back outside, with the lights in the pool and the fairy lights to let us see. Leighton took a seat on a sun lounger, using her oversized hoodie to hide her bare face in. Milly lay next to her close her eyes in attempt to numb the headache she had been complaining about since the game ended. I just took a seat on the grass next to them, beginning to create a circle for us to sit in.

"Drink up idiots." Gracie came out from the kitchen with water bottles under her arms and fell next to me, careful not to spill anything from the two cups she had in her hands. Cheers-ing before sipping we finished our night with a final drink while the others started on the water, however the peace didn't last long.

Staggering from out the big doors, Mitchell and Noah came out laughing holding a bottle of beer each into the light of the pool. They had also changed into something more comfortable, Mitchell in sport joggers instead of his jeans and Noah layering a green hoodie onto his polo shirt.

Groaning at the sudden noise, Milly shot up from her fetal position and glared at her brother, silencing him quickly before he made another noise. They both sat next to Gracie and I on the floor, completing our circle.

"So Bethan how was your first party in the USA?" Gracie predictably broke into song as she asked the question and smiled proudly at herself.

I nodded, finishing the last cup she had given me. "It wasn't awful, more games than we'd have for sure but your music choices are still shocking." I ran my hands through my hair and wiggled up to cross my legs.

"I'm still offended that you've been saying that all night. It was my playlist half the time!" Mitchell said offended, shuffling closer to Gracie as he scratched his leg. I shrugged laughing it off as Milly sat up slowly and began talking slowly.

"Is everyone else gone?" She asked looking at her brother through squinted eyes.

"Of what I could see yeah. I locked the door anyway so we can crash whenever." He took a sip of his beer, leaning up straight with his other arm lifting him up and moving it so it's resting on the ground next to Gracie. Milly lay back down dramatically and tucked her knees into her sweatshirt.

Gracie perked up and said, "shut up you're boring me. Please talk about something more interesting." Catching a hint of Leighton's usual sarcasm in her tone Mitchell snapped his mouth shut and the rippling of the pool filled the silence. "Anyway at least Kate didn't turn up tonight otherwise I might've had to swing for her."

"Guaranteed she would've worn a red dress shorter than my attention span." Noah and Mitchell both chuckled from their position but Gracie's eyes shot towards me and even Leighton popped her head up onto the arm rest of the chair, glaring at me in warning.

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