Chapter 8

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Jack POV

I fell onto my bed, exhausted. Classes had been pushed up to the max this week. It was almost as if they were trying to punish us. It's not my fault that I got enrolled in this dumb school.

And frankly, it had not been the best week. Every class he had had with Hufflepuff was horrid. It was all 'Astrid, forgive me' or 'Jack, please talk to me' from Hiccup or Astrid complaining. However much I tried, Astrid would not give him a chance.

Not that I minded. It was just I thought that making up with Astrid would be the first step to making up with Hiccup. I rolled over, groaning. Getting up and going to eat was to much work. My muscles ached. My back cracked as I stood up. Too bad I'm not allowed to fly in this place. Wait, no one ever said that!

I stood up with new energy. My staff flew to me and I grasped it in my hand, it's rough wood familiar in my hand. I rolled on my palm, then flung open the window. "Wind, take me to the dining hall!" (A/N I forgot to mention that Jack still has all his powers, except without immortality, because then he would have to go to Hogwarts in year 7 EVERY SINGLE YEAR)

Sadly, it took me through the window and along the outer side of the wall. The students screamed and pointed, their voices muted by bricks and glass. That made me think though. Do these people believe in me? Or has Hogwarts cast a spell to make them see me? I shook off the bad feeling that it was option 2. Of course all these people believe in me! Why else would they befriend me?

The wind blew open the windows and set me down gently in the dining hall. I slid in between a blonde haired girl and a jet black haired first year. They greeted me warmly. Dinner hadn't started so the Houses were mixing, Ravenclaws at the Hufflepuff table, Slytherins at the Gryffindor tables, blue plus yellow makes green, poodles are fluffy, chocolate cake is delicious. You name a house, it was talking to another one.

That one moment I decided to do what I had been dreading: apologizing to Hiccup. But when I got over to do what had to be done, something I never thought I would see, I saw. Hiccup was fighting. And not just anyone, he was fighting a girl, a girl I remembered.



Rapunzel POV

I ran over to Eugene, skirting around the red haired girl and Hiccup, the boy Eugene and I sat with on the train. They were unmatched opponents, as Hiccup was almost falling over his feet. Merida, however, was very prepared. He hands were protecting her face.

"What's happening?" I asked Eugene. He groaned.

"My friend Hiccup here," he gestured to Hiccup, "is getting totally smashed by Miss Perfect Gryffindor over here." He was right. There was no way that Hiccup could win.

Then Merida swung the first punch, right to the side of his head. Hiccup fell, but was back on his feet. He whipped a sword out of his cloak. He swung it round gracefully, and it ignited. Merida pulled a sword of her own out, but it look measly compared to the Inferno.

They sparred, and it was a flurry of metal and flame. Then there was a crash. A fleet of Scauldrons smashed through the walls and the windows. Merida's confident look turned to shock, then fear. She ran, the big oak doors opening for her to leave through.

Hiccup too looked shocked. The Scauldrons nudged him, looking for fish.

"Who sent you?" Hiccup murmured. Then he saw everyone looking at him. "What? go back to eating, or, you know, whatever you were doing." He turned back to the Scauldrons, stroking one absentmindedly.

I walked up to him.

"Um, excuse me?" I asked.

"Mm?" Hiccup looked at me, but it seemed like he didn't see me. He scratched the Scauldron's head, and it purred. "Hey, actually, could you do me a favour? my friends Jack and Astrid, two Slytherins, could you and Eugene go get them? Thanks." He paid no attention to us. I cleared my throat.

"On one condition," I replied. "I want to come too." He looked at me, eyebrows raised.

"Well, if you sure." He gestured to a violet scauldron that was hanging round the back of the pack. "She's yours. You'll tame her when you come back. Now hurry up, or there'll be nothing we can do!"

I nodded and gestured at Eugene to come with me. We walked confidently to the Slytherin table. "So, um, who are theses people again?" I whispered to Eugene.

He pointed to two figures. One a blonde with braided hair and a messy fringe, and the other a tall, white haired boy.

"You take Snowy, I'll take Braid." Eugene whispered back. I nodded.

I walked up to 'Snowy' and tapped his shoulder. "Um, excuse me?" I asked.

"Hmm? Oh, hi missy," he said. "What ya doin' here?"

"Uh, Jack Frost, right?" Ugh I sounded like I wanted his autograph or something. Be braver Rapunzel! "Your friend Hiccup needs you. And he said you better come quickly."

"Alright." He shrugged and stood up. "Where is he?"

"Just look for the dragons," I said cheerfully. Mission success! I mean, I thought it would take a lot longer than that. We walked over to Hiccup, who had sat on a blue scauldron's neck.

"Alright guys, um, Jack, can you teach Rapunzel there how to tame a dragon? Hers is the violet one in the back. Yours is this one here. Astrid's out there with Eugene and a green one. Tame them and we'll be ready to go." Jack nodded, processing all the information quick.

He grabbed me by the shoulders and steered me through the Scauldrons. I felt my face heat up. Why am I blushing? it's it like I like him or anything...

Jack let go of my shoulders. "Alright, now walk up to the dragon, slowly, you don't want to scare it..." I looked up to see a big violet dragon with inquisitive eyes stare back at me. I did as Jack said. The scauldron started steeping forward too. I breathed a sigh of relief. The scauldron sucked the warm air up in its nose.

"Slowly, very slowly, put your hand up. The scauldron should push his face into it. Then it will be safe to get on his back." Jack instructed. I shut my eyes and raised my arm. I felt a warm pressure in it. I opened my eyes to see a big, black-brown pair staring back at me.

"Good job!" Jack smiled approvingly. I smiled back warmly. "I gotta go get my scauldron now. See you, Rapunzel!" Jack ran and disappeared into the Scauldrons. I sighed and tentatively swung my leg over my Scauldron's neck. She stayed perfectly still so I gave her a scratch as a reward.

"Is everyone ready to go?" Hiccup rose above the Scauldrons. I nodded and shouted "YES!" I heard Eugene, then Jack, and last Astrid shout their reply.

"Then let's go!" The Scauldrons rose above the floor. A sense of fear, but also thrill, filled me. My Scauldron's wings beat and the wing blew my hair. I imagined doing this with my hair at fifty feet long, but I couldn't. Then, we were off.

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