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Jimin's POV

"Hyungs, i am going to celebrate my Christmas and New year with Eomma on Australia." I said on my four Hyungs, who is standing at my door's room.

"Does Pd-nim know about that?" Namjoon hyung ask, i nodded.

"Arasseo, take care. Just always update  us, huh?" He said, and i nodded again.

"Do you want us to accompany you to the airport?" Hoseok hyung asked.

"No hyung, it's fine." I said, they nodded, before saying goodbye at me.

When they left my room, i go to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. After that, i immediately go back to my bed and sleep early.

• J • I • R • O • S • E •

When i arrived at the airport, it was exactly, that my flight is already boarding.

Of course, my Mom pick the VIP seat on the plane. I can't let myself expose to the crowd, especially here in Korea.

I remove my mask, and fixed some of my stuffs, before i took my phone out. Maybe i should update, that i am going to Australia for a Holiday Vacation.

After i posted my selca on Instagram, a lot of notification ring and vibrated on my phone. But i didn't bother to look at it, instead i dozed off.

I woke up, when i heard my phone ringing. I look at it, i saw Eomma. So i immediately answer it.

"Annyeong, Mom!"

"Hello, Son. Where are you now?"

"I'm still on plane, Mom. Why?"

"Uh nothing, do you want something to eat later at dinner?"

"Hmmm i missed your Kimchi jjigae, Mom!"

"Oh really? Arasseo, i will cooked for you later. That's all, take care!" My Mom said before she ended the call.

She's weird, i am the one who usually ends our call. This is the first time, she ended the call before me.

After some hour, i have finally arrive at Australia. I called my Mom's driver, so that he can fetch me here. Not long, the drivers arrive. We immediately leave 'cause i am starting to get hungry. I have pleased to drive faster, that's why we arrive at our mansion in just 30 minutes

Our made greeted me first, before she go inside. Telling my Mom that i have arrived, i missed being here! It's been a long time since i have stayed here.

As i enter our mansion, i have smelled the delicious smell of Kimchi jjigae. I'm excited as fuck! It was my favorite! Especially when my Mom cooks it.

I immediately head to the dinning room, i know that Mom is already there preparing my favorite food.

But when i enter the dinning room, i almost drop my phone to what i saw on the kitchen. Wait, am i still sleeping?

"Ohh my Son Jiminie, hello!" My Mom greeted me, but i didn't get to notice about her.

My sight can't leave what i have saw first, when i enter this dinning room. It was the Angel Fangirl i was looking for almost four years!

She was also froze to her spot, looking at my eyes straightly. I felt my face is heating up to her stares, fuck! The attack of this girl to me, is too much.

"Uh...... My Son, mianhe. I forgot to say on you that i already forgot how to cook Kimchi jjigae, thank god my dear Rosie knows how too cook it."

"Rosie?" I asked, my Mom nodded pointing at the Angel Fangirl who's cooking my favorite food.

"By the way, this is your Aunty Racelle and that's her Daughter. They are staying here, for I don't know how long." My Mom said, that made my eyes glow.

This is a hella perfect timing! They are staying here, i guess it will took long. Shit! How lucky of you Park Jimin.

I smirked, when i saw how anxious she was. I predator, already found my prey. Tsk! How naughty of you, do you know how eager i was to find you huh.

"Daughter, Me and your Aunty have already finished eating. After you cook that, you can also start eating with Jimin." Aunty Racelle said.

"E-eh? W-what? You are already leaving?" She asked stuttering. Fuck my life! Her voice is also angelic.

"Ne, we'll sleep now 'cause we have to go somewhere Tomorrow morning." Her Mom explained.

"We'll sleep now, Jimin Son, take care of our Rosie huh? You are the man here. Goodnight!" My Mom kissed me on my Cheeks, before she goes to Rosie? Am i right?

"Rosie dear, please take care of my Son too. Because sometimes, he is naughty and always makes fuss around."

"Eomma!" I called, shyly.

"Ne, Mom Jimieah. I will, have a goodnight, sleepwell." She chukles, before kissing my Mom's cheeks too.

Mom Jimieah huh, is it too early for you to call my Mom with that? Nevermind, we will get there soon. So it's okay, hahaha!

My Mom and her Mom leave the dinning room giggling, they are really weird.

And now, we are both left alone here in dinning room and kitchen. You can sense an awkward tension here,  thank god she talked.

"Uhm oppa, you can now sit. This is already done." She said, i was about to stop her from touching the hot pan. But it was already too late.

"Ahhhhh!!" She scream, when she has touched the hot pan. I hurriedly run to her, checking her fingers.

She flinched when i sucked her finger, i did this to lessen the pain and swelling.

"What happened Sir?" Our old woman maid asked.

"Get me the first aid kit now!" I commanded, that the maid immediately follows.

"O-oppa, i-i am okay. Y-you d-don't have to do this." She said stuttering, but i didn't listen to her.

When the first aid kit have arrived, i carry her, to sit her down on the kitchen counter.

I took an ointment for burns, i gently apply it on her skin burned part. After applying, i blow it. So that it will dry easily. At my peripheral vision, i saw her staring at me.

"Stop staring, i might melt." I said, without looking at her. Still focusing on her burn.

She looked away blushing, hahaha! That was cute!

When the ointment dries, i carefully put the gauze bandage.

"And done!" I said.

"T-thank you oppa!" She shyly thanked me.

"What?! Thank you is not enough, a kiss will do." I smile mischievously.


~ Anndeukie

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