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Rosé's POV

I didn't bother answering his question, i just look away. Avoiding his gaze.

"Don't you know how badly i missed you huh? Even though we are on the same roof, we sleep on the same room and same bed i still can't feel your presence, Babe. You are really avoiding me and i hate it." He said, trying to catch my gaze. But i still didn't answer him.

"Hey... My Rosie... Please talk to me. If we have a problem please say it to me so we can fix it." His sweet voice were pleasing my ears. Shit, no. Stop yourself Rosé, he has a girlfriend remember?

And i was startled when he held my chin to face him. He gave me a sweet and passionate kiss. No, no, nooo... Why the hell his kiss was so addicting?! I can't help but to kiss back.

Park Chaeyoung you whore! I already told you he has a girlfriend for god's sake! It felt like his kiss was breaking all the wall i build to distance myself from him. God Dammit!

Okay, fine! I admit it! I missed him, okay? Happy? But i can't be selfish, because if i am in Seulgi's position and Jimin is doing this. I'll get hurt, i will felt betrayed and cheated.

I'm sorry, i didn't start this after all. Jimin does. His hands were caressing my back softly, it was sending a tingling sensation on my lower abdomen. I want more.

Our passionate kiss, suddenly changed into aggressive one. He slid his tounge inside mine. Tasting it like a sweet candy. I wrapped my hands around his neck, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. And so he did. Our tongue met and it felt so good.

I sucked his tongue that made him groan. He licked my lower lip before pulling away to go down on my neck. I pull my head back to give him more access to my neck. He kept giving me a soft wet kisses.

"Hmmmm f-fuck...." I moaned when he found my sweet spot. His hands slowly crawled to my chest, massaging it lightly. Making my back arched in pleasure.

He was about to unhooked my bra when...

"Madame, Sir Jimin said you are not allowed to come here inside without his permission." That was the voice of Jimin's Bodyguard.

"I don't give a shit of it, i am his girlfriend so i have the right to enter his Mansion without his permission!"

Shit! I pushed Jimin with full force, i sit up straight and fix myself.

"What the hell is she doing here?!" Jimin irritated asked.

Eh? He should be happy right? Because his girlfriend is here. But why is he angry? His voice are irritated too.

"My Honey Bunch!!" An irritating voice squealed. It made me wince. Not because of her voice it's because of the endearment. Honey Bunch? Like ew, cringe.

"What are you doing here? My Bodyguard already said you are not allowed here right?!" Jimin's voice are now scary. His eye were dark too.

"What?! I came her for you 'cause i missed you. Don't you miss me too, don't you love me anymore?" I saw Seulgi pouted, doing some puppy eyes and aegyo on Jimin.

Cringe again.

"Leave." Jimin said with an authority on his voice.

"No, i won't!" Seulgi crossed her arms. Her eyes widen when she saw me. Oh no.

"Who is she?! Is she the reason why you don't want me to come here huh?!" She shouted on Jimin, before walking towards me.

All i know is she was already pulling my hair so hard. Shit, it stings!

"Seulgi! Stop it!" Jimin tried to stop Seulgi but he can't.

"You bitch! How dare you come here at my Boyfriend's Mansion!" She said, pulling my hair more. And here i am can't do nothing. I can't fight back because i might hurt her and Jimin will get angry at me.

Thank god, someone calls her! She stopped pulling my hair, yet her hands is still gripping on it.

"Hi, Mom!" She greeted. "Yes, i have arrived here safely... What?!.... Oh my god... Okay, Mom got it. Thank you, i love you mwah!" As she ended the call she also let go of my hair.

She fixed her clothes. "I-i am s-sorry... I didn't k-know that you have a maid here Honey. I thought you are cheating on me." She embarrassedly said.

What?! She thought i am Jimin's maid?! Eh? Did her Mom tell her that i am Jimin's maid?! Didn't she already saw that i paid with the use of my golden card?

"I am not cheating on you Seulgi 'cause i don't love you okay? I am just doing this because we need your Family's help! So stop acting like you are my real girlfriend, always remember that i only agreed to be your fake boyfriend so you can help us." Jimin said, looking at me apologetically.

"And she." Jimin points at me. Oh no, i think he's going to tell her the truth. No, it can't be! It will cause a another mess.

"Her name is Rosé, don't you ever lay your dirty hands on her again because she is not--"

"I am her maid!" I cut Jimin off. "Hello, Madame. My name is Rosé, Jimin's maid. Just call me when you need something." I said, before i hurriedly run off.

Riding the elevator till i get to the right floor. While walking towards Jimin's room, i held my head because it really hurts. I didn't even notice that a tear fell on my cheeks.

It really still stings. I thought my hair will get off, her grip were really strong. And she pull my hair in full force. I dry my tears and open the room's door.

As i sat down on the bed, the room's door opened. It was Jimin. I secretly rolled my eyes.

"Why did you do that? Why did you tell her that you are my maid?! You know that you are not and i don't treat you like that!" He said, brushing his hair in frustration.

"I know it, okay? I just don't want to make this worse, Jimin. Your Family's Business need their help so don't let your parents down please? Just go with the flow, and let's act like a stranger to each other again. From now own treat me like your own maid."

~ Anndeukie

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