Chapter 7

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Hiccup POV

I look up at the charts on the wall. First years, second years, third years, fourth years... Fifth years! I looked at the fifth year chart. It exactly matched my schedule.

Name: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III

Year: Fifth

Period 1: Herbology - Slytherin

Period 2: Charms - Ravenclaw

Period 3/4: Potions - Slytherin

Period 5: Transfiguration - Gryffindor

Period 6: Study Period

Period 7: Potions - Ravenclaw

Period 8: Defense Against the Dark Arts - Slytherin

Period 9: History of Magic - Gryffindor

All students must be in their dorm/common room by 8pm. Any student caught out will lose 50 points for their House.

As of this year, 1st years will have seperate classes, 2s, 3s and 4s will have classes together and 5s, 6s and 7s will have classes together, due to a lack of staff.

Sheesh, that's a bit over the top. I shrugged off the bad feeling that I would be one of those people. Classes start at 8, I remembered. I headed out of the common room. The greenhouse was outside. I took a lot of twists and turns but just ended up at a painting of a farmer. "Password?" He asked me.


"I said password. You wanna come into the Ravenclaw common room or not?" He quizzed.

"Uh... No, I just wanted to get to Herbology."

"Really? Well sir, you took a fair few wrong turns." The farmer launched into a detailed description of the way there, then made Me memorize it.

"Off you go chappie, and don't let me see you here again!" The farmer sent me off. I rolled my eyes. Who knew a painting to be so demanding!

Walking in the hall proved more difficult than I thought. Dodging around people was difficult and I couldn't look where I was going. Thud!

I looked up. A red, frizzy-haired girl with the red-and-gold Gryffindor tie stared back at me. "Who are you?!" we asked in shock at the same time.

"Merida of DunBroch, sixth year, Gryffindor," she replied.

"You're a highlander?!"

"Mm, and?"

"I'm Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, son of Stoick the Vast, chief of Berk."

"You're a VIKING?!" she exclaimed.

"Mm, and?" I mimicked her. Her face turned red in anger. She stormed off. I rolled my eyes. Some people are so rude.

I finally found my way down to the greenhouse. I wasn't late though. In fact, I was early. Looks like more people than just me got lost.

I found a good spot next to a strange plant that I thought I recognized. It smelt nice, a almost sweet, smoky sort of smell.

"That's dragon nip, my boy," An sharp but kind voice spoke from behind me. A short, nimble woman with blonde hair spoke from behind me. "I'm Toothiana Farry, your Herbology teacher."

"Hello," I replied nervously. Even though her voice was kind, she seemed the sort of person not to mess with. Just then, Astrid burst in through the greenhouse door.

"Is this Herbology for fifth years?" she asked.

"It could be..." Miss Farry replied. I just waved to Astrid. She walked over.

"Hey Hiccup! how's Hufflepuff?" she inquired.

"Alright, how's Slytherin."

She shuddered "I'm thinking about requesting a transfer. You friend Frost is a total PIG." she emphasized the last word.

"He's not that bad..." I trailed off.

"You don't have to live with him night and day."

"Astrid it was ONE NIGHT." I tried to prove my point, but she just turned away. Miss Farry cleared her throat an my first lesson in Hogwarts began.

Merida POV

That total pig! How dare he walk the same halls as I! I fumed about bumping into that Viking. He didn't even go, 'Oh, sorry for bumping into you', no, he just rolls his eyes and walks off.

A small voice in my head starts talking to me. You bumped into him too, and he's kinda cute.

NO, he's not.

Yes, he is.





Shut up voice.

I looked at my schedule again.

Name: Merida of DunBroch

Year: 6

Period 1: Potions - Ravenclaw

Period 2: Defense Against the Dark Arts - Slytherin

Period 3/4: Herbology -Ravenclaw

Period 5: Transfiguration - Hufflepuff

Period 6: Study Period

Period 7: Astronomy - Slytherin

Period 8: Charms - Ravenclaw

Period 9: History of Magic - Hufflepuff

All students must be in their dorm/common room by 8pm. Any student caught out will lose 50 points for their House.

As of this year, 1st years will have seperate classes, 2s, 3s and 4s will have classes together and 5s, 6s and 7s will have classes together, due to a lack of staff.

Wait, that dweeb said he was a year 5, right? Ugh! That means I have to have classes with him! I moaned to myself silently, then traipsed on determinedly to class.

Authors Note!

Hey guys! Thanks for all the reads and thank you to candicanez, CheetoLover and BookWorm2552 for all the likes! Have had serious writers block lately! Got back from Bali a couple of days ago so time has been clogged up with school! I thank all of you for your dedication to reading this! Please tell me if I made a mistake, especially in the timetables, cause it will be fixed ASAP. Also, you know how I said earlier that hiccstrid might be over? Well it could be the start of merricup! Ah well. Comment, like and have fun reading!


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