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Rosé's POV

One week has passed since Jimin oppa ignores me, i don't know why and what happened? It's just.......... I missed him. I missed talking to him, i missed seeing his handsome smile.

Yeah, we just talked for about one day. But i get close to him that fast, plus the fact that he's my idol. We still sleep in the same room, same bed. But he doesn't talked to me, whenever i tried to talked to him it will be a fail.

I tried so many ways, to get his answer to my question. Like i always left a note on his stuffs, i always dm him through instagram, i always cooked food for him and many more ways i have done.

I don't know why i feel so empty, i am getting sad. I don't like this side of Jimin oppa, he was not the man i have met when he arrived. Jimin oppa was the sweetest, cheerful, kind, and talkative man.

It started to happen after we watched that fucking movie, i can even still remember the scenes. My god, it was not helping though.

I was staying at the garden right now, i like it here 'cause you can see the beautiful plants, flowers and some insects plus the fresh air you can breathe in. It's refreshing here, so i prefer to stay here.

"Rosie!" That's my Mom's voice. "Ne?" I answered.

"Someone's calling, it says Markie Poo!" My Mom shouted, so that i can hear it.

"Ah ne, coming!" I shouted back, i go inside the mansion and get my phone from Mom. "Thanks Mom." I said.

"Who's that?" My Mom asked.

"My boyfriend Mom!" I smiled at her, before i left Mom on the living room.

While walking back to the garden, i answered the phone.

"Yow wazzup, stupid Markie Poo."

"Hi, Pasta Bitch."

"Why did you called?" I asked.

"Nothing, am i not allowed to called? I just want to asked if my girlfriend is fine at Australia."

"Aww how sweet of you, stupid. Bitch i'm all fine and good here okay? Why don't you just tell me that you've missed me, you are really sheepish Markie Poo." I teased him, before laughing.

"Yah! You are a assuming bitch huh? Who says i missed you? By the way yes i missed you HAHAHA!"

"See i told you! Aish, what's the good news you'll bringing to me huh?"

"Uh nothing, i just heard from Bambam that Lisa is going to have a vacation there in Australia with who's that again? I think Jennie?"

"Oh my god! Is that true?! My unnie and our maknae will come here, how 'bout Jisoo unnie?"

"I don't know, i think she's busy dating her boyfriend, lol."

"Rosie dear! Come, breakfast is all ready." I heard Mom Jimieah called, so i pull away my phone from my ear and mouth.

"Okay!!" I shouted, putting the phone back on my ears.

"Stupid Markie Poo, i have to eat now. So i'll hang up huh? Take care, i love you!" I said, before i ended the call.

When i stand up from the bench, i saw on my peripheral vision, on the third floor Jimin oppa leave from his room balcony.

What is he doing there? Is he listening to us? Or watching me? Aish! Okay that's enough, i assume somethings that will never happen.

• J • I • R • O • S • E •

"Oh by the way, Jimin my Son and Rosie dear. You both come with us, we'll buy some food stock." Mom Jimieah said.

"Why? It's not that important Mom, I don't want to go." Jimin oppa said, while he continues to eat just looking on his plate.

"Nope, it's important that's why you have to come along. Plus it will be your food too for one week, you'll choose what to buy." Mom Jimieah said.

"Can i asked, why?" I said.

"Uhm your Mom Jimieah and Me are going to our another old friend, she invited us to have a vacation on their beach at Byron Bay." My Mom explained.

"What? It's far from here? How 'bout us Mom?" I asked.

"Yeah i know, we will be gone for one one week. That's why we asked for the both of you to come with us later on buying foods." My Mom said, not answering my other question.

Is it okay? To be left alone here? Without my Mom? I am only with Jimin oppa, and the two other maids.

After eating breakfast, i immediately go back to Jimin oppa's room to take a bath. When i entered his room, i saw him just finished wearing his clothes.

He only wears simple clothes, but damn! Her handsome face and sexy body is still screaming in hotness

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He only wears simple clothes, but damn! Her handsome face and sexy body is still screaming in hotness.

Huhuhu what to do, he's so fucking handsome.

"Staring is rude." He said, making my eyes widen.

Did he just talked to me?! Oh my god that was the first time again, since last week.

"Uh i'm sorry oppa, i am going to take a bath now." I said, making sure i bring my bath towel with me inside the bathroom.

I used my favorite rose shampoo to my hair and my red body wash that really smells good.

After taking a bath, i dried myself wrapping the towel around my body. I faced the mirror, before putting some light make up on my face. I also put some perfume on my neck, shoulders and back.

Yeah, since Jimin oppa's bathroom is big. I have decided to left here my make up pouch and some stuffs.

The weather here is a bit hot, so i chose to wear this.

I also have no choice, all of my clothes in my suitcase is showy

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I also have no choice, all of my clothes in my suitcase is showy. And i hate it. Maybe you are guys wondering, Jimin oppa already left the room.

When i am done preparing, i immediately go downstairs. I don't want them to wait.

"Let's go?" I asked, as i reached the living room.

"Omo! You're so pretty Rosie dear!" With Mom Jimieah said, it made my Mom and Jimin oppa look at me.

"Hmmm my Daughter is so sexy! Let's go!" My Mom said, before she and Mom Jimieah go ahead first.

Jimin oppa was staring at me, it's making me uncomfortable. Because the way he stares at me, it looks like he wants to eat me in instant.

"Staring is rude, Jimin oppa. Like what you have said earlier." I teased. In which i smirked on him, before leaving him alone on the living room.

~ Anndeukie

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