3| queen comes to kneel

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After registering with the short receptionist with a mane of dyed, bright purple locks who, too, looked shockingly off-put by my attendance at this school, I begrudgingly made my way to my first class of the day.

I was already late having had to get all the documents and I was not looking forward to the more stares I would receive from heading into class whilst everyone was already there.

So instead of going into lesson, I made my way to the car park where I could be annoyed at my situation in peace.

If my mother found out I was already skipping class on my first day, I'd never hear the last of it but I honestly couldn't care at the moment; I needed a break.

As I opened the school doors, I was glad to see that there were no one outside with everyone most likely in class but under further inspection, I saw with displeasure that the guy from earlier with the dark eyes stood in the car park with another slightly taller person. They both were in a heated discussion and not wanting to draw attention to myself or be under their mean scrutiny, I moved away from them, trying to lurk in the shadows so I didn't have to deal with anyone else.

I walked around the school building until I found a spot that I presumed was for teachers and their smoke breaks.

It was covered and sheltered which meant that I could stew privately.

I sat in the corner where the shadows were hiding me, making me feel more at peace.

I got out my phone and saw that I had a text message.

Love and miss you.

The message brought a shiver all over my body. The too similar wording to the one I received this morning made me internally cringe.

But despite my reaction to the message, I replied that I loved and missed him too, hoping that I'd see him soon.

Even though I had only been gone a few hours, this message from Lennox made my heart hurt. He was truly my one best friend and being here, stuck where I was the worst person in everyone's eyes, I couldn't help but really feel the distance. But what good would it do to think about this? I wasn't mentally prepared today to drown in a whirlpool of depressing thoughts until I couldn't breathe. Today was not the day.

With aims to distract myself and pass the time, I busied myself with training my gaze on my surroundings, attempting to find something interesting I could focus on.

Before long, I looked to the ground and noticed that on the concrete floor someone had written something with what seemed a sharp object like a knife, taking my mind to something else.

Right by my shoe, there was a sentence engraved.

Fuck Finchley and Granite Hill SCUM.

My hands clenched in angry fists as I read the rude words.

This rivalry business has started about twenty years ago here in this town of Richview.

The story states that it was all because of the three richest men that owned the area who had an argument and decided to allocate the town into their own shares to maintain peace.

As a result, their children now grew up feeling the need to share the same opinions and beliefs that their fathers held, not helping the tension between the three parts of the town. Not to mention the rivalry bled into every single household in the areas of the three territories with crimes from verbal abuse having escalated into physical violence and much worse things I'd rather not think about.

It made me sick.

All of this hatred and for what?

Because of three power-hungry men that couldn't bear the fact of not having more than the other?

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