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Cash: I like that thing you said in the main chat room about the Keisha murder. I have the same opinion, but when I suggest it in other forums, people call me a conspiracy theorist.

Luvvie: Hey, conspiracies don't come from nowhere! I also think it's pretty obvious in the video. You can hear her say 'help me'. Keisha was there with those people, they can't deny it.

Cash: I know, right! She was there, so if her friends didn't kill her, they know what happened to her. For some reason, they aren't talking. Wow, I haven't ever spoken to anyone who watches true crime documentaries in the way that I do. I have to admit I've been watching your comments for a while now.

Luvvie: You have? I don't know if I should be flattered or worried. I tend to let loose on Darkside. I don't hold back with my opinions. There aren't many places in the world where I can do that without being seen as weird.

Cash: Friends who don't try to solve unsolved crimes aren't real friends. LOL.

Luvvie: That's what I think as well. Some people just don't get it. Is that what brought you to this chat room as well?

Cash: I've been using this chat room for ages. I don't remember what drew me here in the first place.

Luvvie: You can't remember what turned you over to the Darkside? Shocking!

Cash: Should I hand my membership back now?

Luvvie: No way! Who will I share my theories with then? Now you've started this private chat with me, you're going to have to put up with me bouncing ideas off you all the time.

Cash: I think I can handle that.

Luvvie: Good, because I wanted to talk to you about the Cat Strangler...

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