The sun started to set a few hours after Timmy left. Gracie almost went with him after he decided to boast about his inflatable collection in the pool back home. I however was rather glad to see the back of him as after I had fallen in the sea too many times, he decided that burying my entire bottom half and turning me into a mermaid was a good idea- although I must admit all the blame could not lie with him as his new partner in crime did come up with the idea.
Tucking my arms further into my jumper I shuffled around on one of the surfboards we had set up around the campfire Mitchell and Sam had made whilst Milly and I went marshmallow shopping.
Watching as Gracie's third attempt at a fluffy marshmallow plops into the fire, her frustration curls onto her face as she pouts dramatically. Laughing at her, I turned my attention back to the crispy cloud darkening on the stick I was holding. "Okay, never have I ever." Leighton said curling her legs closer to her chest and taking another bite of her s'more.
"Yes." Gracie said, throwing her stick into the fire, causing the spark to bounce up at me. Rolling my eyes I start doing surgery on the chocolate and digestive type of biscuit that I'd laid in between myself and Noah on the board.
"Okay then, never have I ever-" Noah started, looking puzzling through the fire.
"Hidden a relationship from my best friend and twin sister." Milly giggled, lying on her towel. She kept her eyes close as the smirk grew largely on her face. The rest of the groups eyes shot right towards Mitchell and Gracie, who were both caught like rabbits in headlights who were still seriously attempting to look confused.
Deciding to laugh along with us, the pair looked like fools- clearly still holding out on their oh so obvious secret. "I don't get why you're looking at me." Gracie burst, not being bale to handle the looks she was receiving anymore. Trying his best to quieten her down without causing more of a scene, Mitchell looked at her, a hard glare in his eyes.
"Gracie come on, its out just tell her." He whispered loudly, a proud smile he'd clearly been holding in for awhile leaving his face. Turning to punch his best friend, Noah reached towards Mitchell and punched their fists against each others. Milly sat up and glared towards the two laughing boys, silencing them instantly which caused Leighton to choke a laugh.
"Look I don't care about it just if either of you cry about the other don't expect me to choose sides." Milly revealed as she started kicking the sand lightly towards the fire pit. Still sulking slightly, Gracie moved towards Mitchell, tucking into his shoulder lightly being the quietest she's been in months. Mitchell looked down at Gracie and smiled sincerely as he clearly understood that she wasn't in the mood for speaking.
"See Gracie I told you she wouldn't kill you." Mitchell said into Gracie's hair who's puppy eyes were now closed in an attempt to ignore the incoming of guilt being pressed upon her.
"Okay I'm sorry for not telling you but I just felt too bad and well I just-" Sighing to end her stuttering Gracie lifted her head off of Mitchells shoulder and looked pitifully towards her best friend.
"You know what you will be sorry." Milly yelled, laughing evilly- standing up and launching at Gracie who had leapt up off her feet and jumped up and over Mitchell and ran towards the sea away from Milly who was still chasing her down the beach.
Giggling away to herself, Leighton swallows her final mouthful of marshmallow and gets up and onto her feet. "Why would you hide it from us Mitch?" She said shaking off some sand off her feet, " I use 'hide' lightly considering it barely took me a week to figure out something had changed between the two of you." Leighton smirked to herself and began to step away from the circle slightly.

Not Very Stereotypical.
Teen Fiction"Can't you keep up, Jackson?" I smirk lifting up yet another red cup to my lips. The boy wearing a tight fitting polo shirt glanced at me, shrugging away the close air from the intensity of the people outside. He raises his cup towards me, winking a...