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Rosé's POV

"Take me away from that girl, Rosé Noona. I hate her." Jio said, when i took him away from Jimin's arms. Transferring to mine.

"What?!" Seulgi shouted that made Jio startled and scared.

"Seulgi!" Jimin voice warns Seulgi who is now scaring Jio with her bitchy stares.

"Want to cook with me?" I smiled trying to lighten Jio's mood. He nodded. "Great! Come let's go cook our lunch." I walk towards the kitchen, leaving the two alone on the living room.

I put down the two plastic bag i was bringing on the counter. I also tried to put Jio down on the high chair but he only tighten his grip on my arms.

"Please let me stay in your arms for a while noona." Jio pouted. Giving me an teary eye.

I sighed. I have no choice but to carry him while washing and cutting the ingredients. When i need to start cooking, i put him down on the counter.

"Hey Jio..." I called, holding his two little hands. "Noona can't cook if you stay in my arms, so... can you stay there for a while and watch me cook instead? Don't worry i won't leave you." I give him my sweetest smile to assure him i am telling a truth.

"Okay, noona! I trust you! I trust you more than Jimin hyung witch girlfriend." He said, that made me chuckled.

"Shhh Baby Jio..." I gave him a soft glare. "That's bad, don't say things like that okay?" I said. In which he shyly nod.

"Sorry, noona... It's just i hate her attitude, she is bad!" He said, looking down on his fingers.

"I know, but still she is older than you. But down worry you got Rosé noona's back." I wink on him when he looked up to me. He give me a thumbs up while laughing.

"Should i make you some cookies later then?" I asked, putting the raw pasta on the stockpot.

"Ne! Jeballll...." He said in Korean making me look at him.

"Arasseo!" I am bickering him. That made the both of us laugh.

I flip the steak around so it won't get burned, after that i stir the pasta sauce and mix the cutted into small pieces of meat.

Jio just watched what am i doing, i am multi tasking right now huh? Cooking three all at once?

I was startled when a phone rings, i get my phone on my pocket but it wasn't from me. I look around to the whole kitchen, my sight saw a glimpse of shadow walking away from the hallway.

Hmmmm watching us huh?

Jimin's POV

"You!" I pointed at Seulgi. "Don't you dare to scare my Brother! That's why he doesn't like you because of your attitude!" I said when Jio and Rosé left the living room.

"I-i am s-sorry. I didn't mean to scare him..." She apologized, but not sincerely.

I let out a heavy sighed before going to the kitchen. I tried to butt in and get their attention but when i reached the hallway...

"Please let me stay in your arms for a while noona." I heard Jio plead, pouting on Rosé.

Rosé sighed and carry Jio around while he cleaned the meat and other ingredients. She was still carrying Jio when she started cutting the meat and other vegetables.

She's really the sweetest huh? I wonder how she get my Brother's trust. Jio is friend of no one except for me, i am his only friend because he said he trusted me. Jio dislikes going with or talking with some people he doesn't know that's why i am more confused but at the same time amazed on Rosé.

He took my Brother's trust and heart. But no Jio, your Rosé noona is mine okay?

I chuckled a bit before leaning on the wall, putting my both hands on my pocket. And start watching the both of them.

"Hey Jio..." Rosé called, holding my Brother's two little hands. I haven't notice that she have already put Jio down on the counter.

"Noona can't cook if you stay in my arms, so can you stay there for a while and watch me cook instead? Don't worry i won't leave you." Rosé give him a sweet smile. A beautiful one. That can make man go crazy to her smile.

Fuck! I wanted her to smile like that too, especially when i am the reason behind that sweet smile. I bit my lower lip, as many thoughts came into my mind.

"Okay, noona! I trust you! I trust you more than Jimin hyung witch girlfriend." Jio said, that made me laugh, of course i stopped myself because i don't want them to caught me watching them.

Jio does really hate Seulgi hahaha! Well that's my Lil Brother, we are just the same.

"Shhh Baby Jio..." Rosé warned Jio giving him a glare, but not the scary one though. "That's bad, don't say things like that okay?" Rosé said that made Jio looked down.

Hahahaha! Did Rosé just tamed my Brother? Well, i guess Jio likes Rosé now and listen to her well.

"Sorry, noona... It's just i hate her attitude, she is bad." Jio said, playing with her fingers.

"I know, but still she is older than you. But down worry you got Rosé noona's back." Rosé gave my Brother a winked.

Yah! Why to my Brother?! You should have do that to me! Hmp!

"Should i make you some cookies later?" Rosé asked on smiling Jio.

Can you be my cookies too? I would love to eat you.

"Ne! Jeballll...." My Brother said in Korean, his eyes glows in excitement.

"Arasseo!" Rosé was bickering Jio, it made me chuckled. They look cute.

No wonder Rosé would be such a great Mom to our Future kids. Nice pick Park Jimin. But i have to get rid of the witch first. Hahahaha!

Oh shit! I was startled when my phone rings, i immediately answer it and run away as fast as i could. Because i bet Rosé heard that.


"Hey, Son." I heard my Dad's Voice.

"Oh! Good Afternoon Dad! Why did you called?" I asked, while heading to the swimming pool area.

"I just want to tell you that we have Business meeting on New Year's Eve, you have to attend there for the special announcement that you would love to hear." My Dad said.

"Sure, Dad." I answered.

"By the way take Jio with you huh? Take care of him for awhile since New Year's eve is already on the day after tomorrow." I heard my Dad chuckled.

"Okay, Dad. I will." I said.

"Make sure to come, Jimin. Your Girlfriend will attend too." Dad said making me confused.

"Huh? You mean Seulgi?" I asked.

"Nah... By the way i need to go now. See you Son! Take care of our Jio and Rosie." Dad said.

"Yeah, i will--- what?!" I was too late to realize because he already ended the call.

~ Anndeukie

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