Chapter Twenty Eight

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With my hand tucked securely under his resting on the gear stick, I payed little notice to the passing scenery but my eyes were laid on Noah. His eyes flicked towards me when I stared for a moment too long, so I swung my head quickly towards the window and watched as the dark clouds set into place over the sun setting sky.

Gripping my hand as he shifted gear, the car slowed down and he spun the wheel into a car park. "Are we here?" I asked, slightly impatient, but clearly filled with anticipation. A raspy laugh left his mouth as he pulled into a parking spot.

He turned his face towards me and tested his beautiful blue eyes on me for a moment. "Yes." He answered, still looking at me in captivation. "We are here." I squealed slightly but didn't move my hands from u see his in order to clap them in childish excitement.

Looking around the car park I saw little to no other cars but the bouncing reflection of traffic and car lights from the main road. I tried squinting out of the slightly steamed up window but failed in all efforts. "Come on." He grinned, flicking his head towards his door as a way to tell me to get out.

I swung open my door, being careful not to hit a car that could've been parked next door. I jumped out of the tall truck on to the gravel, making sure my phone didn't bounce out of my back pocket as I landed. Taking a deep breath and listening in, it became obvious to where we were. I chuckled to myself and walked towards the front of the truck where Noah was waiting, smiling down at me.

"I know what you're thinking he says." Beginning to walk backwards towards the stone wall ahead of us. "We're coming here tomorrow." He mimics in a girly, awful British accent which I could help but giggle at. "But," he pauses, waiting for me to catch him up to the wall, "this is the best place to come at the start of a rainstorm."

He jumped up onto the wall and offered me his hand for assistance. Ignoring it and jumping up on my own I smirked, looking out at the gusty sea, blowing larger waves than usual. Looking out to the distance, the sun was just about in view between the thunder clouds that had rolled over the city.

"What do you think?" He whispered, waiting for me to say something as I had been silent since the reveal of the location he'd taken me. Looking back towards him and away from the lapping sea, his face begged for approval but was failing to be covered up by his usual masculinity.

Ignoring his question, I jumped off of the wall and down onto the sand. Smiling widely, "You coming?" I teased and began jogging further out onto the nearly deserted beach. I laughed loudly as I heard him beginning to run along the sand behind me. Reaching at the end of the shore at the same time, I tried to catch my breath- whilst trying not to look like the most unfit person in the world. Failing, I leant over to try and catch my breath and began staring at the waves nipping at my shoes.

Feeling his touch on my waist made my head perk up, lifting my body to look at him in confusion. "You catch your breath quicker when you're stood up straight." He teased, winking down at me playfully. I grumbled and looked back at him again, his eyes seeming like the only source of light I was receiving .

"Have you always played lacrosse?" I asked as I began walking along the shoreline, finally getting my breath back fro the mere 100 metre race.

"Only since middle school. I was always a little surfer before then." He shrugged, placing his hands in his pockets. "I only really started it when I met Mitchell after he moved here that I played it seriously. What about you? Did you have a thing back in Britain?" He said, clearly very uneducated about my home country.

"I used to play netball a bit but that was only when we had to choose a sport in school." He agreed, asking me more about school before the move. "I finished all of my exams and am now qualified to get any basic job I want over there."

"Why did you move from England anyway Bethan? Your life seems so worked out over there." I chuckled, him really not knowing the half of it.

"Dad came over to be a private surgeon. You pay a hell of a lot more over here than we do for healthcare so it was honestly the best decision financially, despite us doing fine back home. He just likes the adventure."

"What about your mom? What did she think of the big move?" Thinking of my mum, my head dropped to the floor without command, in that moment I noticed that I hadn't told anyone about the situation I had with her and I hadn't really planned to because of how silly it was,m. However in this moment, it felt right I felt like I could share it and no harm would come from it, I could trust him.

"She didn't want kids." I admitted and Noah audibly gulped, "She was never really involved with me because she never wanted a family. My mum loved my dad with every part of her but she never planned on sharing him with anyone let alone a child or two. She was pro life, so abortions weren't an option and Dad always wanted kids so I just grew up with Dad without calling her Mum. She loved him and didn't want to share. This meant that she lived in my house with Dad but I wasn't claimed as her daughter. So when accident number two, Timmy happened she couldn't bare to raise another kid the way she did with me so she left."

"I'm so sorry." He said and stopped in his tracks, looking down at me. "I didn't mean to bring it up, I didn't know." He pleaded, clearly very ashamed of himself.

"No no it's okay. She was selfish, she gave Dad money for awhile but when he could raise us both with the income after medical school we didn't need to speak with her ever again." I smiled, realising that she was rather evil. We had left it all on good terms but I guess I was too immature back then to realise how hard it must've been for Dad.

"You didn't have to tell me all that you know." Noah said, lifting my chin to look at him with his finger.

"I know. But I guess I needed to rant about it after all." I chuckled, feeling his finger moved down from my chin to around my neck.

We walked along the beach for about another hour, learning more about each other and talking until I thought my voice had gone. It was just as we had turned back around at the end of the stretch of small coves when the first spit of rain came down and landed on my cheek. The rock pools began filling with water more violently as the rain began to beat harder. "Hop on my back, I don't want your shoes to get wet!" Noah shouted as he turned around, bending down slightly.

Doing as instructed. I leapt onto his back and wrapped my arms and around his neck as he ran across the beach and through the puddles filling on the soggy sand. I did feel quite bad but I simply giggled at the way his shoes started squeaking by the time we reached the car.

"Thanks for the lift." I said as we hid under the little shelter of the boot door. "My shoes appreciate you." He laughed at me, peeling away the white fabric from his front where the rain had attached his shirt to him. Realising I had also been wearing a white shirt I quickly turned around, facing away from him to make sure my t shirt hadn't soaked through either.

"Why don't you hop back in the front and put the heat on while I change out of this wet mess." Shifting my hair from one side of my shoulder to another I nodded, smiling at him as he looked down at me.

Heading towards the front door, I was stopped in my tracks as he yelled, "Other side!" Realising my amateur mistake, I blushed , turning back and crossing paths with him and his slightly smug smile  to go back around the car to get into the other side.

Sitting in the car and blasting the heaters of I rough dried my hair and cleared the windows of steam, letting me see out of the window and in the wind mirror. Managing to gain a sneaky look at Noah's toned back muscles as he changed into his game jersey, I sat secretly chuffed by myself for not staring.

"You hungry?" He asked hopping back in the front of truck, lower wing it slightly further to the floor. I nodded, knowing that I definitely needed some type of food to feed the butterflies erupting in my stomach at the sight of his wet hair.

As he rolled out of the parking lot, he took my hand in his again and held the gear stick as we made our way to the diner.

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