Chapter Thirteen

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"What's the plan for lunch today then girls?" Milly asked as I walked out from maths towards them. Gracie sighed and gave her a look which even seemed obvious to me. "Okay after we get Gracie coffee what's the plan?"

She bounced on her heels and gripped her folder tight around her chest whilst clapping to show her excitement. Leighton linked my arm and we started walking away from class. "I say we get food then go creep on the new lacrosse captain." She exclaimed, dodging the opening lockers on either side of the corridor.

"Ugh that means we have to buy Mitchell coffee too." Milly moaned as we walked through another set of double doors. We were met by a busy rush of students sat round tables and lining up for food- clearly the canteen. "Does anyone actually want to be in here because I truly hate it."

I shake my head, with all eyes turning to me- indicating that I was actually the only reason we were all in here. "No, I got stuff from home." I see Gracie sigh a reluctant breath as she turns around,  Milly followed quickly dodging the stream of pupils rushing to get food. Joining them promptly, Leighton and I followed behind trying not to get separated in the ambush at the double doors again.

"Straight out to the bleachers then is it?" Leighton asks the girls wen we are reunited with them by a water fountain at the opposite side of the corridor. Gracie begins to pout slightly and Milly squeezes the books she's holding to her chest- noticing the obvious Leighton decided to rephrase her question, "Okay, you two go get coffee and me and Bethan will go outside and we will regroup later on."

That seemed to make the girls happy so they skipped away, keys in hand heading towards the coveted Jeep I had heard so much about.  As Leighton and I walked towards the field she told me about how Gracie's cheerleading practice was starting tomorrow and how she still hadn't decided whether she wanted to go back for another year or not and she rambled about her decision until we walked through yet another set of double doors.

"But before I forget and don't shut up again, what are you wearing to the party? I'm going to wear one of my baby blue set because its not a big enough party to bring out one of my white dresses- yet its your first party so I feel like I do need to dress up. There's so much to decide on already!" Slightly contradicting herself with the early mention of not shutting up, the excessive amounts of the word 'like' in the sentence made it difficult to keep up at first.

"Don't feel the need to dress up just for me, but I already know hat it will be far to hot for a jeans and a nice top moment so will have to go for a dress." Reaching the stair case for the bleachers, we stepped up round the corner to start reaching the spot we sat in yesterday.

We collapsed dramatically as we sat onto the tingly metal of the benches, we continued to gossip about the upcoming party and let me know all the information I needed to know. She told me that it was Mitchell who was holding the party to celebrate becoming lacrosse captain in order for him too announce his chosen co-captain. And the reason Leighton only told me about it the night before? It's because Milly was only made aware of it last night when her mum announced a weekend business trip of which she was being accompanied by their dad- so she discovered her twin's plan that way.

Leighton took a bite out of her cereal bar, "so the whole team is going to be there and by no doubt I'm sure Gracie invited the whole cheer team." I took a sip of my water and let the thought settle in.  I was about to have my first party in America- where the legal drinking age was not 18, but 21 would that make it better or worse? Of course that's what I was worried about, not the fact that police would more likely be all over the party and the fact I'd only know a small amount of people actually going there.

"You're not nervous are you? Don't worry if you are we'll be with you the entire night." Leighton nudges me slightly as she folders her wrapper up and puts it in her bag to dispose of later. I laughed her off and shoved her slightly harder in order to stop the faint sense of teasing in her voice. "I'm just kidding but seriously if you want one of us to come round and pick you up before hand or you need a place to stay after, you can crash in Milly's like we all do." She was sweet with the offer and so I smiled yet I wasn't going to warn her about how crazy I have been known to get whilst under the influence. This was going to be fun.

It wasn't long after Leighton and I finished snacking that the boys came out and started their practice on the field. Beginning with a warm up of a few laps around the freshly cut field and then they began running drills, going up against a teammate in goal and practising new passes and game plays. I couldn't really identify the people who had been let go and who hadn't made the team but I did notice the upbeat energy the team seemed to carry throughout, probably excited about the party.

Leighton lay down slightly and squinted her eyes shut at the rays of the sun beating down on us. "Why do you watch the boys?" I asked her, leaning back slightly too.

"Milly always liked to make sure Mitchell fit in Freshman year so we joined her and we're here most days when they have practice now. Simply because its a nice place to sit and we've got the entertainment of very attractive boys to watch." She giggles at her explanation despite the sweet start.

Just as I was about to say something Milly and Gracie appeared at the bottom of the steps and came skipping up both with hands filled with cups of colourful drinks. Milly reached us first, dumping her bag on the pile and resting the 3 cups she was holding down onto the bench. Gracie then caught up, still a straw hanging in her mouth as she also dropped onto the bench, clearly out of breath from the energetic run up the steps. "OMG how did I forget to give this to Mitchell on the way up."

Jumping back onto her feet, Gracie took the beige drink from Milly an started to run back down the steps shouting, "I'll take it!" when she was near enough at the bottom of the steps. Shaking her head, Milly turned to me and presented me with a drink . It was another cold one yet this one is identical to the one I had seen Gracie with multiple times before. A pink drink with slices of strawberries and other fruits floating on the froth.

All I eyes watched the interaction on the field as Gracie shouts "Mitchell!" And points dramatically to the cup she places in the bench by his bag. "Your coffee is here!" He smiles and waves, jogging away from his circle of friends he runs up to Gracie and takes the drink off the bench and takes a sip as they speak indistinguishably to each other, the occasional burst of laughter or neck scratch to break up the conversation.

Milly adjusted her position next to me and took a slurp of her drink and turned to me as I pushed down a strawberry with my straw. "He just pointed at you." With a mouth full of coffee I turned my head towards her and my eyes in the direction she was looking.

"He did. Mitchell pointed at you and asked Gracie something." I sighed, secretly hoping for the attention being off a certain other boy on the field.

"It's just going to be  another new girl claim from someone more than likely." I rolled my eyes and smiled back towards the field as a Gracie and Mitchell finished their flirty conversation- which the others seemed oblivious to.

With a huge grin on her face, Gracie did eventually skip back up the steps towards us. Milly has already finished her drink and so had Gracie, so they both places then back in the cardboard tray and sat back down. The girls looked at her with anticipation as I also looked intrigued before she speaks.

Clearly about to say something else, Gracie opens her mouth to speak but obviously changes her topic as she notices the looks she's getting. "Ha- okay what?" Leighton's look turned harder as Milly spoke up to solve her confusion.

"Why did Mitchell point at Bethan?" She spike like it was the simplest thing in the world.

Crossing her legs and turning towards us all she spoke again. "Oh that! Noah apparently asked whether or not you were coming to the party." My eyes bulged hugely and a light flush hit my skin. Leighton gasped and shook my arm, clearly excited for me and so did Milly, she tapped her feet on the loud metal- causing a few people to give us looks, including some off the field.

"Bethan this is mega." Leighton said seriously. "You have to dress hot."

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