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Rosé's POV

I held my chest, as i continue to catch my breath.

What the heck are you doing Park Chaeyoung! You're so clumsy, you almost saw your idol naked.

But wait, why didn't i turned around? Oh my god, i missed such a heaven view!

Eh? Yah, Rosé Byuntae!

I just shook my head, before i stripped myself, and meets the cold water of the shower.

After taking a bath, i turned off the shower. I stared at my naked body on the mirror, when i remember something.

"Oh shit! I forgot to bring a towel!" I murmured, before i sighed heavily.

Aish! What to do now? It's so embarrassing if i ask Jimin oppa to get my towel. The most important thing on taking a bath, is the one i forgot to bring! Aish!

I bit my lower lip in nervous, i have no choice, but to eat my pride. I slowly walk towards the door, opening it a little.

"Uh o-oppa, c-can y-you please get m-my towel? I f-forgot to b-bring it earlier, sorry to b-bother you."

"Oh really? I am about to sleep, so why don't you get it by yourself?" He said.

"What? Are you crazy oppa? You know that i am naked, and you want me to get it by myself?" I asked.

"No, but it will be good, if you go out there naked." He said, that made my eyes widen.

"Yahhhh!!" I shouted in embarrassment, i heard him chuckles.

"Arasseo, you owe me another one huh?" He said, i closed the door.

• J • I • R • O • S • E •

Jimin's POV

I smirked, when i stand up from the bed. Is she that absent minded to forgot her bath towel? Hahaha how cute!

I go to her suitcase, opening it. My eyes widen to what i saw, fuck! Why did she put her underwears in the top part of her suitcase, when she can put it on the bottom. Aish!

This is so embarrassing! I felt my cheeks is heating up. You'll deal with me later Rosie, you already have two debt on me.

When i already get her towel, i shyly knock on the door. I look away, before i give her the towel, when she opened the door.

"T-thank you oppa, i'm sorry too." She said with her soft and gentle voice.

I didn't bother to answer her anymore 'cause i do really feel my face is heating up. I go back to the bed, tucking myself inside the blanket.

The bathroom's door open, i guess it was her. I close my eyes, so that i can now take my sleep. I am really tired, maybe it's because of the long flight i had earlier.

I open my eyes, when i felt hungry. I look at the wall clock, and i saw it's already 2 am in the morning. I look beside me, i saw no sight of Rosie.

Eh? Where did she slept? I go out of my bed, and i was about to enter the bathroom, when i heard soft snores.

I look where it comes from, i saw Rosie sleeping on the couch of my room. I walked towards her, crouching in front of her.

"Why did you sleep there? Did you know how uncomfortable you look right know?" I whisper to her, and of course i don't get a answer, because she was in her deep sleep.

I decided to carry her into a bridal style, transferring her on my bed. While i am carrying her she talked. "Yah, Eomma! Look what have you done!" She said, her eyes still closed.

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