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Rosé's POV

"Babe, are you alright? You have been so quiet since we left the mansion." Jimin worriedly asked.

Stop calling me babe, Jimin. You didn't even tell me that you have a girlfriend!

I badly want to tell him that! But i can't. The fuck, Rosé!

"Oh don't mind me though, i am just thinking about something." I gave him a small smile. He just nodded and we continue to wander around the mall.

When we arrive here at the mall earlier, we have decided to separate our ways by partner. Jennie and Taehyung decided to go on Gucci, Lisa and Jungkook was heading to the Timberland, while Me and Jimin are now going to Chanel.

I want to buy a perfume for my Mom as a Christmas Gift tomorrow. I know they won't going home tomorrow for Christmas Eve, still i want to buy for her. That's how i love my Mom so much.

Jimin kept telling some things about him and in the Kpop Industry, while me i just kept nodding and listening to him. I don't have a mood to talk right now. I know i shouldn't act like this because we are nothing but a Fangirl and Kpop Idol.

I love him, but he didn't love me back. He just want me from his sex life since his girlfriend wasn't here. Tch! How play boy you are Mr. Park Jimin. And here i am letting myself to be fooled by his lies, and stupid affections.

As we entered the Chanel shop, he stopped talking. He didn't talk, he just followed me wherever i go. I don't know why, but at first he really didn't want to go here.


"Uh so i guess we need to part our ways?" Jungkook asked looking at all of us.

"Huh? Boys to girls? Lisa asked confused.

"No, kitten. By partners and you'll coming with me." Jungkook winked on Lisa that made Lisa rolled her eyes.

Is there something going on between this two? Or Jungkook is really flirt like his hyung beside me? Thinking of that makes me roll my eyes too.

"Okay, let's just meet at the Japanese restaurant later. Bye!" Taehyung hold Jennie's hands. Making unnie's eyes widen.

"Y-yah! Why are you pulling- where are we going--"

"Shhh, Baby. Let's just go." Taehyung cut Jennie unnie off by pulling her away from us.

"See you later then, Jimin hyung and Rosé noona. We are going to Timberland, i will buy boots for Lisa." Jungkook said before he left with Lisa.

"So... Where do you want to go?" Jimin asked me, it makes me want to roll my eyes on him again. But i need to calm myself.

"Chanel. I'll buy Mom and Your Mom a perfume there." I said.

"What?!" He surprisingly asked. "Why there? We can still find way more better perfume on Dior, or Estée Lauder or even on Saint Laurent." He stated like he doesn't want to go on Chanel.

"I know. But Mom likes Chanel perfume, so let's go. If you don't want, then don't follow me and mind your own business." I walk ahead of him. I heard him sighed, before catching up with me.

He intertwined our hands. I blushed. He really knows how to cool me down, but i still remember the news headline earlier. Did he already saw it? Or he just act like he didn't saw it because i am here with him.

Aish! Why can't i read him?!

*End of Flashback*

Finally i decided to open my mouth. "Are you not going to buy some for your Mom?" I asked on him, while smelling the two best selling perfume they have.

"Nah, i will buy later at Dior. Not here." He blankly said, that made me confused. Why is he acting strange? He doesn't usually act like that.

"Uh excuse me..." I called to the sales lady. "Yes, Madame?" She asked. Eh? Madame?! Do i look like forty years old or fifty years old lady for her to call me like that?!

I breath in and out. "I'll get this two, please pack it well." I said. "Sure, Madame. We'll just call you if the wrapping has ended." She smiled on me before walking away.

Wait... I remember Jennie unnie loves Chanel. So i decided to go on the bag and clothes. But i still end up buying her and earrings and necklace.

"Can i get that please?" I pointed the beautiful pearl necklace that i think it really suits on Jennie unnie.

The saleslady show it to me, and i nodded to her. She walk away to put it on a box together with the pearl earrings i pick.

"Why do everyone work so slow? Look how many customers are waiting!" A voice of lady in her fifty's said with an authority. "Aish! You are all stressing me out." I look at her, she was beautiful. Her accessories and outfit were screaming wealth and elegance.

She was fanning herself until she saw Jimin who was busy playing on his phone. "Oh my god! Hello there my Future Son in Law!" She excitedly said, making me wince.

Future Son in Law?! Don't tell me...

"Hi, Aunty." He bowed.

"Oh gosh! How thoughtful you are, you don't have to do that. And can you stop calling me Aunty? You are my daughter's boyfriend and future husband so Mom or Eomma is enough." The lady said that made me shocked.

Yeah, i am right. That is why he doesn't want to come here in Chanel. Seulgi's Mom own the Chanel and i didn't know that.

"Yeah..." That was the only word Jimin answered. Why though? Doesn't he like Seulgi's Mom? Or do they have a problem? As what to i have seen earlier it was said that they are happily dating.

Okay, i am now confused. Very confused. Yet not just confused, but pain comes on me too. I suddenly felt hurt, my heart clenched in pain. They are already legal to Seulgi's Family. Does Mom Jimieah knows about their relationship too? Or Jimin's Family?

I sighed. It is my fault for hoping that we can be together, when we really can't.

"Can i ask, who is this girl with you? Is she your assistant or maid?" The lady look at me.


~ Anndeukie

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