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Taehyung's POV

"Jimin hyung...." I called, Jimin hyung hummed in respond.

"Can you show me the way to the guest room? I think, i need to bring her on the bed now." I said, pointing my lips to Jennie, who's lying on the ground.

"Hmm okay." Hyung said, standing up heading to Rosé."I'll go with Taehyung on the Second floor, he'll bring your unnie to the guest room."

Rosé look at hyung. "Ahhh arasseo, but i'll come too. I want to clean myself and rest, this day was a very long day for me." Rosé said, making Jimin hyung nodded.

I leave the both of them, and go near Jennie. "Princess, can you walk?" I asked, poking her cheeks.

She frowned, still eyes closed. "Yah! Stop poking! I can walk, i am not drunk okay?" She said, trying to stand up.

She walk ahead of us, heading to the garden area instead of going on the backdoor.

I shook my head in disbelief. "Aish, this girl. She's pain in the ass, when she's drunk." I said, before following her.

I grip her thighs and back, carrying her into a bridal style. "Yah! Put me down! I said i can walk!" Jennie keep trying to push me.

"Hahaha! Deal with her Tae, we will go at the second floor first. Let's just meet there." Jimin hyung said, i just answered with a nod.

"Lisa how 'bout you?" Rosé asked, looking at Lisa who is dipping her feet on the pool.

"You'll go ahead first, i'll just follow you guys later." Lisa said, with an assuring smile on her face. It made Rosé nod, before she and Jimin hyung left.

"Yah! Are you stupid?! I said put me down! Who are you by the way? I don't even know you!" Jennie yelled, as she keep hitting my chest while i walk inside the mansion. Heading to the elevator.

As i rode the elevator, she still kept yelling and shouting. So i look at her, she was sweating. Her cheeks are red, it's because she's drunk. To her state right now, she is so fucking hot.

"I said put me dow---hmmmm." She moaned, when i cupped her one breast. I did that to stop her from shouting again.

"Stop it hmmmmm, aahhh i said stop. You are not allowed to do that to me, only my Kim Taehyung can aaaahhhh." She moaned, as i continue to massage her breast.

I leaned, before whispering. "Really? Only Taehyung is allowed to do this? Okay then, you said it and it comes from your own mouth Princess." I whispered.

The elevator door opens, i saw Jimin hyung and Rosé. Jimin hyung said, i can choose between the two room, before they left us. Alone.

I picked the last room, as i entered the room. I closed the door, making sure it's lock.

I throw Jennie on the bed, making her bounce on it. I remove my shirt before hovering on her top.

"What are you doing? Get lost you fucke---hmmmm." I cutted her off, by crashing my lips on her.

The fuck?! The soju taste more better on her lips. Finally, i got the chance to taste this lips of yours Jennie. I have been waiting for this, since earlier.

She didn't argue nor complaint, she just kissed back and wrapped her arms around my neck. Making me smirked.

I cupped her breast, making her gasped. In which i took my chance to put my tounge inside hers.

 In which i took my chance to put my tounge inside hers

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