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Rosé's POV

"Holy shit, Chaeng! What happened to your forehead?!" My Sister stand up when i arrived on the restaurant.

I was accompanied here by Jimin's car, he and Jio brought me in this luxurious mall where me and Alice unnie will meet. They said they are going somewhere else, so i let them be.

Just don't show their faces on my Sister or else we will be doomed. Because she might think wrong about us.

Alice unnie guided me to the couch in front of her. "I'm fine, unnie. Something just happened." I reasoned out.

"What happened then?!" She asked raising her right eyebrow on me.

I sighed. She really knows me. We both know each other because we are very closed to each other ever since on our childhood. We are like Sisters and Best friends.

"Someone pushed me and this happens. I bump my head on the edge of coffee table." I said carefully not wanting to let her know who did this.

"Who is that shit?! Let me kill her/him for you!" Alice unnie is now pissed off. She loves me that much huh? Hahaha! At least there is someone who genuinely cared for me.

"Forget about it, unnie. It's only accident." I said looking at the menu.

"No! Look at that bandage on your forehead! How would i explained that to Mom and Dad? Aish!" She exclaimed, crossing her arms while admiring the bandage covering my wound.

The female waiter approached us. "What's your order, Madame?" She asked.

"Salt and pepper calamari, lamb leg roast, fish n chips, seafood pizza and pavlova please." I said still looking on the menu. All of them was one of the Australia's Popular dishes.

"What would you like for some drinks, Madame?" She asked.

"Avocado shake please." Alice unnie teased.

"Yah!" I warned unnie. "Don't listen to her, one pitcher of red tea is enough for us." I said.

"That's all, Mam?" The waiter asked. I nodded in respond.

"It's your treat huh? I brought your clothes and dress here, so pay for the bills later." She said, pushing some bunch of luxury brands of paper bags on the table. "Don't be late for tomorrow huh?" Unnie reminded while i check out my brand new clothes.

"I will, unnie." I smiled at her.

"So... How's your boyfriend?" She asked making my eyes widen.

"What?!" I surprisingly asked. "Unnie i don't have a boyfriend for god's sake! Where did you get that fake news?" I asked, sipping the red tea the waiter just served.

"Huh? Really? So Mom is lying after all?" She asked confused.

"What? Mom said that?! By the way she and Mom Jimieah hasn't back yet, two weeks have already past since they left but they still didn't came back." I said.

Her eyebrows met in confusion. "Mom Jimieah?" She's really confused.

"Oh she was Eomma's Bestfriend we are staying at their mansion." I explained.

"You are what?!" Her voice becomes higher because of shockness.

"I said we are staying on their--"

"You are still staying at their house?!" She cutted me off.

"Yes, why?" I nod before asking.

"Oh my god." She covered her mouth in surprised. "Don't tell me you are staying..." She give me a questioning look.

"Uh yeah? I am with his Son." I look away, making her gasped. "But don't worry her brother was there together with his girlfriend, so we are not alone." I assured her.

"Hmmm i see..." She leaned her back on the couch crossed arms before looking outside the glass window. "Park Jimieah... Park Jimho... Park Jio and Park Jimin hmmmm." She whispered but i can still hear it.

"Eh?! How did you know about them?!" I asked shocked.

She face palm herself. "Oh god, Rosé. Don't tell me you don't know about them?" She asked.

"Huh? I know them, Jimin was a Kpop Idol--"

"No, not that." Unnie cutted me off again.

"Then what unnie??" Curiosity is now eating my whole system.

"My god, Chaeng. Their Family owns the Rolex industry, the reason why Jimin is arranged with his Girlfriend Kang Seulgi is because they lost large amount of percentage in their stock a year ago. Seulgi's Family who owned the Chanel decided to help by giving fifty million dollar as a share, but in one condition and that is their relationship." Alice unnie explained that made me froze on my sit.

What the actual fuck?! They owned the Rolex?! Really?! Well i am not that surprised though, Jennie unnie's Family company is more bigger than them. Gucci is always leading anyway so yeah.

"Here's your orders, Madame." Two waiters served the food. My eyes widen, i didn't realized that i ordered too much.

"So how can we finished all of this?" Alice unnie asked looking on all of the food.

"Rosé noona!"

Eh???!!! Don't tell me...

Alice unnie gasped when Jio hugged me. "W-what are you doing here, Jio?" I asked confused.

"Hyung said we will eat lunch with you!" He smiled. I saw how unnie gave me a look.

"Hey Babe..." A husky voice called.

I am now stiffened on my sit. I can't even look on Jimin's direction.

"Babe huh? No boyfriend huh? Now tell me Rosé are you lying or not?" She asked with a cheeky smile on her face.

I stand up, facing Jimin who is now standing in front of me. "I thought you have to go somewhere else?!" I asked.

"Yeah we are already done going there right, Jio?" Jimin looked at Jio who is now sitting beside Alice unnie.

"Ne, hyung!" He gave a thumbs up on the both of us.

"Can't you see? I am having my time eating lunch with Alice--"

"Great timing, Jimin. Rosé ordered a lot food, we can't finished all of it so why don't you join us with this little cutie beside me." Alice unnie pinched Jio's right cheeked.

Yah! I hate you unnie! You always cut my words off. And you are supposedly on my side because you are my Sister! Hmp!

I have no other choice when Jimin already sat on the couch i was sitting at. I let out a heavy sighed before sitting beside him.

Alice unnie gave the both of us a teasing look, making me rolled my eyes. She might getting the wrong idea. Aigoo.

"You know what i just thought for a second that Jio looked like your Son." Alice unnie said, pointing on Me and Jimin.

"Ani, Jio just really looked like me. But we are siblings." Jimin explained, putting a spoonful of lamb leg roast on his mouth.

Jio was eating the seafood pizza, while me i took the fish n chips first. It was my favorite though.

"Yeah, i know. It's just i wonder...." Alice unnie take a bite on the seafood pizza before looking on us.

In which me and Jimin are waiting for her words. The extra glass have arrived, so i poured some red tea on Jio and Jimin glass. So basically Jimin and I both drank our red tea while looking on Alice unnie still waiting for her.

"I just wondered when will i am going to have a niece or nephew from the both of you?"

~ Anndeukie

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