Chapter 1

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Astrid POV:

Stormfly slowed to a stop as we landed in the Dragon Training Academy. Hiccup stood in the centre of the arena, shifting from leg to leg anxiously. He turned to me with a frown.

"What's wrong Hiccup?" I asked. He looked at me sadly.

"Astrid, you know those classes, the ones I've been taking since I was 11?" he answered my question with another question. "Well, I've just got this letter saying that I'm no longer allowed to be homeschooled."

"You-You're saying you can't do your studying on Berk?"

"Yes Astrid, that is what I'm saying. Okay?"

But instead if an answer, I jumped off Stormfly and ran to him. "Hiccup, Berk won't be the same without you." At that he smiled.

"Did I mention that you and Snotlout are coming with me?


Jack POV:

I sat in a corner, idly making patterns with frost on the window in the Rocking-horse making department of North's Workshop.

I heard North himself's heavy footsteps clomping towards me.

"Two letters," he said, his voice clouded by a Russian(or is it Swedish?!) accent. "One from your friend Hiccup, and one from Hogwarts Academy."

I understood the first letter. I had first met Hiccup when he was three, and I was hellbent on making someone else's life a misery. Through the years, he taught me how to enjoy life and have fun, and I taught him how to carry responsibility... you know, ish.

But in the past year or so, we had lost touch. Maybe it was because his 15th birthday meant he started dragon training, or because I was selected to be a Guardian. But I still read his letter.

Hey, um, Jack, it's Hiccup. You know, the dragon rider? Anyway, I send this letter as a forewarning to the next letter, the one from Hogwarts Academy, you know, the course you and I have been studying since I was 11?

Anyway, I was accepted there. And if your letter says what mine says, I hope we end up in the same house(I'm hoping for Ravenclaw, but I'm probably not that smart.)! I hope I will be able to meet you at Diagon Alley before the trip to London and Kings Cross station. Yours truly,

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III

P.S. Astrid and Snotlout are coming with me from Berk to Diagon and Hogwarts too. Do you remember them?

I nodded to North to pass me the next letter. He laughed at my worried face. "Look lively, Jack," he said. "I'm sure it will be good news."

I took a deep breath and opened the letter.


Eugene POV:

"A letter for you, Princess Rapunzel. And one for you too, Master Eugene." The servant still spoke with a respectful tone, even after Rapunzel and I had told them so many times to call us by our first names. "Would you like me to read them to you?"

Um, no thank you. I would prefer to read it myself. You may go..."

"My name is Caprice. Sir."

"You may go Caprice." She hurried off and I broke the red wax seal on the letter. I turned to Rapunzel. "Ready?" I asked her.


"3,2,1..." We opened the letters.


Harris POV:

Mum burst in the door. "Triplets!" She yelled. "You have some explaining to do."

I was really confused. For once, me and my triplet brothers weren't planning anything. "What explaining?" Hubert asked. "We weren't planning anything and haven't been for weeks. Ask Maudie." Hamish and I nodded in agreement.

"Well then why do you three have a letter to Hogwarts Academy?" Then she looked confused. "And why does Merida too? I've never known her to get in on your pranks."

"That's cause it's not a prank, Mum!" I said, exasperated. Then Merida walked in. "Mail?" she asked. "For me?"

"And for your brothers too," Mum replied. "From someplace called Hogwarts Academy."

"That's where all my studies are from, remember Mum?" Then she turned to us. " 'Member boys, if wha' it says blows ya minds, and you still wanna go, you'll have to come with me to Diagon Alley."

So I opened my letter in sinc with my brothers. It said:


Headmaster: Edmund Sagewhisper

Dear Harris,

We are pleased to inform that you and three other members of your family have secured a place at the school mentioned above. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary schoolbooks and equipment. Term begins 15th Febuary. We await your response no longer than 2 weeks from now.

Yours sincerely,

Rebecca Frazenheart

Head of Ravenclaw house

The letter ended there. I flipped it over to find the "enclosed list" and also information about "houses". I looked up and saw the smiles on my brothers' faces.

"Well then," Hamish said. "I guess we're going then."

A/N The letter is based loosely on the letter Harry Potter gets in Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone.

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