Chapter 3

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Merida POV:

Jack hung with my brothers and I. He was nice, but I still found there was something off about him. The triplets wanted to go to the pet store first, but I had to exchange the money for galleons.

After that we headed to Flourish and Blotts. Jack was a year 7 and I was a year 6, so we had different lists. The triplets were 1st years so they all had the same list. So once we had all the books we went to get robes.

A strange group of people were on the inside. They wore leather clothes and horned helmets. There was two boys and a girl. One boy was muscly with black hair and a mean face. The other was weedy and brown haired, with a metal leg. But there was something... different about him.

The girl was something different altogether. Tough but not mean, slim but strong and blonde plaited hair. She saw us and signaled to her friends to walk over to us.

"Hi, I'm Astrid." The girl introduced herself. Before she could say anymore Jack looked at the brown haired boy. "Hiccup!" he exclaimed.

"Jack?" the brow haired boy called Hiccup said. "Is it really you? And who's your friends?"

"Oh, right." Jack ran his fingers through his white hair. "Hiccup, Astrid, Snotlout, this is Merida and her triplet brothers Hubert, Hamish, and Harris."

"What year are they?" Hiccup asked. "They look like 1st years."

"They are," I replied.

The one called Snotlout said "Well, I don't know about you guys, but we still have a lot of things to purchase. Do you guys wanna come with us?"

Jack nodded and went to stand next to Hiccup. I went over to Astrid. She seemed like a nice enough person. The twins decided to pester Snotlout. The day seemed almost perfect.


Hiccup POV:

Astrid made the decision to get on the Hogwarts Express early. She wasn't even bossy, I think Snotlout and I just agreed. "I dibs window seat!" Snotlout yelled as I slid open the door to the carriage. He ran past me and jumped on the seat.

Astrid rolled her eyes and sat on the seat opposite him. I shut the door behind me. I sat down next to Astrid. Just then the carriage door slid open and a blonde girl peeked her head in.

"Hey guys! my name's Rapunzel and this is Eugene," she said. At Eugene the brown haired boy beside her waved. "I was homeschooled and Eugene is just going for seventh year. So am I, even though I'm 18."

"Hiccup, Astrid, Snotlout," gesturing to myself then the others. "We were all homeschooled. We're year 5s."

"Mm, oh right! Can we sit here?" Rapunzel asked, just remembering she and Eugene were there in the first place.

"Sure," Astrid replied. "Just don't ask anyone else to sit with us."

"Yeah, ok, sure." And Rapunzel and Eugene sat down. then we all sat down and waited for the next stop, Hogwarts.

The Big Four (And Friends) In HogwartsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora