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Friday the 31st of October. Americans do it better. They don't care what others think nothing else on the minds of teens other than Kate's Halloween party.
Apparently the event occurred annually and was where everyone from our school went after 10. Gracie was never too keen for the idea but because she started drinking at Milly's plenty of hours early- she wasn't opposed to the idea.
After the hours of preparation Leighton insisted on during the week of homecoming I couldn't picture it getting much worse. But somehow she spent hours trying to get us all the best outfits. Deciding against the idea of a group outfit, we were all coordinated but not matching.
Black and white was the theme Leighton picked and I was pretty much convinced that white was one of the only colours in her wardrobe. Part of me was reluctant when I saw the black angel wings and latex bodysuit left on my bed one day after school, but I was more than prepared to be basic if that didn't mean standing out too much for my first year.Now it goes without saying Timmy and I were going trick or treating before I left for the party. So after smudging what seemed like too much black eyeshadow under my eyes and adjusting my black halo and wings, I went and collected Timmy from downstairs. He was dressed in all black, matching to me in that way, however his beanie was lined with reflective lights- so if there was a car on the streets, his beanie will reflect the light.
"Are you ready to go Bethan?" He said shaking his empty bucket, which was also lined with reflective stickers. I nodded and went to hold his hand before we left. Quickly rejecting my hand in disgust, he moved away from me, rolling on the ground and behind the sofa. He was a spy, if I didn't say already.
"Fine I'm going to get all the sweets on my own then." I teased, walking towards the door making my boots echo throughout the house.
"No don't do that, you're mean! Daddy, Bethan's being a meanie again!" Timmy scrambled off the floor and ran towards the door, shouting loudly. Dad simply laughed from his spot on the kitchen table.
"I'll see you both back at 8!" He said, waving yet another cup of coffee in the air to wave us off. Laughing to myself, I headed for the door and turned the know to open it. "Oh wait wait, we have to get a photo of you." From the sudden realisation, Dad shot up immediately and was fumbling with his phone camera and started snapping pictures of the two of us.
As we left the house the autumn chill lay upon my arms, proud of my decision to put thick leggings on, we made our way to the next house, weaving around the pumpkins and cobwebs laying around the pavements.
Not long after we'd lapped around the street, Timmy looked up at me. "Do you like it here?" He asked, an innocent gleam in his sugar filled eyes.
Nodding, I answered him. "Yeah I think I do. Of course I miss home but I like it here. Do you?" I asked, popping a gummy eyeball into my mouth.
"Of course I do! Look at all these new sweets!" He said, changing his tune. "Sometimes I miss Ben and Oliver but I like the pool do it makes up for it."
I chuckled, "We will go and visit soon but we've got school to do havent we? So we will go in the summer or something."
Making our way back up the path to our next home, Timmy asks "Will Noah come with us too?"
My eyes bulged and I was shocked, I couldn't tell whether which answer he was hoping for. "We will have to see I guess." I answered.
"I like Noah. He brings Mr Ducky friends." I giggled, reminiscing all the times Noah would come and pick me up and leave Timmy with a new rubber duck. One time, I remembered, he left Timmy a batman duck after I told him that's what we watched the night before. He was thoughtful.

Not Very Stereotypical.
Teen Fiction"Can't you keep up, Jackson?" I smirk lifting up yet another red cup to my lips. The boy wearing a tight fitting polo shirt glanced at me, shrugging away the close air from the intensity of the people outside. He raises his cup towards me, winking a...