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Rosé's POV

After cooking i serve all of the food on the table inside the dinning area. Jio help me setting the plates and other utensils.

"Be careful, Jio. It's heavy you might drop it on the floor." I said, guiding him to the table.

"Yey i am done helping you, noona!" He smiled, i pat his head.

"Yeah, thank you for that Jio. Come here, have a sit." I tapped the chair beside me.

Jimin and Seulgi came. In which i have received another glare on Seulgi. I sighed. When will she stop hating me? In fact i already gave Jimin up, and act like a real maid towards them.

"Jio come here, sit beside Seulgi noona!" Seulgi showed a fake smile, trying to get Jio's attention.

Jio stucked his tounge out on Seulgi. "No, i would rather sit beside Rosé noona!" Jio answered, making Seulgi pissed.

"K, fine!" Seulgi harshly took the chopsticks.

"Hmmm the pasta taste good noona!" Jio happily said.

"Tss. Kids lies." I heard Seulgi muttered.

"I am not lying! You are just jealous that Rosé noona can cook delicious food, while you can't. Hmp!" Jio said. I hide my laughter by putting a spoonful of steak in my mouth. I also saw how Jimin tried to hide his laugh.

To what Jio said, it made Seulgi turns red in anger even morr. If glaring can kill, maybe Jio and I are already dead. Hahaha!

"Who said i'm jealous huh? By the way, Honey Bunch. I m excited that we will sleep together in one bed later!" She squealed, making me and Jio winced.

"What?! Who says you are sleeping beside me? You are going to sleep on the guest room, understand?" Jimin said, not giving Seulgi a glance.

"Hell no! This is only our time together Jimin and you are wasting it! You want me to sleep in the guest room alone?! I am your girlfriend remember?!" Seulgi tried to be cute.

"Don't care." Jimin straightly said. I really want to laugh right now. "My Brother is here, he is sleeping beside me." Jimin continued.

"Ha! You choose your Brother over me?!" Seulgi sarcastically asked.

"Yeah, I would rather choose Rosé over you." Jimin finished his food before standing up. Leaving the three of us on the dining area.

"Ugh! The two of you!" Seulgi pointed me and Jio. "This is all your fault! I have lost my appetite now!" She yelled, before she harshly put down the chopstick on the table. Making Jio flinched.

When i look on Jio, he was already at the verge of crying. "Hey..." I called, rubbing his back."Shhh, don't cry Baby..." I tried to calm him down.

"But Seulgi is angry at me, he even give me her death glares." Jio rubbed his eyes.

"Don't worry, we don't need her opinion. At least your brother doesn't want her to sleep with him, right?" I act like i was giggling.

"Yeah, right!" Jio dry his tears before laughing.

"Finished your food now, we will start baking your cookies after." I smiled at him in which he nodded cutely.

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