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Rosé's POV

"Rosé noona?" Jio called. I hummed in response. "Can you be Jimin hyung Girlfriend instead of Seulgi Wich?"

My jaw dropped and my eyes widen in shocked. What?! Did i heard it right?!

"You know that i am only his friend, Jio. Right? Besides it's his choice to pick who would he like to be his girlfriend, we can't pursue him about that." I said while looking on the lift number.

"Uh noona..." Jio called again.

"Yes?" I looked at him. He was looking down pouting.

"Can i sleep where you are going to sleep?" He continued.

"What? Why? You are supposed to sleep with your, hyung." I said still looking on him.

"I know, noona. It's just Seulgi will push me away like she did last time, she doesn't want me to sleep beside my hyung. She wants herself to sleep beside, Jimin hyung. Please noona... I am begging you..." Jio looked down with a teary eyes.

"Hmmmm okay, just don't cry." I said. Pressing the close button and second level of elevator when it opens because we already reached the third floor.

I saw Jio yawned. "You're Brother is right, you are already sleepy. Come." I open my arms to carry him, in which he walks towards me and let me carry his waist. He wrapped his arms around my neck while he leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Goodnight, noona..." That was the last thing he said before he fall in his dreamland.

I open the guest room where Jennie unnie and Taehyung oppa stayed. Yes, they are the one who stay in one room while Lisa and Jungkook stay on the other room too. That's why i am confused on what's going on to those four.

I gently put Jio down on the bed, tucking him inside the warm blanket. Putting his arms inside the blanket so he won't feel cold later. I bend down a little to caress his hair. Staring at him makes me remember that i have always dream of having a younger sibling but i am the younger one! Hmp! How i wish Alice unnie was younger at me.

I gave Jio a soft kiss on his forehead, before slowly leaving the room. Not wanting to make any noise that can wake Jio up. As i get out of he room, i saw how dark in the hallway was. I forgot to open the dim lights earlier since Jio is already sleeping.

While walking, i was startled when someone pinned me on the wall making my back meet the cold wall.

"Hmmmm..." I groaned when i felt it start kissing me. I tried to pull away but i can't, it's grip on my hands were too strong.

"Shhhh don't make any noise Babe if you don't want to wake Jio up." That was Jimin. His husky voice whispering on my ears were sending a tingling sensation on my lower abdomen.

"No... Jimin no, your girlfriend is here." I tried to push him away.

"She was on my room sleeping by herself and to remind you a fake girlfriend only huh?" He said before attacking my lips again.

"Please, Rosé Babe. I already missed you so much." He whisper again, making my knees go weak. This time i already surrendered, letting him do whatever he wants.

I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen our kiss. He held my thighs to wrap it around his torso. Fuck, i badly missed him!

He opened the other guest room door still not breaking our kiss, he carefully closed the door before locking it. He gently puts me down on the bed and pull away from the kiss.

The only light we have was the one that came from the moon outside the window. I can see how his stares doesn't let me off. His beautiful eyes were staring deep on my soul.

"Do you know how angry i am when Seulgi treats you like a real maid huh? I treat you like my own fucking princess, Rosé. While she? Fuck! She doesn't have the right to do that!" He was still staring at me.

I swallowed hard when my gaze turns on his soft lips. "We should not do this, Jimin. This is wrong, totally wrong. If she caught the both of us, we will be doomed." I said, he start to kiss my neck. Making my back arched.

"Well i don't give a shit about her, Rosé. If our parents are not Business partners, maybe i am with you now, Babe. And i would be glad if she saw us fucking each other, that will proved that i don't loved her. And it will ruined her ego 'cause she's my girlfriend but i haven't touched her. While you... You are not my girlfriend but you owned my heart, i kissed you, i touched you and even fuck you so hard on my bed because you are the one i loved so please don't doubt my feelings for you. I love you so much, please loved me back my Park Chaeyoung." He stopped kissing my neck to look straightly on my eyes.

My heart felt so touched. Finally, he admit that he loves me. But still i can't feel at ease whenever i remember Seulgi's with him. Even though she is only a fake girlfriend, in eyes of their fans they are real. A lot people know they are real couple when they are really not. If i meddle between their relationship, i might look like some whore stealing Jimin away from Seulgi. Shit, please help me. I don't know what to do, i am going crazy right now. I hope someday table will get turned.

I didn't answer him instead i cupped his cheeks and pull it so that our lips will met. And it succeed. Our kissed were very passionate, this is the first we have done this. We always do the aggressive and torrid kiss so this is new and it's fluttering. It was like he was showing me his affection and feelings towards me. Telling me how he loved me with all of his heart.

Damn, i can't decided! Am i really willing to take the risk? He's an idol, while i am not. I am only his Fangirl. But i don't love him as my idol now, i love him as my man. Yet, i still can't tell him that i loved him. I am afraid that in the end he's only using me on something.

I will tell you soon, Jimin. If things around us will be fixed. I'll also prove to you how i loved you so damn much. But this isn't the right time yet, i'm sorry. I am just scared that in the end i will get lose. I will lose you, and i will lose myself. Please trust me, please wait for me too, Jimin.

Nado Saranghae, My Park Jimin...

~ Anndeukie

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