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Rosé's POV


What the actual fuck?! Do i look like maid or something?

I feel very offended, but i don't want to make a fuss here. So i just left them there to get my finished and well wrapped perfume gift for Mom, i also fetch my gift for Jennie unnie.

I go to the counter to pay my picks. I heard Seulgi's Mom voice coming. "Wait, let me take that! I think it's Jimin who bought it!" She faced me on the counter.

"Cash or Card?" Seulgi's Mom smiled at me and i am aware that it was only fake.

I didn't bother to answer her. I took my wallet out of my sling bag and gave her my gold card with a fake smile plastered on my face too.

Her eyes widen. "Madame, i am the one who bought this not Jimin. And for your information i am not Jimin's assistant nor MAID." I smiled bitterly, that made her expression changed into embarrassed one.

After paying i immediately leave the store. Seulgi's Mom is pissing me off. How dare she thinks of me liked that!

"Hey..." Jimin held my right hand again. I look at our hands first before looking at him.

"What?" I seriously asked.

"I'm sorry for--"

"No need, let's just go. I am going to Cartier." I said, he sighed before nodding.

Actually i am buying a necklace on the Cartier for him. It's my Christmas gift for him. I also bought some gifts for Jisoo unnie, Dad, Alice unnie and Lisa. He also did the same.

After buying some gifts, we head to the Japanese restaurant where we are all gonna meet. I guess we are going to eat here too.

"I think the others are still not there." Jimin said pointing at the Japanese restaurant. But as we entered the restaurant he was wrong, Jennie unnie and Taehyung oppa is already there.

"Oh? You two are early huh?" I sit down in front of Jennie unnie. Followed by Jimin who sit beside me.

"Uh no, we just have arrived here too." Taehyung oppa answered, i nodded. Not long Lisa and Jungkook arrived. After eating we decided to go home.

J • I • R • O • S • E •

The Christmas Eve and the past few days went. Well, except for me. I am distancing myself to Jimin since i saw that news and when we met Seulgi's Mom.

Yes, i know what am i doing. And i am starting to keep myself away from Jimin, because this is wrong. We just made a mistake... that night. We shouldn't have done it. If i just have known earlier that he has a girlfriend. Aish!

I am currently watching movie, yet i don't understand it. Jimin and Seulgi dating news kept bothering me. Please stop getting on my mind! I want to watch this movie peacefully. I sighed.

The moment i leaned my back on the couch is also the time i heard Jennie unnie and Taehyung oppa's voice.

"Yah! I told you not to come with me!" Jennie unnie irritated said.

"No, i will follow you wherever you go. I also want to meet your parents." Taehyung oppa keep insisting.

Maybe they just got off on the elevator. And when they pass through the living room, i look at them.

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