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Jimin's POV

"Yah hyung! You still can't get over to that Fangirl you have seen on our 3rd Muster Concert huh?" Jungkook said. Looking at me, while i am searching on my Instagram.

"Oh shut up, I need to find her okay?" I said, rolling my eyes to him.

"What's going on here?" It was Taehyung, he asked when he enters my room.

"Same old searching, finding, investigating like he always does." Jungkook answered.

"Aish! When will you stop hyung? It was almost four years ago hyung." Taehyung scolded, but i don't give a fuck, okay?

I am really desperate to see her again like hell, what is happening to you Park Jimin? Wake up, for god sake!

We three look at the door, when we heard some knocked. "Jimin-ahh, your girlfriend is here." That was Namjoon hyung's voice.

"Hmmm seems like the clingy,  overprotective, sweetest, easy to get jealous and bitchy girlfriend of yours is here hyung." Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Tss, i really hate her. Let's go kook, we don't want to get killed by our Jimin's hyung witch girlfriend." Taehyung said, pulling Jungkook's arms out of my room.

"Hi honey bunch! Did you miss me?" Ugh, that endearments again. Her voice is irritating though. Why am i still not breaking up with her? Aish!

"Hmmm hello." I coldly replied, she frowned.

"Yah! My honey bunch, don't you miss me?" She pouted, i secretly made a disgusted face.

"Yeah." I replied.

"What do you mean, yeah? Didn't you miss me? I came here for you, and there you are being cold towards me."

Why wouldn't i? Look at her now, she was pouting, doing some aegyo shits, and calling me with some cringe endearments.

"Yah! Park Jimin-ahhh! Don't you love me any--"

She was stopped, when my phone rings. Thank god, whoever it is, your my life saver.

I answer the call, my girlfriend was about to talk, when i stop her by pointing my fingers at her. Signaling not to talk.


"Hello? My Son Jiminie?"

"Mom!! How are you? It's 'NICE' that you've called."

"Hmmm i'm doing good, how 'bout you my Son? I've heard, that your Pd-nim gives you an Holiday vacation?"

"I am good Mom, no need to worry. Yeah, our vacation has already given Mom. Why though?"

"Ohh nothing, i just missed you. Can you celebrate your Christmas and New Year with me? 'Cause your Dad is on Business Trip."

"Ah ne, that would be great Mom. When should i go there?"

"Tommorow, i have already emailed your ticket. So no need to worry, and just pack your things."

"Hahaha! You missed me that much Mom huh? Arasseo, i will. See you tomorrow!"

"Ne, see you. Take care, saranghaeyo!"

"Nado saranghae, Eomma!" I ended the call with a smile, but when i see my girlfriend, my smile automatically fades away.

"Is that Eomma? Why didn't you let me greet her? In fact you still didn't introduce me to her!" She pouted again, aish. What a childish attitude you have, Kang Seulgi.

I ignored her, heading to my walk-in closet. Putting my clothes on my suitcase, i arranged them carefully.

"Where are you going honey bunch?" She asked, aish! Can she stop calling me that?! It really irritates me so much.

"To my Mom." I said.

"Eh? On Australia? You'll celebrate your Christmas and New year there? Without me?" The way of her talking, you'll know that she was already at the verge of crying. But still, i don't care.

"Go home, Seulgi. My flight tommorow is early, i need to rest." I said, as i finished fixing my stuffs.

"What? I have just arrived minutes ago, and now you want me to go home? You didn't even hug me or even kiss me."

"Well, I don't care. Now go home i don't need you here, You are not even my real Girlfriend. So stop acting like you are." I said, as i pull her outside of my room, pushing her out of our dorm.

"Hmp! Remember this Park Jimin,  even you always drive me away i won't stop until i get you! Just wait for me, i will follow you at Australia!" She said, before storming out of our dorm.

"Woah! That was a nice scene Jimin-ahh!" Yoongi hyung laughed, it made me chuckle.

Yeah, we all hate that bitch. How can we not? She was only using me, my name rather, so that she'll gain more popularity. See? How bitch of her.

I sighed, as i finally got away with that witch. All i have to do is to find my true love, joke. I have already find her, but she was still missing right now.


"To celebrate the 3rd Muster Concert of Bts, we will play some games first. So that there will be a chance to meet an Army here on stage." The Mc said.

"Woah! That would be great! Meeting some Army's!" Jin hyung said.

The whole game has been explained, and i am assigned to look with the telescope, that is on the given task.

We need to win over our hyung's, so that we can meet some Army's. As the game started, we are currently leading. After Jungkook run, Taehyung hurriedly crawl towards on me.

When the task has been already passed to me, i immediately took the telescope. I unfold the paper and saw the task is to find a 'beautiful army that will caught your eyes first'.

So i have decided to not use the telescope, 'cause i have thought it will be more harder if i'll use one. After looking at the 3rd and 2nd Floor, i look next at the VIP standing.

And there, i saw an unbelievable angel. She was holding an army bomb and phone, but it looks like she was texting.

My mood right now is shit! I have already seen so god damn many beautiful Army's, but she was really different for me. I don't know why.

"Yah! Hyung! Did you already find one?" Jungkook tapped my shoulders.

"Ne." I smiled sweetly, before pointing at her. So he immediately run, to solved the riddles for the last task.

While me? Still standing here, admiring at her. She does really look like an angel, but i was taken a back when she look at me. She smiled first, before she  hurriedly leaves.

I smirked, nice to meet you. See you again angel. I believe that you are already the one for me, so expect that we will see each other again.

~ Anndeukie

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