Applying another layer of aloe-vera to my shoulders, I let my wet hair loose to dangle on my back before going back to applying my makeup. We had gotten back from our sit in at the ice cream shop about an hour before and I had decided to take a shower and start party prep early. There was a little burn forming on my shoulders so I changed my outfit accordingly, from an off the shoulder baby blue dress to my second choice.I started to sing along to my speaker as the steam from the bathroom filtered out into the corridor from my shower, leading up to the chorus I begin belting out the lyrics whilst using my blending brush as a pretend microphone. "Bethan!" Ruining my rock star moment, I turned down the music on my phone and shouted back at the voice. "Dinner's ready!" Despite it being early, Dad decided to cook dinner for me before I left- something he insisted on doing before letting me go anywhere near a party. Setting down my brush and pushing up onto my feet I tightened the loose pyjamas I threw on and started to skip down the stairs.
The air conditioning sweeping through my legs as I sat down made me comfortable to eat the hot food placed down in front of me. Even though it was only chicken nuggets, Dad was proud enough of himself to make a serving for himself to, tucking in with a "bon appetite."
As I start chewing, Dad looks up at me and takes a drink of his water. "So who exactly is going to this party anyway? And where is it?" Taking a glace at the inquisitive look resting on his bright red face, I answer.
"It's at Milly's house, about 4 miles the other side of the school apparently and I've been told the whole of the junior class is going, well mainly the lacrosse team because its Mitchell, Milly's twin brother, who's throwing the party because he has just made captain an he wants to celebrate." I take a deep breathe after my ramble and take another bite of my nuggets whist watching Dad take in all the information.
"So is Leighton going to? And the other girl um, Grace?" Taking anther bite of his food, he continues his questioning.
"Gracie," I correct "and yes she's coming to pick me up at about 7." I glanced up at the clock it was 4:35pm, so I had plenty of time to get ready.After getting grilled for a little longer, I washed up my bowl and began to make my way back up the stairs, but got stopped mid way as Timmy had now got Dad's stethoscope round his neck and had a play knife in his hand looking mournfully at Mr Ducky, who was resting on a paper towel on the step next to him. "What's wrong with him Doctor Timmy?" I asked, playing along.
Timmy unwrapped the stethoscope and handed it to me, inferring I put it on. "I think he's got water stuck in his airway." Not questioning his knowledge I stick the ear buds into my ears and pull the end up towards the rubber duck's chest. Why was I expecting to hear something when it was literally a duck? A rubber duck.
"I think you're right. You planning on taking him into surgery straight away?" I gave him back the stethoscope and looked at him picking back up his knife. He nodded, adjusting the dinosaur badge he had stuck onto his chest.
"We'll have to start it right away for him to survive." I watch him as he places the plastic toy knife to the duck's chest as it exhales one last cry of help. Feeling a burst of energy come through my body as an idea pops into my head I shout and stop the surgery.
"I've got a better idea!" I pick up Mr Ducky, much to Timmy initially reluctance, and squeeze him together letting a dribble of water squirt towards Timmy's face. He flaps at the shock and tries to wipe the water off his forehead with the retired surgery table. "See he feels much better now, don't you Mr Ducky?" Nodding the head of the duck to make another, more energy filled quack, I smiled offering him back to Timmy who didn't look as impressed with my 'water extraction' as I skipped past him to climb up the stairs.
Finishing off my makeup then putting on my dress I decide on curling over my natural waves slightly before showering myself in my vanilla and sea salt body spray. Finishing off the look with lip gloss and a wink in the mirror, I felt confident enough to walk down the stairs to grab my party heels which have become a necessity to most events. I checked my phone and started scrolling online and updating back home with pictures of my first party in the USA. Miley Cyrus eat your heart out.
After getting the oddly suspicious look of approval from Dad, he gave me the thumbs up and told me to go and say goodnight to Timmy before Leighton arrived. Kissing him lightly on his forehead as he sat on the bar chair eating his dinner.
A knock at the door made us both turn on our feet, me rushing to beat Dad to open the door before he could embarrass me, causing my night to kick off in a bad way. Just managing to bump him out of the way soon enough, I grabbed the door handle and opened it to see Leighton stood there kicking her heels against a small stone on the door mat.
She gave me a smile, radiating her pearly white teeth which seemed to be the perfect accessory to finish off her sparkling white skirt and matching bandeau top- she was dressed up enough but not too fancy, she'd nailed it. Clicking her glossed lips together she started to speak. "Ready to go? I stole Milly's Jeep to pick you up because Gracie's having dress drama."
I glanced at Dad who had hidden behind the door who had been peeping at my new friend through the door crack. He smiled to reveal himself slightly round the corner. "Hi," he said as dopey as ever, "I'm Bethan's dad. You must be Leighton." He stick his hand out and took Leighton's perfectly manicured hand into his to shake.
"It's lovely to meet you Mr Evans." That's when Timmy hopped off his chair and clearly wanted an introduction too.
"And I'm Timmy. Bethan's little brother." He also stuck his hand out for Leighton to shake, and although he was covered in tomato sauce she found a way to shake his hand too.
"Hello Timmy, I love your name!" She knelt down slightly as she spoke and allowed Timmy to smile widely at her compliment.
"Well I love your dress. It's very sparkly." Before she could thank him for the return statement of kindness, he ran back away to the kitchen to finish his dinner.
She laughed it off and stood up straight before she pointed back to the car. "Should we go?" She said, I nodded turning to dad to get a kiss on the cheek and a wave before I left.
Closing the door behind me I followed Leighton to the jeep that seemingly matched perfect with her outfit. The two door white truck looked like it was plucked straight off of a teen magazine cover and was nothing like a 16 year old would have back home. She hopped in the drivers seat, almost confusing me in the process and sorted out the tassels on her skirt before we set off. "I love that colour on you." She said peering at my dress before turning on the car.
After my sun burnt shoulder moment I had chosen to change into a baby pink two piece with a lace neck which seemed to cover most of the red and I had only ever worn it once at a Christmas party last year. It's probably the last time I'd be dressing up for a while, so I pushed the boat out for the occasion.
"Let's get this party started!" She reversed out of the the driveway and turned up the music and started the drive to Milly's house.

Not Very Stereotypical.
Teen Fiction"Can't you keep up, Jackson?" I smirk lifting up yet another red cup to my lips. The boy wearing a tight fitting polo shirt glanced at me, shrugging away the close air from the intensity of the people outside. He raises his cup towards me, winking a...