Promposals. That's what Leighton said. I wasn't quite sure why they were still called promposals considering it was prom they were "proposing" for, but hey some of the few I had already seen this morning were rather cute.
"Brianna got asked by Jacob but she we already found with Luke so now she's got two hoco dates because she couldn't bare to say no." Gracie gushed as we all made our way to the bleachers at lunch time.
"I will not be surprised if she turns up with both of them, it's just the type of thing she'd do." Leighton laughed as she looked up at the steps in horror.
With a cheeky grin on her face, Milly made her way up the steps first. As my eyes followed Leighton's I saw a giant bunch of roses of various colours resting upon the bench we sit on. Turning my head to Gracie who was still oblivious and reading the gossip she had been accumulating throughout the entire day.
"You see I just don't get why Jacob didn't just ask Tessa I thought they were pretty much a thing anywa-" Gracie trailed off as her eyes left her phone and landed on the bunch of roses as we reached the steps. A small smile appeared on her face but her eyes rolled in her usual sarcastic manner. "Who put him up to this?" She said picking up her bunch of flowers, scouring it for a note of some kind.
Milly burst into a small giggle as she sat down next to the confused girl and myself and Leighton did the same. Failing to find a note she sat down in a huff and began questioning Milly. "I don't think he's done anything wrong so why has he got me flowers?" She asked in amongst the other hundreds of questions she seemed to ask in that moment.
Before she could say anything else, Mitchell appeared at the bottom of the bleachers in his lacrosse practice jersey holding a giant sign in his hand. Gracie tutted as she noticed him , smacking Milly on the shoulder in frustration and then standing back up to get a closer look at the sign. Mitchell began to make his way up the steps and we all adjusted our legs for Gracie to meet him at the edge.
"Homecoming Grace?" He asked as he reached our row, his eyes glossed with hope and a childish smile on his face. She nodded and hugged him, leaving us girls all clapping and cheering along with the noise from the bottom of the bleachers where the lacrosse boys had now began accumulating.
As Leighton fiddled with her camera I finally managed to read the sign he'd made as they posed for a photo. "Now our secret's OUT, can I take you OUT to HOCO?" It was one of the nicer signs I had seen today but with the 'HOCO' stamped out with glitter I assume the sign was Milly and Mitchell's Sunday afternoon craft activity.
I smiled at the pair goofily and wondered the possibilities of getting asked myself. I hadn't thought about it all day and I wasn't really aware of how I'd react if someone did. Although part of me did hope that Noah would ask me, despite school dances not really being my scene- part of this just seemed like a rite of passage somehow.
But with all of my wondering, I assumed dances weren't Noah's scene either as by Wednesday afternoon there was still no sign of any type of invite, big or little. "Well even if he doesn't ask you for whatever insane reason you can always come and make a three with me and Leighton." Milly said as we made our way out to her car at lunchtime. The girls were at cheer practice so instead of sitting on the cold bleachers we decided to go to a drive thru, again.
"Well we're not even together so I can't exactly expect him to ask me can I?" I said, hopping in the car.
Milly sighs, throwing her bag roughly into the back seat, "I guess but I just feel he is leaving it late if he is going to ask you." I agreed with her as she pulled away, out of the car park quickly.
"I mean I guess so but I'm not that bothered honestly." I slightly lie to her and to myself but to move the conversation on quickly continue. "I heard that Kate has already been asked by 3 people on the lax team."
Milly laughed wickedly, "that may be true but none of them are the one she wants. Gracie told me Kate went on a rampage after seeing that Mitchell asked her." I couldn't help but chuckle.
"She just doesn't take a hint does she." I say, looking out at the window as we slow in lunch rush traffic.
"Part of me feels sorry for the girl. The other just wants me to shake her and tell her to get a life." Milly says, finally pulling up into the drive thru.
"We all know Gracie is going to look 100 times better than her anyway. And I'm all for girls supporting girls." I say, studying the menu of the board.
After ordering our food and pulling away from the store we begin sneaking some fries before carrying the huge bag back to school. Conveniently, Leighton and Gracie has finished practice so we're waiting back on the bleachers for their food just as we came back.
"Has Noah asked you to hoco yet Bethan?" Leighton said after taking a huge bite of her waffle fry. I shook my head and finished off my chicken nuggets. "Well he better man up because I know at least 3 other boys who have asked me whether you've got a date yet."
"What, how?" I said, shocked at her words. Leighton chuckled but it was Milly who turned back to me.
"Because you're a catch Bethan, I might just have to start telling boys not to bother waiting for Noah and tell them to just ask you. At least then Noah would get the picture that you've got options." Thinking on her words for slightly too long, I wiped my fingers clean with a napkin and looked back up at her in a daze.
Lunch was over shortly after and the girls were already planning on going dress shopping after school. So of course I was joining them, date or not. After texting Nia and telling her my plans it was pretty much end of the day so we all decided to leave study hall early. On my way to the car, the girls and I giggled about our day but something just seemed different.
That's when I noticed, leaning on the jeep in his classic grey joggers and green lax jacket, Noah smiled. Holding a white teddy bear and a small bunch of flowers in his one hand, he stood up straight and smiled at me pushing the sign in his other hand forward.
"I don't know if the girls have explained it to you yet but homecomings a pretty big deal over here." He said as he walked towards me. Shaking my head, trying to understand something and rereading the poster again, I felt my eyes blur slightly.
"Bethan, will you be my.. a. Hoco date? b. Girlfriend c. Both."
I looked back at him and felt the girls gasps all around me, and the moment became a blur. I jumped into Noah's arms and hugged him, feeling his warmth and not the awkwardness of his hands that were full.
I can't quite remember how it happened but in that moment, the world didn't matter and although I'd only known this boy since July. That silly first lunchtime he caught my eye but ever since he's just been there for me, we've had fun together at silly parties and eaten more fast food than I can comprehend. Noah and I had watched movies, sunsets and in those past few weeks he'd managed to give me more experiences in fun dates than any boy back home gave any interest in. I know I shouldn't compare them, and I know some people may find it rushed, yet he just seems to get me and all I hope is that he can keep getting me. And within that moment I became more than the new British girl but Bethan, the lacrosse co-captain's girlfriend. I was Noah's girlfriend.

Not Very Stereotypical.
Teen Fiction"Can't you keep up, Jackson?" I smirk lifting up yet another red cup to my lips. The boy wearing a tight fitting polo shirt glanced at me, shrugging away the close air from the intensity of the people outside. He raises his cup towards me, winking a...