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Rosé's POV

"T-thank you oppa!" I shyly thanked him. Why can't i? That's my idol, treating my burn. He's so sweet.

"What?! Thank you is not enough, a kiss will do." He said, smiling mischievously.

"Ehhh???" My eyes widen to what he said.

Omg! I really can't believe this. My kpop idol, that i have always dream to met in person, is now actually standing in front of me. Taking care of my burn and teasing me for a kiss.

I was taken a back, when oppa laughed. I look at him, and he was still laughing, pointing his finger at me.

"You should have seen your reaction at the mirror!" He said, before laughing again.

"Aish!" I rolled my eyes at him, going back to the kitchen 'cause he pull me to the living room earlier to treat my burn.

I was so absent minded at the same time shocked, that's why i didn't notice, that i was gonna touch the hot pan without a cloth on the sides.

"Yah, i was only kidding!" He said.

"Yeah, yeah. Just sit down there at the dinning room oppa, i am preparing the kimchi jjigae now." I replied.

I transferred it to a two big bowl, for Jimin oppa and Mine. I hope he'll like this, huhu i am scared.

"Hmmmm it smells good!" Jimin oppa said, while i served the food on the table.

"Let's eat!" I said, he nodded.

I didn't eat yet, because i am waiting for Jimin oppa to taste the kimchi jjigae.

"Stop it Ms. Rosie, i might melt with your stares." He said, tasting the food i cooked.

"Is it good? Do you like it?" I asked, when he was stopped after tasting the kimchi jjigae. Maybe it taste bad? Or he doesn't like it?

I immediately get my spoon, tasting it. When the soup meets my tounge, my eyes glow. It's good! But why oppa doesn't like it.

"No, i don't like it." He said, that made me stopped, looking at him.

"I don't like it, because i love it!" He continued, that made me smile.

"Really?" I asked, with a sweet smile attached on my face.

Yet he didn't answer, he just stared at me. So i look away, i can already feel my face heating up. Yah! Park Jimin oppa, stop staring please.

"You're Beautiful when smiling." He said, making me look at him shock.

"W-what d-did you say oppa?" I asked stuttering, shit!

"Huh? What? What did i say? Oh hahaha! It's nothing let's eat, this is good!" Jimin oppa laughed awkwardly, before looking away.

After eating, i have decided to wash the plates. But when i was about to wash it. "Oh stop it Rosie, what's the use of maids if you're gonna wash those." He said, it made me look at him confused.

"Huh?" I asked, he walks towards me. Pulling my wrist, we go out of the kitchen and dining area.

"I said you are too industrious to wash the dishes." He said, before chuckling.

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