13| a little normality

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Ignoring things had lasted a bit longer than necessary.

After leaving Lennox, I had jumped in bed and did nothing for what felt like days.

On Monday, I faked an illness just so that I wouldn't have to go to school and see Dorran, Archer or Marcelo and playing ill also meant that I could avoid Lennox.

He had called and texted and I had replied to all of them, repeating what I had told my mother, that I felt sick and I had a fever.

He had offered to come over but I told him that I was in no right mind to even be the slightest bit of good company.

Lying to Lennox like this might've seemed unfair and it was but I needed time to think on my own and plan.

The stalker's note weighed heavily on my mind as others things did but this was my main focus.

It might've been stupid even considering going but I couldn't ignore my heart.

This man had protected me for a long time now and despite his changing antics, I still wanted to hear him out. It had been long playing on my mind what his motivations were and even if he turned out to be a psycho, at least I would know where he stood. There was enough mystery in my life as it was; I needed some clarity or I'd start going crazy.

Another reason why I had to go and meet him was because I knew all this trouble wouldn't stop until I did. He was similar to Dorran and his friends in the way that they went about things. Whatever they wanted, they pursued until they got it and I didn't want to drag it on any longer. I wanted some peace and quiet for once and this was the only way to get it.

All that being said, I wasn't stupid and I wasn't going to deliver my body vulnerable to the possible murderer on a silver platter. I had to have some form of protection.

The first thing that popped into my mind was Dorran and I almost laughed out loud. He was strong and capable but he'd rather shove a dagger through my heart than help me. What a joke for him to appear first in my head.

As I thought some more, the perfect person came to mind and I smiled in satisfaction.

He'd be perfect.

I couldn't tell Lennox because I knew my friend would get worried and I didn't need any of that. After the worry, he'd force me not to go and I didn't need that either.

I had made up my mind and despite how stupid I was acting, I was stubborn and I couldn't not go.

And I had a feeling deep inside me that although the stalker had managed to spook me a couple of times, he would never hurt me.

He had his opportunities recently but he never did.

I faked sick as long as I could, needing a pause to my hectic life, but on Thursday morning when my mother came into my room with a look on her icy face, I knew my little time for myself was over and I'd have to go back to school.

It was good timing anyway because in a few hours, I would be on my way to meet Mr mysterious.

• • •

Thursday classes were pretty uneventful and because of my aptitude in learning and my prior extensive education, I was able to catch up quickly without feeling lost.

Dorran and his friends were nowhere to be seen but today, that was because I was hiding from them and not because they were playing in the shadows.

Just before my last period of the day, I felt a hand grab me before I could get into class and my body froze. However, after sensing a feminine touch, I turned to see Maia.

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