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(A/N: So how's the triple smut on the previous chapter?😄 Surprise😄 Sorry for the late update, but here i am again hihi.)

Rosé's POV

I  woke up when i felt a soft lips planting a kiss all over my face. As i open my eyes, i saw a handsome angel smiling on me.

"Good Morning, babe!" He greeted with his angelic smile.

Fuck, my heart. Please hold tight.

"Good Morning!" I greet back. When a flash of memories came back from what happen yesterday made me blush.

"Hey... You're blushing, babe." He teased, still staring at me.

"W-what? No, i am not!" I said being defensive, i wrapped the blanket around my naked body. I tried to run on the bathroom, but when i start walking i felt the sore. Oh shit.

I heard Jimin chuckled. "I told you that i won't let you walk for a week." He laughed, i glared on him while getting some clothes.

Well i slowly made it on the bathroom anyway. I clean myself up by taking a bath. After that i wore the bathrobe, so i can dry my hair.

I was about to turn the hair dryer on when the bathroom's door opened, it was Jimin. He took the hair dryer away from me and he gently dried my hair.

"Stop staring on me, babe. Just do your other stuffs while i dry your hair." He said, showing his sweet smile. Making my heart fluttered.

Can i ask why are you like this Mr. Park? Don't you know how dangerous your moves are? And here i am being stupid for hoping on something that i think will not ever happen.

I know after this vacation and when we go back to korea we will be a strangers again. I am going back on being his Fangirl again.

I sighed before i remove all of my thoughts out my head, and start brushing my teeth instead.

After i have done brushing my teeth and done doing my skin care. I help Jimin drying my hair.

"Go wear your clothes. Your Jennie unnie cook a breakfast for us. I'll wait for you outside huh." He said when my hair is fully dried, he kissed my forehead before leaving me alone in the bathroom.

Shit! Heart please calm down!

I wore my floral dress, and put some light make up. I saw Jimin playing on his phone when i got out of the bathroom. "Let's go?" He asked. In which i nodded.

He held my waist as we head to his elevator. The delicious smell of the breakfast welcomed us as we reached the dinning area. "Woah, did Jennie unnie cook all of this?" I asked, my  eyes glowed to the sweet breakfast unnie's baking.

"Yeah, my girl did all of this." Taehyung said, smirking. It made Jennie unnie blushed, but she immediately looked away.

"Fuck you, i am not your girl bitch." Jennie unnie said, while he checked the cookies on the oven.

"Well, you're wrong. You are mine since i took your fir--"

"Shut your fucking mouth or else i'll kill you Kim Taehyung." Jennie unnie nervously cut Taehyung oppa off. Covering oppa's mouth.

Jimin oppa and I exchange glances like we are both confused on what's going on with this two. Did something happened yesterday?

"It looks like they have gone to heaven together." Jimin whispered on me in which i didn't get what he meant.

Huh? Heaven? What??

"Goodmorning, everyone!!" Jungkook greeted. Smiling widely. While our maknae beside him are pouting. It's cheeks were beet red.

"Congratulations! Seems everyone got scored huh!" Jimin said, making Taehyung and Jungkook laugh. And us girls look at each other confused.

What?! Okay, am i outdated? Why i don't have any idea on what they are talking about?

"Hahaha! It's boys talk, so don't stress yourself on thinking about it." Taehyung said. It made Jennie shook her head in disbelief.

"What do you plan for tomorrow, Jimin hyung?" Jungkook asked, while munching on his pancake. Our breakfast was full of sweet and we love it. Thank unnie!

"Hmmm i don't know yet, but i think we should buy some foods and gifts for us?" Jimin said, it made Jungkook nod.

"How 'bout let's all go out later? To buy gifts and some food for tomorrow you know?" Lisa suggested, we all look at her.

"That would be great though. So... Later then?" Jimin asked on all of us.

"Sure, hyung." Taehyung said.

"It's alright for me." I said, before eating the cookies.

"Okay." Jimin said.

We continue to eat our breakfast. Lisa and I decided to wash the dishes since Jennie unnie is the one who cook for us. Jennie unnie was on the counter, playing on her phone. While the boys? I don't know where they are, maybe they are talking on the living room.

"Yah, unnie." Lisa poke my side. I hummed in response.

"Is it possible for an idol to fall inlove on their Fangirl?" Lisa asked whispered. Not wanting to be heard by anyone.

"I don't know, Lisa. I think the possibility of it was very low." I smiled at her a bit, before i continue washing the dishes.

I don't want to think about it anymore, it made my heart hurts even more. Knowing that he is just using me for his temporary happiness. I have already accepted the fact that he will leave me after getting what he wants from me.

This will hurt me after and i am aware of that, but can i please enjoy this short moment we have for awhile? Since he was still here, i will make myself happy. He was my happiness and my friends know about that.

Sometimes i envy Jisoo unnie on her relationship with Jin oppa. They are happy together. I want that kind of relationship too, but i think it's impossible for us. Especially for me.

I look up on the ceiling, as my tears start to form on my eyes. What heck is going on with me!

"Uh... Rosé..." Jennie unnie called. "Yes, unnie?" I smiled when i faced her. Hiding my deep emotions.

"Come here, look at this." She seriously said. That made me nervous for a seconds.

I remove all of the soap and bubbles in my hands with the use of running water from the sink. Lisa did the same before we go sit beside Jennie unnie.

Jennie unnie put her phone down, pushing it in front of me. Lisa push her head a little so she can peek on unnie's phone too.

I was froze to my spot when i saw it was a headline.


[Breaking News]

- BTS Park Jimin and Red Velvet Kang Seulgi are happily dating.

~ Anndeukie

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