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Rosé's POV

"Uh noona... You drop the can." I heard Jio said that made me come back to my sense.

"Oh sorry." I bend down to pick the can i dropped earlier.

"Is Jimin really your Brother?" I ask again to reassure if he's telling the truth.

"Yes, i am telling the truth. Kids don't tell a lie right?" He stated, still munching the gummy candy.

"Alright, then. I am Rosé noona, your Brother's friend." I said while putting some chips on the cart.

"Oh really?! Do you know my Brother?!" He excitedly asked, i answer him with a nod. "Are you just really his friend noona?" He curiously asked that made me look at him.

"Huh? Yes, i am only his friend why?" I asked back, pushing the cart. Heading to the beverage section.

"What a waste... You and my Brother look good on each other Noona!" He innocently said, making my face heat up."Rosé noona? Do you have a fever?" He asked.

"Uh no, nothing. It's only blush on, don't worry hehehe." I tried to look away.

"There you are!" We heard a voice of an middle aged woman. "Jio why did you leave without telling me huh? Do you know how worried i am? Sir Jimho might get angry or worse fired me if you get lost." The woman said worriedly.

"I'm sorry Nanny... But don't worry i found a kind and nice Noona! She is Rosé Noona, Jimin's hyung friend!" Jio giggles.

"Hello, thank you so much for taking care of Jio. Well, i am amazed of you because Jio doesn't like going with others especially when it's a stranger." She said, that made my mouth formed into 'o'.

"Really?" I asked, she nodded.

"Uhm Miss Rosé can i ask a Favor?" She embarrassedly asked.

"Yeah, sure." I said, picking some fresh milk.

"Since you are Sir Jimin's friend, can you take Jio to him please? Their Dad, Sir Jimho called me for an emergency so i have to go now. But my problem is Jio." She explained.

"Okay, i'll take this little cutie to his Brother." I smiled, pinching Jio's left cheek.

"Oh my god, thank god for letting me meet such an angel person. Thank you for your help Rosé!" She smiled. "Hey Jio... Nanny is already leaving because your Dad called me, you are going with Rosé noona. She'll bring you to your Jimin hyung, so stay behave huh?" She reminds Jio while giving Jio's backpack and small suitcase to me.

"I will Nanny! Take care!" Jio waved when his Nanny start walking away.

"All done!" I said, after checking all of the foods inside the push cart.

"Are we going home now, noona?" Jio asked.

"Yeah, i'll just pay all of this on the counter." I smiled at him, in which he gave me his sweet smile too.

That's why his smile was familiar, because he has a same smile with Jimin. They also look like each other.

I wonder why Jio is not staying with Mom Jimieah and base to what his Nanny said he looks like he was staying with his Dad, that i guess his name was Jimho.

After paying all of the food stock, they help me to put the plastic bag on the push cart. Pushing it through the parking lot.

"You can now go inside Jio." I said while putting all of the plastic bag on the back of Jimin's car.

"Why does this car looks familiar, noona? Is this owned by my hyung?" He asked as he opened the door. I nodded at him, that made him smile.

"You and my brother seems very close huh? My Brother doesn't let others use his car. And that's a fact!" He said doing a number one sign on his finger, that made me shock. Eh?

"Even your parents? Or his members?" I asked. He nodded cutely.

"Yes, noona! Even Mom and Dad or his other friends!" He giggled. Is he teasing me or something huh?

When i finished putting all of the plastic bag, i also go inside the driver's seat. Starting the engine before i start driving.

"By the way how old are you Baby Jio?" I asked, focusing on the road.

"Don't call me Baby, noona. I am already a big boy! I am five years old!" He said with full of energy.

"Five years old huh? I thought you are already 8 or something because you act and talk like one." I stated.

"Uh noona? Can we buy some donuts for Jimin hyung? The matcha flavored one, it was his favorite and i want to give him since i am here for vacation." He said.

"Do you have a money then?" I teased, looking at him on the rearview mirror.

"I... Uhh.... I don't have any noona..." He pouted, looking down to play with his small fingers.

Ugh! He is so adorable! Like his Brother.

"I'm just kidding hahaha! Give noona a kiss on the cheek first." I said, that made his eyes glow again.

"Sure, noona! I will, this is for the sake of donut!" He bubbly said. Holding on the seat to reach for my cheeks. Giving a peck on it.

"Hmmm how sweet!" I smiled, before turning the car to the right side to stopped on the donut shop. "Let's go?" I reached out my hand for him when i open the door.

He gladly accepted it and excitedly goes out of the car. As we go inside the donut shop his smile becomes wider and his eyes glow even more. Does he really love his Brother that much?

"One box of original glazed donut and two box of matcha donut please." I said on the female worker.

"Do you still have other orders, Mam?" She asked. I look on the Menu.

"One large Strawberry Frappe please. And uh..." I look down on Jio. "Do you want some drinks?" I offered.

"Yes please, Noona! I would love the Oreo Frappe!" He smiled.

"And also one medium Oreo Frappe." I said. After giving our orders we wait for awhile on the table beside the glass window.

"Where do you live Jio? Here in Australia or in Korea?" I asked out of my curiosity.

"I was born in Korea, noona. I also lived there until the age of four, Mom and Dad brought me here since they are both busy at work. I am with Dad, because Mom has other stuffs to do." He wiggle his feet under the table.

See? I told you guys, i am right.

"Mam Rosé..." That's our order, so i stand up to fetch it. Then we go back to the car and drive home.

"Good Noon, Mam Rosé!" Jimin's Bodyguard greeted.

"Please help me with the groceries please?" I said, he smiled and nodded at me.

I took two plastic bag in my left hand while i held Jio's hand on my right hand.

Jimin's Bodyguard came inside first, that's why it took Jimin and Seulgi's attention who are sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Oh she already arrive? Where is Rosé?" I heard Jimin asked.

As we came inside the living room. Jimin eyes widen in shock to see his Brother with me. But not long Jimin's eyes disappeared as his smile forms, running towards his Baby Brother.

"Hi, Jio! I missed you!" He carries Jio on his arm before giving him a peck on his cheeks.

"Hello, hyung! I missed you too!" Jio hugged Jimin.

"Oh my god! Hello there cutie Baby Jio!" Seulgi said as she walk towards Jimin. "Come here, Baby! Don't you miss noona? Your Sister in Law!"

Jio winced. "Stop it, Seulgi." Jimin said with a stern voice.

"Noona..." Jio called me. Opening his arms to let me carry him when Seulgi tries to carry him.

"Take me away from that girl, Rosé Noona. I hate her."

~ Anndeukie

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