The sun shone through the car window as we pulled up into the driveway. I was exhausted to say the least. Timmy and I got picked up by a woman called Nia, who told us she'd be picking us up everyday and was also able to take us out to eat and cook dinner for us if we ever needed her to."Okay, you guys sure you're alright for tonight?" She poked her head out of her window and shook her hand in a weary motion before we answered.
"I think we'll be good today, thank you. We're still fully stocked from the shop Dad did yesterday so we're all okay I think." The jangle of her jewellery on her wrist paused as she stuck her thumb up to us.
"If you're sure then I'll see you guys tomorrow." I smiled gratefully as Timmy began to skip towards the door.
"Yes were sure, thank you and nice meeting you, Nia." Timmy waved before impatiently pushing against the locked door. However I ignored him and watched the polite woman reverse out of the drive way. As she began to accelerate away she honked the horn and waved one last time before she drove away completely. She's lovely.
As I unlocked the door Timmy pushed under my arms and dropped his bag as soon as he could, continuing his run towards the kitchen. I followed him shortly, dropping my bag and entering the kitchen in a similar style. I headed straight towards the drawer we filled with snacks from home, craving decent chocolate after the first day. Timmy was already scramming from the biscuit tin on the floor when he began speaking, "I don't know why you said no, you're cooking is horrible."
Crumbs were spat over the floor as he insulted me. So I decided to retaliate on a level he could relate to. Filling my mouth with my chosen chocolate bar, I made sure to sound revolting while I spoke. "Maybe you should cook for yourself then you little master chef." He giggled at the retort and lay down on the tilings.
Swallowing what was left of the chocolate bar I had in my mouth, I began to reach towards the biscuit tin Timmy had in between his feet. "But I'm serious surprised you've Magner to stay out of that pool for long. Why don't you go get dressed and you can have a paddle while I cook your horrible tea."
At the mention of the pool, he shot up from his horizontal position and opened his eyes wide so he could assess my face for any trace of a lie. But as he saw that I was clearly not lying, he took advantage of the afternoon sun and shot upstairs to get dressed. It took me by surprised, because I wouldn't have been shocked if he just jumped into the pool fully clothed, but I was relieved to say the least.
I decided to start doing the simple chores first to get them out of the way before I could relax, thankful I wasn't given any homework on the first day, I started by picking the bags up from the floor and putting them on the pegs behind the door and then emptied the rubbish from lunch out of both of them. After doing other meaningless things like sanitising the kitchen island and I even swept around the pool for a while.
It was only when I started to search the fridge for something to cook when I actually checked the time on my phone. 3:01. Deciding it was far to early to begin cooking tea so I therefore decided to get changed and sit next to the pool and begin catching up on tanning- that I clearly missed out on.
I changed into one of my only swimming costumes and lay outside in the heat whilst Timmy splashed around in the pool. This was the moment I used to check my phone. The messages from home continued to be delivered during the day, yet I only managed to reply to them now. I gave a brief update to the group chat and then went onto sort through all of my friend requests on different platforms that Milly missed earlier in class. I instantly recognised Leighton, Gracie and Milly from the list and added them back too, I didn't want everyone following me on one of my more private profiles at first, so I decided to stop there.
When I next checked the time it was a little later, 3:39. Dad wasn't due home till around half 5 tonight so I decided to kill some time by watching a film that I downloaded to for the flight but just didn't have time to watch. Pressing play and increasing the volume to drown out the noise of Timmy squealing at Mr Duck's Olympic dives into the pool.
As I felt my skin begin to tingle with burn later on, I decided it was time to start cooking dinner. After a while of debating what to make, I simply started boiling some water and make spaghetti bolognaise. Simple, squeak.
It was when I was a filling a cup of water up when I noticed how the swimming costume really helped me catch the sun and showed how red my arms really were, I hoped it would crisp into a tan overnight like it would usually, get knowing my luck from the day I just had, I suspected I'd look like a walking wotsit tomorrow.
Adding the final ingredients into the pan, I turned to notice my phone lighting up with a notification, so naturally I went and looked at it but was interrupted as Dad came marching through the door, happy as Larry.
"Good Evening Miss Evans!" He makes me jump as he drops his briefcase-type bag to the floor. "I see you've drowned your brother and attempted to cook yet again," I roll my eyes at his exaggerated accent and wait for him to continue "if only it was the cooking I was lying about instead."
I gave him a round of applause as he sat down on the island I press the silver button on the coffee machine to make him a coffee. "How very mature father." I twirled on my feet and sat down on the bar stool opposite him as the water began to froth out of the sleek machine.
"Only joking, how was the first day? I see you survived." He took off his blazer and placed it on the chair next to him.
"Good to be fair, got asked whether I had met the queen and watched lacrosse tryouts at lunch." I nodded and spun the phone on the table as I spoke.
"I'm hoping you watched them with some friends and not on your own like Billy No-Mates." I laughed at him, but was no louder than the splash of Timmy leaping into the pool yet again.
"Actually I was kind of kidnapped by some girls." I reminisce them dragging me down the corridor early on and a smile grew on my lips. "They were the ones who suggested the entertainment for lunch, so." I stuck my tongue at him and watched him react.
Be smiled before getting up to reach his mug with fresh coffee in, "Well I'm very proud of you B, considering at many points this morning I did think I'd have to drag you out of the car with Timmy carrying your things."
I imagined the scenario clearly and quivered at the thought of it happening. I'd usually crave that sort of attention but on a first day, I think I'd vomit if it were to happen. But before I could picture anything similar again, Timmy came into the kitchen with his towel draped over him.
"I'm hungry, is there anything for me to eat yet?" The shrivelled boy was a pale pink shade and was wrinkled like a new born baby, he completely dismissed the fact that Dad was home and was clearly only thinking about his stomach. Thankfully, to save us from the anger Timmy was about to erupt with if he wasn't fed, the alarm went off on my phone to tell me that the food was ready to eat.

Not Very Stereotypical.
Teen Fiction"Can't you keep up, Jackson?" I smirk lifting up yet another red cup to my lips. The boy wearing a tight fitting polo shirt glanced at me, shrugging away the close air from the intensity of the people outside. He raises his cup towards me, winking a...