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Rosé's POV

Days and Weeks have passed. And we are still together. He would always bring and fetch me on my Office. I know he is busy preparing for their comeback but he kept insisting that he should do that to his Fiancé.

I also know, day by day he becomes more caring and sweeter. That's why i love him so much.

Our stocks and shares are doing great, i also always checked on our different Branches in whole Asia and they are all stable and good. So i am relief with that. Less work, less stress. By the way Seulgi doesn't meddle on our relationship anymore, her members even greet me a congratulations and long relationship with Jimin through video call. They are all kind, especially Wendy unnie who has a secret relationship with Jhope oppa.

I am here at my office, watching the clear blue sky in my big glass window. February is coming and Jimin have told me that their comeback will be on April. I suddenly crave on blueberry cheesecake and some caramel milkshake huhuhu but i can't call Jimin, he must be very busy practicing their choreography.

Even if i want to buy some, Jimin won't let me. Since everyone knows about me, it might be dangerous for me to come out alone. I don't have bodyguards because I don't want to. I pout as i sat down on my swivel chair, how badly i want blueberry cheesecake and caramel milkshake.

Someone knocked on the door. "Come in." I said, still pouting. "Here's the result of--Hey, Rosie... Why are you crying?" She asked, it startled me.

"Huh? I am crying?" I asked looking at my Secretary. She nodded pointing on my tears. I tried to touch my cheeks if it's wet and it is. My god why am i being emotional this days.

"What happened? Did you fought?" She asked, talking about Jimin. I shook my head in respond. "No... It's just..." Tears came out on my eyes again.

"Hey, hey, hey... Shhhh don't cry, tell me." Secretary Eunmin said, caressing my back.

"Unnie..." I cried again. "Yah, I told you stop crying. If you don't i will call your Fiancé and asked what happened to you since you don't want to talk." She said, it made dry my tears and shook my head many times.

"Aniyo, unnie. It's just i want to eat blueberry cheesecake and caramel milkshake..." I cried again. Covering my eyes with my hands in embarrassement.

"Aish! You cried for that? Why didn't you call me to buy those for you?" She asked, that made me realize i have Secretary. She is my older Cousin Park Eunmin unnie, i ask her to be my Secretary because i want to help her and she have my trust too. She is like an Sister and Bestfriend on me too, like Alice unnie. But the difference is Alice unnie is far away from me.

"I don't know, it's just i easily cried this days." I said, she gave me a tissue to dry my tears. "Yeah and you crave for different foods day by day, Rosé. What's going on with you?" She asked, looking at me worried.

"I don't know, unnie. Can you buy for me please?" I pleaded. She sighed. "Do i have a choice?" She asked, i smiled at her before getting my card. She took the office card and go out of my office to buy some food that i crave so much. Huhuhu i am so excited and happy right now!!

Since i have nothing to do and i have finished checking the result of our Company survey i go picked my phone and open my Instagram.

I don't know if i will be shocked or happy to what i have seen. But... But Jungkook had recently joined his hyungs on revealing his relationship huh?

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