Chapter 4

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Jack POV:

As soon as try let us off the train I felt totally happy. Sitting in that thing was boring. And most likely dangerous. But what do I care.

"First years and homeschoolers, into the boats. Everyone else, go to the carriages." A slight man in glasses ordered. For once, I obeyed.

The boats were uncomfortable, rocking and leaking. I was surprised that they still floated actually. I met up with Hiccup on the other side of the massive lake, which was obviously supposed to be a defense system of some kind.

"Hey Jack," Hiccup waved as I came over. "Have you seen Astrid or Snotlout? I lost them after I got out of the boat."

"Nope," I replied.

"Well what a great load of help you are."

"Hicc, are you alright? you're not acting like your normal self."

"Am I alright? Am I alright?! You're asking me if I'm alright? I've had to leave everything I love, my dad, Toothless, Berk, all of it behind, just to go to this school that I know barely anything about! you still think I'm 'alright' Jack?!" And then Hiccup stormed off, leaving me confused and a little bit scared.

The doors magically opened for the first year that was at them. A grand staircase was behind it, sparkling like it was brand new.

"Hurry, hurry everyone! We can't have a Sorting ceremony with nothing to sort!" A woman in a black witch's hat and black robes with a blue and silver tie hurried everyone in and up the staircase. She then cleared her throat.

"Children, my name is Rebecca Frazenheart, and I am the head of Ravenclaw house. If you would hurry up and stand in a straight line behind these wood doors, the Sorting ceremony will begin."


Merida POV:

The big doors opened on cue. Children filed through in and orderly line, the homeschooled children at the back. Once at the front of the room, I sat down on a empty wooden bench.

"Welcome students to Hogwarts on this exciting year. I am Edmund Sagewhisper, the headmaster of Hogwarts. We shall now start the Sorting!" a small man with a mousy look and a thin grey beard stood at the front and announced this. Through his glasses his blue eyes twinkled.

"I'll start with the homeschoolers. Of Corona, Rapunzel." A tall brunette with a bob gulped next to me, then walked up to the stage. A blonde man placed the old, wrinkled leather wizard hat on the girl's head. It had a mouth and black, soulless eyes. It's mouth moved, but no sound came out.

"RAVENCLAW!" It shouted, scaring the beejeebies out of me.

Professor Sagewhisper said the next name. "Of DunBroch, Merida."


Rapunzel POV:

"Of DunBroch, Merida." I saw the red haired girl who was sitting next to me get up and walk up to the stage as I myself walked to my new house's table.

She didn't look scared, like I did, just proud, a happy smile on her face. She stood in stage as the hat was placed on her head. The hat's mouth moved but no sound came out. I remember what the hat said to me.

"Cocky, huh? Ran away from mother with a wanted thief, good cook, cursed with a baby face, memorized whole books... I say RAVENCLAW!"

Two girls made space for me to sit down at the table. "Hi, I'm Cecelia, but my friends call me CC." A strawberry blonde with green eyes gestured for me to sit down at the table. "I'm a year 7 too! We could be in a dorm together!"

"I'm Natalie," the brunette on the other side of me said quietly. "Year 4."

"Well you know who I am." I said to them. "So let's continue watching the Sorting."


Hiccup POV:

I waited anxiously as names were called. DunBroch (Gryffindor), Egmont (Hufflepuff), Jack was a Slytherin, then finally it was me. "Horrendous Haddock III, Hiccup." I heard some other homeschoolers and some first years snigger at my name.

I strode up to the podium, trying to hold my head up high, and failing. I tripped on the stair getting on to the stage and the sniggers and whispers increased. Great, I thought, first day and I'm already a loser.

I stood up straight on the stage. The hat was placed on my head. Boy, this thing's heavy! I heard that! I am the Sorting Hat, so be nice to me, I choose your fate! Oh, you're the famous Dragon Rider, are you? Oh, just the son of her. Loyal to friends and determined to prove himself. I don't know where to put you. Let's go...

"HUFFLEPUFF!" The last bit scared me, I was so in depth in the monologue the Hat was drawling in my head. What did he mean, the Dragon Rider's son?

I started walking to the Hufflepuff table. A girl and a boy moved apart to let me sit down. I was about to have a conversation with them when I head Sagewhisper call out "Hofferson, Astrid." My head shot up immediately. Please Hufflepuff, please Hufflepuff...

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat decided. It then proceeded to go through everyone else, I only heard a few though, a boy called Eugene Fitzherbert, year 7, came to Hufflepuff, Snotlout went to Gryffindor(Good luck to them), and three little and identical first years went to Gryffindor too.

As everyone strode up to go to our common room and dorms, my head was still spinning. Astrid's not in my house, Astrid's not in my house, Astrid's not in my house... And I'm still arguing with Jack! this is a bad, bad first day...

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