After having an extremely confusing morning, I was relieved to see Milly waiting for me outside of class to walk with me to English. "Okay but some boy turned around to me and asked if I met the bloody queen. Like I'm sorry, I'm glad you're so caught up with our monarchy but is that a seriously a realistic question to ask me?"She laughs at my outburst as I leave the classroom, she wraps her arm around my shoulder- almost punching a smaller kid in the process and said, "Oh Bethan, you're like, what does Gracie say, oh- trending! Yeah all I've been asked in first two is where you were from and everything. It's been crazy, honestly." I smacked my forehead with my hand and turned towards Milly again. "Have you seen your phone recently? I bet you've got millions of notifications, being the gorgeous new girl from England."
Although what she said wasn't strictly true, I wasn't about to argue so I just sighed again. "I haven't actually looked yet- saving it for a special moment." I said sarcastically as I almost get squished by a huge guy running away from someone possibly taller.
"Okay so we're a bit early so when we get into class I'll scoop out your phone and see who we do and definitely don't want on there." I nodded and walked closer to her patterned jumper as the crowds thicken. "How do you feel about fish and chips then, if you don't like tea?" I chuckled as she entered into a classroom.
"I do like fish and chips, but like only once in a while." She clapped as I finally gave in to one of her stereotypes. I looked towards her in hope she gave me guidance on whether or not we could sit wherever we wanted again and she answered simply by sitting down on the first chair by the door and looked at the one next to her, instructing me to sit down.
Almost missing the chair, I sat down and threw my phone onto her desk as I pulled yet another new book out of my bag to start writing in.
"Damn girl you got almost all of the soccer team following you already and of course all of the junior cheerleaders too, thanks to Gracie I'm sure." I looked over her shoulder to see the list of notifications on my home page, there was definitely a lot of people on there but a text message caught my eye.
"Oh let me see that one!" She turned her phone towards me to take from out of her hand. I unlocked my phone and read the message. 'Miss you Beth, don't get lost too many times and DON'T replace us! - Em x'
I smiled proudly, my friends at home will forever be my friends and anyone I gain over here would always be an extra blessing. "Friends from home?" Milly asked sweetly as she wrote the date in the second area of a 5 subject notebook. That's a smarter idea.
"Yeah, just wishing me luck and telling me not to get lost. Despite her getting that wrong when I tried to go to the toilet during history..." Milly laughed unexpectedly and just hung her head low whilst the teacher began the lesson.
I didn't have to do any of the awkward introduction in any of my lessons that day. None of the "who are you, where have you come from and tell us a bit about yourself." I was very relieved to say the least. I saved myself from the embarrassment for one day. Well.. about that.
"I'm so happy I wrote that in pencil, that sounded awful." I said to Milly as I began digging through my pencil case to rub out my work.
"I don't understand how you couldn't write a simple paragraph in your own language. Literally. How can you suck so bad?" Milly laughed as she clicked her pen to stop writing.
"I'm actually really good at English thank you very much, it's one of the only exams I'm actually predicted an A in so shush. Also you speak it too!" She pointed at me about to argue my point.
"Actually we speak American-English so it's not actually the same." Thinking she said something clever she lifted her chin up and placed a fake snobby look over her face.
"Yet in 'English Class' you still write using American-English spelling and vocabulary." Ew I sounded so posh, shut up. I caught her in that one so she closed her eyes and stuck her tongue out at me.
"Everything okay over their Miss Evans?" The red head teacher asked, wiping down the non-existent dust from her polka dot dress.
I dived deeper into my pencil case and looked back at her "Yeah I'm all okay. Actually has anyone got a rubber I could borrow?"
A deep blush set upon Miss Smith's face and Milly's eyes widened vigorously beside me and the class turned towards me, some in deep shock about my words and others in hysterics. I had never been so confused in my life.
"To rub out my pencil? Did I get something wrong?" I quietened myself as I turned towards Milly for reassurance who had recently become rather rosy too. She put a hand on her forehead and turned towards me.
"You just asked if anyone had a condom." As the realisation hit me I squirmed in my seat to hide from the moment but managing to fail massively. "The word you're looking for around here is an eraser."
"That's definitely not what I meant." I pleaded when Miss Smith started walking slowly towards me, the look in her eyes were a mixture of pity and embarrassment.
She stops her heels from clicking as she stands in front of me, cussing her arms she looks down at me and says, "you're lucky I teach English." It's still American-English. I decided not to voice my thoughts and stay quite and wait for her to walk away for me to die of embarrassment on my own. So I rested my head on my arms and prayed I disappeared
You didn't quite die or disappear, though. I told myself as I practically sprinted out of the classroom as the irritatingly loud bell rang throughout the school. Milly struggled to keep up with me as I dove towards the line of lockers opposite the door.
"We are never to speak about that ever again." I threaten as she looks at me comically. "I mean sure, usually I would've just stuck with it and saw if anyone had any but my body immediately stopped me from talking after, well that."
"I'm sorry but that was the funniest thing that has ever happened in that class. I'm telling Leighton- she will die!" She grabs her chest dramatically and started laughing, slowly beginning to step away from the room. "Come on let's go find them."
I moaned as she grabbed my wrist and began dragging me down the corridor filled with hungry teens racing to get their lunch. Eventually, simply gave in to the feeling of stupidity and followed the lead of Milly as the rumbles in my stomach grew louder by the step.

Not Very Stereotypical.
Teen Fiction"Can't you keep up, Jackson?" I smirk lifting up yet another red cup to my lips. The boy wearing a tight fitting polo shirt glanced at me, shrugging away the close air from the intensity of the people outside. He raises his cup towards me, winking a...