15| mysterious guests

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Without meaning to as if it was just instinct, my hands pushed Darcy's body behind mine as the ruinous sound of danger prevailed, bringing about a tense atmosphere amongst the six of us. As I realised what I had just done, I cursed at myself but kept her behind me. I could hate her but still not want her to die; that was reasonable.

I didn't have time to think about it at the moment though as my ears perked up and my body thrummed in anticipation of the attack I could feel that was coming. I stood there, analysing and calculating as the sounds got louder, coming closer to us and sounding like a dozen footsteps that brought along with them menace and threat. The darkening skies amplified this, making every little breach of the silence seem dangerous.

I stared at the surroundings, trying to match the movement to the increasing noise as my body prepared for the upcoming danger, ready for the fight, almost hungry for it after not getting the violence that I needed from Mathew. I didn't know what was happening but there was an undeniable warning running through my blood that told me something was going to happen.

After a while, there was silence once again like before but the dark forewarning that remained inside of me told me not to let my guard down, that the threat had not yet gone away and in the next moment as I continued to stare off into the darkness, waiting with my body as tense as a statue, I saw a slither of movement by the building opposite us, confirming what I had believed.

I narrowed my eyes in an attempt to see what it was or more likely who had come to join us but the darkness coated whatever it was, not helping me at all.

After a moment though, just before I was about to start backing up, not liking the gut instinct inside of me, a foot came out of the shadows and soon a whole body stepped outwards along with it.

And it was obvious that this was not Darcy's stalker. Where the stalker was lithe and almost with skinny strength, the man in front of us was the opposite. I was tall and yet he had quite a few inches on me and his muscles were filled, packed with years of hard training and almost the width of a tree trunk. His face was the thing that was the most distraught with his heavy beard that covered his aged face in shadows and his eyes even from all the way here that promised dark nothings to the six of us that were unlucky enough to be caught at the wrong place at the wrong time unfortunately as I tried to justify what was happening.

I blocked off all the emotions and looked at this situation from an unbiased point of view so I could find a way out of this. He was only one man and although he looked dangerous, it was one against six and I liked our chances.

But the belief that we would be fine died in my chest as I saw more movement ahead of us and near that man. And before I knew it, several feet, several dozen pairs of feet, in fact, stepped into the clearing behind the first man, revealing themselves from the darkened buildings.

I concealed my surprise and my disbelief as I stared at the new arrivals, off of whom were older men who all were heavy-looking and with biker vibes about them as dread coursed through my veins.

It hadn't stopped there because, in the next second, I heard commotion from behind of me and looking back quickly, I saw that there were more of the same type of men behind us too.

My blood ran cold as I realised that we were surrounded, trapped in a circle of venom, ensuring that we wouldn't make it out. I was good but I wasn't that good to take on twenty men who all looked ready for a fight which was portrayed from their postures and their dark eyes.

My mind thought of my gun that would surely help but after a second thought, I realised that I wasn't going to use it; that gun was solely for Mathew. I didn't care if they were ought to kill us; I didn't want to use it on them.

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