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Rosé's POV

Okay,  it's fucking awkward here. Why though?

Because my Mom and Mom Jimieah left us! They just texted us to follow on the supermarket.

So here we go, since we left the house the tension here has been quiet and awkward. It makes me want to be eaten by the ground right now.

As we arrived at the supermarket, we find our Moms. Jimin oppa was walking beside me, we look like couples hehehe.

With that thought of mine makes me blushed, *sighed* how i wish that it was true.

We are now walking around for like 5 minutes, and i am getting irritated.

But i was startled, when he give me a side way glance. He caught me staring at him, making him smirked.

Eh? I immediately look on the other side.

I took my phone out of my sling bag to text Mom, where they are. But while i was texting, someone bumped on me.

"Aaaahhh!!" I closed my eyes, and just wait for my back to meet the ground.

Seconds has passed, yet i still didn't feel the cold ground on my back. So i slowly open my eyes.

A beautiful man was looking at me, when i open my eyes.

So he did catch me huh? I love how our body is close to each other, and the way his arms wrapped around my waist is so god damn sweet and hot.

He was looking at me, so i also took the chance to admire him. His beautiful chocolate orbs, his pointed nose, puffy cheeks like mochi and that........... That.......... *Gulped* that sexy red lips of him.


We are both startled to that someone who clears it's throat, it made the both of us stand up straight. Fixing our selves like nothing happened.

It was Mom and Mom Jimieah, they already found us. Finally! But they are weird though, they are back at their grins and giggles.

I just shook my head, before walking ahead of us. I go get a push cart, and wait for them.

"Jimin-ahhhh go get your push cart too, you'll put all of your foods there." Mom Jimieah said.

"No need, Mom." Jimin oppa said.

I was startled, when his hands accidentally touched mine, he tries to get my push cart.

"We can both share in one big push cart." Jimin oppa said, before he go ahead of us.

I just sighed before following Jimin oppa, why did he do that? Now, we have to put our foods in one cart.

Minutes has passed, after picking some fruits, vegetables, meats, seafoods, rice, seasonings and some other ingredients for cooking.

Our cart is now full, so we decided to leave the cart on the side of cashier. And get a new one, i was about to get another cart, when Jimin oppa gets it first.

"Uh oppa, let me push that for you." I said, trying to get the cart from him.

But he gently pushed me away. "No need, it's fine. I don't want you to go hard pushing this." He said.

Oh my god, did he really said that? Did he just noticed me again?! Omo! I miss him huhu he was being sweet again.

I nodded at him and just let him whatever he wants to do.

"Aaaaaaahhh! Omonaa!!" I screamed, as we go to the candy section.

I heard Jimin oppa chuckle, but i didn't bother noticing it 'cause i am busy picking some more candies.

Then we go all over the supermarket, to buy bunch of foods.

• J • I • R • O • S •E •

"We are now leaving, please take care of our mansion. We will be gone for one week huh? Remember that." My Mom said.

We are now in the parking lot of the supermarket, where we bought our foods earlier.

"Jimin? Don't make a fuss at our mansion huh? Rosie dear please watch for my Son, take care of him." Mom Jimieah said, it made me shocked. But i have no choice to nod.

"Ne, Mom Jimieah. I will, take care!" I said, when they go ride on Mom Jimieah's car.

"Yes, we will. Oh by the way our maids have gone to their vacation too, bye love you both." Mom said, before they leave us hanging.

What did Mom said?! The maids are on vacation?! It means......... I am going to be alone in the mansion with him?!

Oh god, this is not good.

I look on Jimin oppa, he was shock too but it immediately change into a smirk.

It's already 11:09 am, when we arrive on the mansion. It's already lunch time, yet we still don't have a food to eat.

Aish, i remember the maids are on vacation. That means i have too cook for us to eat.

We bring all the plastic bag to the kitchen counter, i start to get my foods. Separating mine to Jimin's oppa.

After arranging them all, i think of what to cook for our lunch. I saw Jimin oppa in the corner of my eyes, he was leaning on the wall arms crossed while looking at me.

Oh shit! That was fucking hot.

I look at him, he was still looking at me. Maybe i should ask oppa what he would like to eat, so i was about to walk towards him when.....................

"Don't you dare walk near me Rosé." He said in drop dead serious.

It surprised me though, because that was the first time he called me in that name of mine.

I didn't listen to him 'cause i continued to walk "But oppa, i need to asked you what do you want to eat." I said still walking towards him.

"I said don't fucking go near me!" He said raising his voice.

"But why oppa? Why? Don't you know how many questions i have in my mind that i want to get answered by you?" I said.

"Like why are you avoiding me? Why are you ignoring me? You don't talk to me and now you don't want me to go near at you? Like what the heck did i do?" I continued.

But he still didn't answer, instead he pinned me to the wall.

"Aaaahhh!" I screamed, i was startled.

He pinned both of my wrist on above of my head, his other hand was cornering the side of my head.

I shiver as his hot breath fanning my face, our faces are now inches apart.

"You are really stubborn huh? Okay fine i'll tell you. Why am i avoiding you? Ignoring you?Why i don't want you to touch me? To get near of me?" He asked, looking straightly on my eyes.

In which i bravely look back at his eyes too.

"Because right now, you don't know how much i fucking want to kiss your  lips, and fuck you so hard on my bed Park Chaeyoung."

~ Anndeukie

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