Chapter Eight

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"She asked the class for a rubber!" Milly screamed as she ran on the bright grass towards the bleachers with the familiar figures of Leighton and Gracie who seem to be sunbathing or something.

"Bethan asked everyone in Miss Smith's class if they had a rubber!" I dropped my heavy bag into my arms and fastened my legs to catch up with her, my crop too flying dangerously high on a few occasions.

"You don't have to scream it! I don't want everyone knowing!" I go to swing my bag at her but she grabs onto the pole and shoots up the metal steps, clunking her feet as she goes.

As we approached the half way point of the metal staircase the racket caused the girls to sit up and look at us both panting horribly as we slowed down our arrival. "She asked Miss Smith-" I launched my bag round towards her and squealed as it made impact on her knee. "Ow!"

"You promised!" I pointed at her, frowning and peeling my eyes. She shuffled slightly before tossing her backpack into the pile the girls had accumulated by their feet. Gracie lifted her sunglasses off her face and looked at us both, amused and confused.

"If it's about your eraser incident then don't bother, we've already heard about it, Summer May already asked me if I knew you and when I said yes she told me about that whole fiasco." Leighton perks up as she lifts her water bottle to her mouth.

"You're kidding me." I groan as I flop onto the cold metal seating. "First I'm the new bloody British girl and now I'm the girl who asks for condoms in the middle of English!" Gracie covers her mouth and chuckles.

"That's actually hilarious though, anyone else would've cried and ran away. You stayed put and didn't even cry." She proudly said before she pulled out her phone to tap on. "Atleast you get to hang with all of us this lunch, it would suck if you were stuck here all alone with Milly while we cheered."

A hurt gasp left Milly's mouth as she threw a fake punch from the bench below her. Gracie simply ignored the action by sticking her tongue out and looking between Leighton and I.

"However today, little miss Britain, you're able to join us in our favourite activity of the new year." Leighton kicked her feet onto the seating in front of us. I looked around and assessed the girls' faces. Milly has started eating an apple and Gracie had her hands resting together and her fingers twiddling against each other wickedly.

"I'm scared." I turned back to Leighton and looked at her. She chuckled and turned her attention towards the field in front of her.

"Don't be... the show's about to start." The field began to fill with a group of boys in mix matched jerseys with some sort of body protection underneath them. Some of them were wearing helmets and the majority of them were holding long poles with a miniature net on the end, at the time I'd never seen anything like it. "Welcome to lacrosse team tryouts!"

A few more people began to file onto the grandstand as lunchtime continued. A whistle got blown by a tall man wearing a baseball cap and an obnoxiously bright blue shirt and the players seemed to swarm around him quickly. "Okay so give me the basics." I said as I mimicked Leighton's actions I'm placing my feet on the seating in front of me.

"Light brown hair, 11 on jersey. He is a no go- that's Milly's brother, Mitchell. However blonde in the grey is Dylan, hot bod, dumb brain." She looks at me and with seriousness in her eyes. "Depends what you're into really." I rolled my eyes as I went to reply sarcastically.

It was clear to see that Jersey 11, Mitchell, was a joker. Every opportunity he got we was either play fighting with someone at the back of the group or doing stupid dances behind the coach's back. I could see the resemblance between them, the piercing green eyes you could see from a mile away and the olive skin tone compliments the curly hair dishevelled on the top of his head. "Ugh I can't watch this clown anymore, I'm going to get coffee. Anyone want one?" Gracie raised her hand faster than lightning could hit in a storm and she even decided to tap her feet like a toddler to emphasise her enthusiasm. Milly stood up and grabbed her bag, pulling car keys from out of her pocket as she began to move.

"Want anything Bethan? Leighton?" I shook my head, still dumbfounded at the idea she could just drive away from school whenever she wanted. Leighton also shook her head, shaking the water bottle she'd been drinking from simply. "I'm going to get you a surprise Bethan, you have no say in the matter because well you have not tried anything yet." I hung my head and watched the girl simply trot down the stairs without letting me get another word in.

Gracie places her sunglasses back on and leant back in order for the sun to hit her at a better angle. Or something like that. Leighton continues to chug from her water bottle and watch over the boys when we heard a shout from the field.

"Mill Mill, are you friends with that new British Chick then?" The question came from her brother who was stood next to a few of his friends while the other boys on the pitch started to play. Milly's hip shrunk as she stood with a confident posture just metres away from the boys.

She caused her keys to jangle as she shrugged dramatically as she answered "Yeah she's sweet. But she has a name though and I'm sure everyone here would much rather you use that than anything else." Suddenly the eyes of the group came shooting towards me and my body tried to dive into the seats but my brain forced me not too, so I sat there and let them look at me.

"Okay you're all creeps, now look away boys." Leighton shouted, causing a few more heads to turn our way. She waved her hand dismissively flipping them off at the end too. I smiled gratefully, despite knowing full well that if I was back home I would've said something a lot sooner and a lot harsher.

"Come on now Mill, tell your friend to settle down, we were only curious." Mitchell jabbed his stick into the grass and continued to stare at his sister. Milly stood her ground in the unofficial sibling staring contest until she finally huffed out of it.

"You don't get coffee." She points at him roughly then begins to storm away. Mitchell audible groans and throws his hands up in the air, almost whacking the boy to his left with the stick in the process. I claimed it as a victory for the girls, I didn't know what we quite won but I decided it was worth a high five from both Gracie and Leighton.

We all laughed as one and turned our attention back towards the field. All the boys were now jogging around the field throwing a little ball at each other, keeping my eyes on the pitch I asked "So what are they going to do? Just kinda practice around and get chosen if they're good?" I laughed realising how stupid I sounded "I do know how tryouts work but is it any different or not?" Gracie dropped her sunglasses again and turned towards me about to burst in hysterics.

"Girl, I have no clue what your school was like but you're the hottest uneducated-about-sports girl I've ever met!" She swishes her hair behind her and starts to pull it up into a ponytail.

"I know about sports but we don't have lacrosse back home." I pouted feeling slightly insulted but I got complimented so I hyped myself back up. "Besides how am I meant to choose my favourite if they're all wearing helmets!" Leighton's face lit up with a smile and she held her hand out for Gracie to high five.

"She's like one of us already!" Gracie coos holding her arms over her chest like a proud mother. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

" I can't tell if we've ruined her or whether she was born to be our friend!" Leighton smiled opening her arms out for a hug and I got squished amongst the locks of blonde curly hair and slightly tangled her gold necklace.

I looked back up towards the field to carry on watching the game, boys running all over the place to try and throw a little ball about. Comical at some points but Leighton was right, it was attractive. Not long after Milly disappeared to get coffee she seemed to reappear at the bottom of the stairs holding a tray of colourful drinks in her hand. Gracie dropped the cereal bar she'd been munching on down to fall on top of the bunch of bags and managed to leap over the chairs in front of her and sprinted towards Milly. The girl really likes her coffee.

Impressed by the speed of the exit, I didn't even notice that  the boys had been let off the field to have a drink break. I understand the attraction of watching now.

I don't quite know how loud I said it at the time but the way I exclaimed when I saw him, was definitely not anything like an American.

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