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Luvvie: Do you love me still? I remember when you used to say it every day.

Cash: Why would you ask that?

Luvvie: I don't know. Something just feels off. I can't explain it.

Cash: You're paranoid. I haven't changed.

Luvvie: I don't know if I am. Even when you were here last, it wasn't the same.

Cash: We were just getting out the wrong end of an argument. Of course things will feel different. But I don't want to talk about that anymore. I just want to move on.

Luvvie: So, we shouldn't talk about what happened?

Luvvie: If you don't want to, it's fine. I just want to know.

Luvvie: I'm sorry, Cash. I love you. I won't mention it again.

Cash: I came to visit you. We talked, argued a bit, then had sex. Afterwards I went home. I don't get what the fuck you're on about and I have to admit it's pissing me off. Was it the sex? Did you not like it? Maybe it was a bit more...mechanical than before...

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