Chapter Two

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I woke up to the sun shining brightly through the pathetic veil like fabric shielding the window. Irritated, I rolled my body away from the light and opened my eye slightly to see the interior of the rest of my bed room. My eyes landed on a clock 8:01 am. Ugh. My brains managed to get into time zone much better than I had expected but that doesn't make me feel good.

Irritated, I pulled my pastel cover over my arms and rolled around to a comfortable position to open both eyes. On the floor the clothes I peeled off myself from yesterday lay screwed up on the floor next to my bags. Although the furniture placed around the room could make it seemed finished, today was the day for finishing touches. The drawers were empty and the walls were bare with places ready for photos to be stuck. Then, it could feel almost like home. Groaning, I sunk back into my bed and hid my head from the sun.

"Bethan! Bethan! You did not tell me this place had a swimming pool!" Bursting into my room with energy I haven't witnessed in a long time, Timmy game pouncing onto my bed with his blue swimming trunks on. How he found them in amongst all his bags baffled me.  

"Timmy, it's still early- the water is going to be cold. We'll have breakfast and then you can go into the pool." I sighed as I sat up in my bed stretching dramatically trying to push him off the bed.

"But Dad told me that you have to come downstairs to see it with me now," he pleaded, dragging on to the last word to make it as annoying as possible. "Please." He pouts holding up a yellow rubber duck that I didn't notice before. I squirmed into my bed knowing he's got his way and as Timmy notices my movement the duck gets squished , quacking unenthusiastically. Feeling's mutual, Mr Duck.

When I pull the covers off my legs the air doesn't send morning chills through my body, the air is actually surprisingly warm. I walk towards a bag and pull out the first t shirt I find along with yesterday's joggers which will suit me just fine for a chilled day unpacking. I examine my hair as I leave the room in the mirror behind the door. Yikes. I tuck ruffle the brunette hair around and decide to throw it in a bun before dragging myself down the stairs.

By the time I reach the kitchen, I'm engulfed in the smell of toast as the only real food we had in the house was bread. I just hoped I didn't have to eat it dry because, that's gross. Sitting down at the table, Timmy was already digging into his toast, clearly eager to go outside and Dad was pulling another two pieces of toast out of the toaster and placing them on the plate.

"Morning!" I yelled diverting my path towards the charging point I plugged my phone into miscellaneously last night. The screen lit up with notifications of missed calls and text messages off my friends who clearly were not aware of a time difference... of 8 hours.

Tapping at the screen to see pictures of me and my friends being posted on social media and receiving good luck messages for the mood. Damn, I'm emotional. After replying to some I slip my phone back into my pocket and walk into the kitchen where I could reply to some more.

"Toast?" The question is asked but then answered by the two slices of buttered toast being slid in front of me on a plate. I looked up and smiled as Dad sat opposite me, next to Timmy who is covering himself in crumbs as he 'eats' his breakfast. "So I've got the final papers for you for tomorrow." I groaned, pulling on my phone in one hand and biting into my toast with the other.

"Could I just not go? Because, hear me out,  less than a week ago I sat my exams back home and I haven't had an actual summer and well ... please." I fought showing off my best puppy eyes.

"They only work for me!" Timmy spat, exclaiming that my pleading wouldn't work. I shot him a glare and he sent me a smug smile back.

"Beth, we've talked about this. It was either leave after summer and you be the weird British girl walking in half way through the year," he pauses and looks at me "plus Timmy wanted to come here as soon as he heard about a plane ride."

Nodding proudly, Timmy leans back and mouths widely at me "I'm the favourite." With the smile spreading crossing further along his face, I rolled my eyes.

Completely ignoring the smug boy behind him, Dad carries on his speech "But seriously B, you'll thank me for this, it should make your starting easier. They're might even be another new student there." I sighed, peeling the last crust away from my mouth and dropping it onto my plate.

"Fine, tell me then." I give up, because deep down I know the complaining are just the nerves frustratingly rising throughout my body. But in reality, I knew Dad knew that too. He does a dramatic fist pump and lifts a piece of paper from the end of the table, which somehow already looked a mess.

"Starting time at West Shore High," comedically, the terrible American accent comes out as he exaggerates the information, "7:30 am for 'home room'- basically tutor time, I think," he holds his hands up making me aware he is about as aware of how this whole thing is going to work as me.

"Then you'll be coming home at 2:15pm, I'll be sending a car for you and Timmy because he's out at half two, okay?" I nod and stick out my tongue at the crumb covered boy who seems to be planning his escape towards the pool door.

"Okay so I'm needing to sleep at about 7 tonight to be able to actual be alive to get there at that time looking presentable."  I plan ahead my time schedule for the morning and picture the outfit I have to wear because there's no uniform. One perk of the US I guess. Am sure to get bored of that soon.

"Pool time!" A squeal scared me from behind my seat and I leapt towards the table in fright. Reluctantly, I got up from my seat and ran towards the retreating boy and chased him outside into the small garden area and into the pool making a splash as he went. Success.

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