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Rosé's POV

"Yah! Why did you let them wore you outfit like that?! We are performing on a lot of people, Babe! And you are exposed!" Jimin complain making me laugh.

"Stop it, Jimin. Don't disturb me i am calming myself down, do you know how nervous i am? We just practice for like five days and here we are now on Seoul surprising all of your fans by our performance. Like duh, your idol choreography was not easy at all!" I complaint, this time, he laughed.

Yeah, after the meeting on New Years Eve. Jimin got a call from Namjoon oppa that they have to attend on GDA. And Jimin took that chance to tell our relationship in public by performing their idol comeback since they have to perform fake love and idol, his members agreed to give the idol performance for the both of us.

I forgot, Pd-nim already knows about me and on our relationship. I was really nervous that time when we go inside Pd-nim's office, i thought he would disapproved because he stared at me darkly. But it was only his prank to scare me 'cause he laugh hysterically after that, he is kind and understanding so he allowed our relationship and even allowed this performance.

"Don't be, Babe. They can't change my mind on Marrying you." He gave me a peck on my lips, in which i blushed.

Someone knocks on the door. "Jimin-sshi and Rosé-sshi please be ready, Twice performance will end soon." One of their staff said, we are here on Jimin's dressing room.

As we got out of the dressing room, some staffs gave us some mic. And do a last retouched. "I am Jimin's make up artist since their debut, so please take a good care of him huh? I trust you, Rosé." Unnie said while applying some more lipstick on my lips.

"Ne, unnie. I will." I smiled, before Me and Jimin step on the moving part of stage. He gave me a long kiss before the stage goes up, and our performance started.

The crowd went wild, I don't know if they are shocked, happy or angry. But everyone is smiling and cheering for us. Seeing them like that gives me more energy to perform perfectly.

I can't even count on how many times he fucking kissed me in front of their fans and in the crowd. He really wants to show everyone on how he fucking loves me and i love it. He is proud of having me as his Girlfriend and as his Fiancé.

As our performance ended the crowd goes twice louder and wilder than the other Kpop Idol performance. I look at Jimin's eyes while catching our breath. He gave me a proud and contented smile, in which i smiled back. I'm so happy right now.

We go down the stage and head to the seat of Kpop Idols. Actually i am a bit embarrassed because i am not even a Kpop Idol but i still sit with them. Jimin doesn't want to let go of me so he asked for the staffs to allow me sit with the Bangtan.

The other Kpop Idol bowed on us when we arrive on the couches, i am well mannered and polite so i bowed back to them with a smile. "Ey! You did a great job, Rosé!" Jhope oppa said while dancing to the beat.

"Thank, oppa!" I shyly said. I sat down beside Jimin, he gave me an blanket to cover my thighs.

"Hey you did great! Congrats to your relationship with Jimin-sshi! By the way i am Hirai Momo nice to meet you!" She smiled.

WAAAAHHHHH!! MY HEART!! Momo unnie of Twice talked formally towards me. After i thank Momo unnie, other members of Twice also congratulate me. So this is the Kpop Idol life huh?

"Album of the Year goes to... Bangtan Sonyeondan! Chukhahamnida!" A big smile form on my lips when i heard Bts win. Jimin was so happy, so am I. My god, I am proud of them, especially to Jimin who is also an Main Dancer like Hobi oppa. Watching them a far, still clapping my hands for them.

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