Chapter 12

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Merida POV

I sighed happily. All these classes had been great. Dagur is strong and brave, and slightly insane, but I love that. It makes him so appealing to me.

"Merida. Merida! ME-RI-DA!" Our Charms teacher, Miss Dunn, shrieked angrily. She reminds me of the witch back in DunBroch. Maybe they're related. Any way, I snapped back to attention.

"Yes miss?" I replied, keeping my voice sugar sweet.

"For the third time, I'm asking you to demonstrate the Aquis (not real) charm. Are you ready?"

I nodded, a lump forming in my throat so I couldn't speak. Why did Dagur have to come!!! Now I'll never pay attention in class... Oh sorry, I was looking at Dagur... Dang it! This has to stop, right now.

"I'll do it miss," Dagur spoke up from the back. "I think Merida just hasn't got a handle on it yet."

He pulled out his wand. It was birch wood, 10 inches, dragon heart (supplied by him) and Phoenix feather core. He told me himself.

"Aquis!" He commanded, and there was a fish. "Vanishio!" And then the fish was gone.

"Ooh, well done Deranged!" Miss Dunn shrieked. Then she looked at her pocket watch. "Class is over! Git out, scrawny fleabags!" And we hurried to get out and to our next class, Tranfiguration.

I was walking down the hallway when I slipped. I felt myself falling. Please don't crack my skull, please don't crack my skull...

And then I wasn't falling anymore. I stood up and turned around to see who had caught me. And staring back at me was a scrawny, one legged Viking.

"You!" I said angrily.

"Well, a thanks would of been nice," and then he walked past me and continued on the class. My jaw dropped as I realised the truth in that statement.

He just saved me from a fall that could have seriously injured me. Now I'm indebted to him, as goes the DunBroch way (I'm not sure if this is true I just made it up).

Great. Now I'm like his bodyguard.

Hiccup POV

I pushed past the Highlander, hoping she hadn't seen the blaze rising on my face as I said it. Where had those words come from? Is that the new me?

I shook it off and continued to Tranfiguration. Turning in through the door, he was the first person I saw. His beady little eyes squinted, his evil roar as he laughed at Snotlout's joke. Wait, Snotlout's?!

What are you doing?! I signalled to Snotlout.

Getting on his good side, he signalled back. Gosh, and they say you're the thinker.

Whatever. I rolled my eyes at that and went to take a seat. I looked around the room and the only spare seat was next to Frizzy. I sighed, then went to sit down.

"So," I said, getting out my books, "Merida, right?" She nodded stiffly, so I continued. "Can we just forget the whole different races thing and try to be friends?" Again, she nodded.

"Wanna try speaking for once?"

She let out a sigh. "Oh, okay. That solemn face was getting hard to hold anyway. You should of seen how much I was laughing on the inside."

I was shocked by this sudden mood swing, but went along with it. We're almost... Friends.


Rapunzel POV

School was coming to a close. It was the last week and let me tell you, I was not happy to be going home. I walked slowly along the corridor,not wanting to go to the common room and study for the tests say that was coming up.

I rounded the corner and saw a shadowy figure. I squinted, trying to focus on the charachter. He ran away and I just had to run after him.

I had to run hard just to keep up with them. They must be fast, probably muscly. But where were they going? That I didn't know.

I rounded another and ran into a door. I jiggled the handle. No movement from the door. I pushed the door. No. I pulled the door. Still it didn't open. It was locked, well and good.

"Drat!" I said, slamming my hands against the door and thumping it hard. "Open!" Who was in that room and what were they doing?

I decided to come back tomorrow, but with friends. Ones who were good at solving mysteries. Ones who were strong and brave. No, not Mystery Inc. .You'll find out.


"So," I said, looking at the people sitting around the table. "You in?"

Natalie, CC and Astrid nodded their heads vigorously. "We're in," they said in sync, but CC ruined the moment by saying, "But only if there's donuts." Everyone laughed.

"Well," Jack said, shrugging. "I'm in. Frizzy, Hiccup, what about you?"

"Whatever. You know what I think. It's a chance to get Dagur once and for all." Hiccup had already made his opinion clear.

"Why are you so bent on destroying Dagur?" Merida protested. "He's a nice guy."

"He's deranged, that's what he is. He tried to kill me."

"Well, I'm not doing it. Count me out. Sorry Punz." And with that, Merida walked away.

"Um, okay." I replied, then turned to my team. "We'll need 7 for the plan to work though, so somebody go get Eugene."

"Already here babe," and with that, there was my gorgeous Eugene, standing behind me. I hugged him, and it was then I realised how much I had missed him.

Once again I turned to the team. "Eugene, sit down and concentrate. This is how it's gunna work..."

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