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Jimin's POV

I immediately go back to my room, after what i have done to Rosé.

I don't what happened to me why i have to do that, but seriously i am just being honest. That's what i fucking feel towards her.
It all started, when we watched that fucking movie. Especially that Rosé, was sitting beside me with that god damn white dress she wore.

The way she bite her lower lip, how she lick her lips and the way how she gulped. Everything she does, turns me on.

It made me think, what does her lips taste feel? I want to hear her moan my name and screamed in so much pleasure to what i will do to her. Fuck!

That's why he borrowed pillow to Rosé that time, because thinking of him doing those things to Rosé made him hard. His bulge are getting visible, that he needs to cover.

So when the movie ended, he hurriedly go back to his room to finished his alive bulge, before Rosé comes back to his room.

After that day, he decided to stay away from Rosé. Because that girl is dangerous, very dangerous for him. He ignores him, doesn't talk to him most importantly he doesn't want Rosé to touch him or any skin contact with her.

But he suddenly felt guilty, because Rosé do everything just for him to notice or talk back to her. She was sweetest and he loves that.

Yeah, they have talked for about one day only, but his heart becomes closer to her that instant. The girl caught his heart so fast. It's beautiful smile, angelic voice and cute laugh she has made his heart fluttered.

And then earlier, i have decided to go apologize and talk to Rosé, but something stopped me from doing that.


I fix myself, while looking on the mirror. When i am already satisfied with my looks, i smiled sweetly.

This is the day i will fix my problem with Rosé, i am going to control myself from doing my desires that i need. I hoped that, i can do that.

As i go out of the elevator, i heard Aunty Racelle's Voice. I stopped from entering the living, i just stayed there for a while.

"Rosie!" That was Aunty. "Someone's calling, it says Markie Poo!" She continued.

Eh? Who's that? Markie Poo......... It sounds familiar to me, and of course, i am sure that it was a man. Hmmm who could it be?

"Ah ne, coming!" Rosé shouted back, maybe she's staying in the garden. "Thanks Mom." She said, as she reached her Mom and get her phone.

"Who's that?" Her Mom asked.

"My boyfriend Mom!" I was stiffened on my position, to what she said.

Boyfriend?! She have one?! Yeah, why i didn't think of that though.

I chuckled bitterly.

I don't know what happened, but the only thing i know is i go back to my room. Because i lost my interest on fixing my problem towards her.

My feet brought me to the balcony of my room, in which the garden can be seen. So i saw Rosé sitting on the bench, talking to her phone.

She was smiling. And i hate it, i hate when she smiles especially when i am not the reason behind of those beautiful smile she has.

I have decided to listen on their conversation, and yes it can be heard here. But i can only hear her voice, I can't hear the man she was talking with.

"Yow wazzup, stupid Markie Poo." Rosé greeted.

"Why did you called?" She asked. The man answered, but the only word i heard is 'my girlfriend'.

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